
[CTB] Normal HR pattern while playing CTB specific diffs

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +14
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Same as this:

Rubytic wrote:

In a standard mode when we use HR, circle become smaller, hiigh AR, and hard to get high acc
Also at taiko mode when we use HR, Note comes faster, and also hard to get high acc
CTB mode when we use HR, Fruit comes faster and becomes smaller, and also hard to get high acc(Because ryuuta also becomes smaller)
But there's one thing more changes while playing HR. That is fruits' pattern becomes stranger

Below the screenshot is what I want to say the problem

(Ryuuta became small and fruit comes faster and smaller but patterns so complicated that only a few people fc this and also they even need lots of luck)

The normal pattern should be like this

(Ryuuta small fruit comes faster and smaller but patterns normal so many people now have a chance to fc this with HR)

If fruit changes like that while HR there's some positive effects.

1. Mod selection will be more variety
In standard or taiko, there are variety of mod selection if you just memory notes, we can even put HD+HR+FL at the song
But in a current CTB, HR+HD is 99% possible limit mod selection so when like HR+FL or HR+HD+FL mod comes everyone says this record is hack
So if HR pattern changes normal we can choose more mods that's positive change

2. It deletes 99% impossible jumps or patterns
Though it's just a stream pattern, all fruits changed the pattern strangely so it's almost impossible to fc
Because of the hyperdash patch at Jan.15 Catcher can eat some patterns very difficult nowadays
Problem 3
Like this pattern D:
So becomeing normal pattern will make play CTB more comfortably

Also there will be some opposite opinion
1. Standard and taiko is 1.06 and CTB is 1.12 so its strange pattern deserves
Refutation → Standard is using mouse or tablet so the movement is more free than CTB also taiko is just distinguishing red note and blue note it doesn't change any patterns while HR. But in CTB, ryuuta's movement is limit, its velocity is limit so though we all memorized patterns, because of the limitation of the ryuuta's movement it's still hard to catch(When HR pattern becomes normal, still ar becomes faster so needs some memorizing but the ryuuta's movement doesn't allow to go fruit by fruit easily) That's why still changing normal pattern deserves x1.12

2. How about at the AR10 song?
Refutation → Also at the standard mod note smaller needs high acc skill but AR still almost fine
CTB the same, ryuuta smaller so needs high acc skill and fruits smaller but AR still fine it doesn't matter I think

Sorry for the bad English but my opinion is that change the fruits pattern normally at CTB mode thanks

Drafura wrote:

VelperK wrote:

My thoughts are that this behaviour wheter is intended or not, is good.
I explain why: when you look up to Taiko, standard and osu!mania you will notice how they need you to hit a certain key in the correct rhythm of the beats. Since in CtB the translation from standard CtB to HR CtB isn't quite big then this change comes along to add more rhythm factor to the "boring" streams in standard. You need to press your dash with more precision to catch all those fruits with HR, because that's why its called HR, to be more precision demanding.
This only works for standard converted maps imo. CtB maps are (supposed) to already give a bigger amount of rythm patterns than converted standard offers. So basically this change would be a good thing for CtB specifics (actually add jumps in non appropirate patterns) and a bad thing for converted maps (actually add jumps making the map funnier to play most of the time).
I support.
No this is the another discrimination
There is a person who can't do well at taiko diff even he is a taiko user
Also there is a person who can't do well at ctb diff even he is a ctb user
So we don't give a chance to play HR to them? That's ridiculous
This is still unfair to them it doesn't give clear answer
Last Remnant_old
I don't support

Last Remnant wrote:

I don't support
Please tell us why ...
Last Remnant_old
Well I said it in the previous thread, and I hold the opinion for the CTB specifics as well. Changing something for only one part of the songs won't work in my eyes. I think if you already want this (a quick digression: taiko-only beatmaps will never convert sliders to beats, so its something similar as we have here), then it makes more sense to reset all scores on already existing CTB-only diffs, as there aren't many, and those ppl who did HR can do it again even easier.

I just think it is better as it is, because it adds some game variety like if you can't play hard patterns but you can read high ARs, you can try going HR in hope to have easier jumps (or hypers instead of pixeljumps).

Last Remnant wrote:

Well I said it in the previous thread, and I hold the opinion for the CTB specifics as well. Changing something for only one part of the songs won't work in my eyes. I think if you already want this (a quick digression: taiko-only beatmaps will never convert sliders to beats, so its something similar as we have here), then it makes more sense to reset all scores on already existing CTB-only diffs, as there aren't many, and those ppl who did HR can do it again even easier.

I just think it is better as it is, because it adds some game variety like if you can't play hard patterns but you can read high ARs, you can try going HR in hope to have easier jumps (or hypers instead of pixeljumps).
I see, to be honest, I'm against of all of this shit, why we need a change here? everything is perfect, but a guy who can't beat kenji is crying .. meh.
Harp Note

Rubytic wrote:

No this is the another discrimination
There is a person who can't do well at taiko diff even he is a taiko user
Also there is a person who can't do well at ctb diff even he is a ctb user
So we don't give a chance to play HR to them? That's ridiculous
This is still unfair to them it doesn't give clear answer
Like easy/normal diffs weren't enough... easy? They would be affected with your request too. The most reasonable way, if not the only, is implementing the SoftRock mod (That I don't support btw).

