
Hello o/

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hi hi everybodies!!!
I'm Saiyo-chan and i just happened to stumble here and already started and am kinda addicted to osu now even though i kinda sucks >.>
well i mean atleast i got a few C's >.>
still working on a B <.<
but anycheddar nice to meet all of you! ^^
Hi there!

Don't worry about your level, nobody can be a pro the first day, especially in that very challenging game :)

Saiyokuro wrote:

Are you- are you some sort of cheese being?
Hello there! Don't worry if you aren't getting the scores you wanted. Just keep practicing ^^ Those C's will soon turn into B's and eventually A's or even S ranks ^w^ Just keep working at it.
Welcome welcome.
welcome to osu! you can contact with me in game if you want :)
Dont worry yourself too much about getting the greatest ranks ever at first. I got nothing but C's and D's at first XD Anyway, keep practicing and having fun. ^_^ We should play together some time
Welcome to Osu!
Hope u enjoy it here
Hey and welcome!
And like the others already sad, don't worry about your ranks, nobody is good from the beginning. Having fun is more important than that (:
Also, when you have a question or something like that, then just ask someone here. We are all nice people! (:
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hehe thanks everyones and yeah i know ranks aren't much, but it's just super challenging at first cause i'm still getting used to everything. that danged spinner always messes me up too, every time >.>
but regardless it's so fun and addicting and and i have a question i'll make sure to ask, and maybe once i get a bit more experience it'd be great to play with some of you all ^^

also yes to answer an earlier question i'm the best cheddar being ever! \(0o0)/ haha
Welcome Welcome.

SharinganGirl wrote:

And like the others already sad, don't worry about your ranks, nobody is good from the beginning.

Furthermore, I would recommend making an Avatar soon, this way it's easier to recognize you
in the Forums/ Multiplayer/ Community.
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