
It's kChan(◕ω◕❤

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Haha hmm...I'm not very good at introductions but I'll try ^^...

~Random Info~

My name is Christine Chanel (not related to the fashion line XD). Hmm....I'm 22 and Korean! I came to the US when I was 4 years old and live in Cali now, attending UC Berkeley! Not really sure what to major in yet haha, I've got my 120 hours but still undeclared =w=...

~Hobbies and Stuffs~

Well I'm totally in love with fashion so a lot of my friends call me a fashionista haha XD, I like experimenting with wild styles and trying to make different crazy combinations work! I absolutely adore dancing and music in general, I mostly do hip hop but enjoy contemporary as well! Hmm....I like working out and staying in shape, and maintaining a healthy life style!

I totally LOVE music games, I've played DDR, Step Mania, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, and all of the other main stream music games. Some of the more uncommon games I've played include Mstar and kGroove! I can't live without music, so why not make a game out of it?! ^^...

This is my first real music game of this style where you have to combine fast hand eye coordination and mouse clicking haha, I haven't played that much but I'm already totally addicted ^^~! I'm not very good but I hope to get better...I'm kinda good at some other games but not really aha =w=!

~Conclusion...? XD~

I guess Ill leave a photo just for fun haha xD

I hope you didn't die of boredom reading my introduction =w= ! My in game username is kChanel if you wanna play or something, otherwise I'll just work on not sucking haha! (:

Well hello there kChanel, and welcome to osu! ^w^
Well hello kChanel, nice introduction. Welcome to osu! :D
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Thanks guys haha! ^^
Welcome to osu!. I hope you enjoy your stay with us here on the forum/game.

Let me know if you have any questions regarding anything in the game, I'll be more than happy to help by PM.
Welcome to osu! and its forums.
hi welcome to the forums
welcome and enjoy your stay here!
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Thanks guys I hope to see you in game! ^~^
Hi and welcome~ :3
hi kanye west
sank u 4 praying
welcome :3
My Dearest_old
Welcome~ (:
Welcome to the community. :)
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