You know, not all revolves around really hard maps.

About the actual request, I really can't say much, so I'm neutral in this.

Rubytic wrote:

No this is the another discrimination
There is a person who can't do well at taiko diff even he is a taiko user
Also there is a person who can't do well at ctb diff even he is a ctb user
So we don't give a chance to play HR to them? That's ridiculous
This is still unfair to them it doesn't give clear answer
I can't use DT in Standard Mode because it's too fast, so why not make it slower or add a new mod where DT is slower and gives x1.06 so everyone can have a chance to use it?

srsly...where is the skill if we make everything easier?
Topic Starter
Did you guys even read the final part of the original post
Harp Note
If you are talking about me then you are wrong, I was responding to Rubytic's post.

And I'm neutral in this because CTB diffs are enough hard for me, putting HR with my current ability is just hilarious lol So, in this case my opinion doesn't matter, but I understand that you would want to mantain the "normal" patterns when using HR for CTB diffs, still, the idea of HR is making the maps more hard, and I would prefer that for all cases.

Rubytic wrote:

So we don't give a chance to play HR to them? That's ridiculous
This is still unfair to them it doesn't give clear answer
As I said I never heard about someone who can't play HR due to these pattern changes. This is the answer. You know nobody is against you or something but you need solid arguments to make something happend in this game, and I'm telling this from my own experience.

Anyway, I obviously support this request. The actual HR in ctb for ctb specifics is like adding random big notes in taiko specifics or modifying the spacing of all objects in standard mode, I remember this thread about the (old) new slider shapes wich get something like 4 pages in an hour and get immediatly removed cause little sliders wasn't customable to the pixel.

Well since it affects the CtB mapping I doubt something happen with this cause sadly not enough people care about this.

Rubytic wrote:

No this is the another discrimination
There is a person who can't do well at taiko diff even he is a taiko user
Also there is a person who can't do well at ctb diff even he is a ctb user
So we don't give a chance to play HR to them? That's ridiculous
This is still unfair to them it doesn't give clear answer
This is not unfair lol, if someone cannot play something well it's because he needs more skill, we cannot penalize players who instead have skill only because noobs exist.
Stop this moral, thank you.

And I'm talking as a HR noob.

reason is , because CTB map are maked for enjoyable first , so if a ctb player want a more experienced playing the CTB , this HR updates makes that happens.
also think about this ( there's a CTB map that fun & challengeable for playing with normal mod , but when it plays with HR , it'll worst & unfcable. so there's maybe many opinion for player that CTB map is not fun & suck to play.that's why i hope this feature will make both CTB player & Mapper/Modder more experienced & better)

urs4chan wrote:


reason is , because CTB map are maked for enjoyable first , so if a ctb player want a more experienced playing the CTB , this HR updates makes that happens.
also think about this ( there's a CTB map that fun & challengeable for playing with normal mod , but when it plays with HR , it'll worst & unfcable. so there's maybe many opinion for player that CTB map is not fun & suck to play.that's why i hope this feature will make both CTB player & Mapper/Modder more experienced & better)
First off, right now every map is fceable, second, the patterns doesn't change THAT much to say that the map will get worst.
For me, the only reason of why HR is hard is because AR10, weird patterns as ruby said are hard, but you can learn and get better from them.

eldnl wrote:

urs4chan wrote:


reason is , because CTB map are maked for enjoyable first , so if a ctb player want a more experienced playing the CTB , this HR updates makes that happens.
also think about this ( there's a CTB map that fun & challengeable for playing with normal mod , but when it plays with HR , it'll worst & unfcable). so there's maybe many opinion for player that CTB map is not fun & suck to play.that's why i hope this feature will make both CTB player & Mapper/Modder more experienced & better)
First off, right now every map is fceable, second, the patterns doesn't change THAT much to say that the map will get worst.
For me, the only reason of why HR is hard is because AR10, weird patterns as ruby said are hard, but you can learn and get better from them.
yap , that's what's i mean , i hope this feature makes the CTB diff + HR are harder just becuase for the High AR & the circle got smaller. but the pattern stays or mirrored like in std. so that's why It'll make the CTB diff are more specified & enjoyable for CTB players, especially for playing with harder mods.

( there's a CTB map that fun & challengeable for playing with normal mod , but when it plays with HR , it'll worst & unfcable)

sorry for specifying the topic , it just a random(opinion) experience when i play some maps that hard & impossible to fc with HR. but in general, CTB specifc diff/ map are must 100% when it try with auto mod, including hr, so i think this will make a change & another inspiration for ctb mapping too :D

urs4chan wrote:

yap , that's what's i mean , i hope this feature makes the CTB diff + HR are harder just becuase for the High AR & the circle got smaller. but the pattern stays or mirrored like in std. so that's why It'll make the CTB diff are more specified & enjoyable for CTB players, especially for playing with harder mods.

( there's a CTB map that fun & challengeable for playing with normal mod , but when it plays with HR , it'll worst & unfcable)

sorry for specifying the topic , it just a random(opinion) experience when i play some maps that hard & impossible to fc with HR. but in general, CTB specifc diff/ map are must 100% when it try with auto mod, including hr, so i think this will make a change & another inspiration for ctb mapping too :D
hmm mirrored, that sounds good.
-[ DamnAll ]-
+1. Totally support dis. :P
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