
Morality and [unwritten] etiquette of modding

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What defines a fine mod and what defines a bad one? I'm sure we all had this question at some point of our time being a mapper and as a modder at the same time. Is a mod considered "good" as long as it somehow helped make significant changes to a map even at the risk of mentally "injuring" the creator in the process? Moral conscience and empathy are universal, that's why humanity somehow did fine getting through up until this point; so I'm guessing your answer to that question earlier is "no".

Just yesterday, I witnessed a troubling event taking place on a certain set. It's about a modder giving his subjective / "constructive" suggestions for the map while putting some pressure on the creator. Screenshot for context:

image 3

So based on the images above, how would you judge this kind of behavior as a mapper and as a modder yourself? Do you find this annoying or even sad that incidents like this occurs in the mapping community? Or do you just shrug it off and see this as a form of 2021 humor? Or neutral?


Personally, I find this behavior disheartening as it creates a bad image of the mapping community itself. Newbie mappers like we were once would be hesitant of even getting to know the beauty of mapping. I used to be terrified of mods (a little even now) and it also took a courage just getting a BN's opinion.

Second, it puts a mental strain / pressure on the mapper-- admit it there's an instant where you want to please a modder's suggestion by applying his mod even though deep down you don't think its helpful.


Is this kind of behavior acceptable? Do we just write it off as a form of "comedy"? Should this be labeled only as "playful, friendly" taunts? Or is this topic so pointless and tell [me] to "grow up, face reality"? Or is this particular incident not be taken seriously since it looks like it's modded by a prepubescent kid? I don't think this is not a matter of telling people to get accustomed or be mature in things like this and I think it's wrong to tell people that. It's a matter of morality.

I think etiquette and proper manners in modding should also be emphasized and reminded in the Modding Mentorship Program in order to create a healthy environment for both parties. If by chance this is a part of GMT's jurisdiction, what their take and their conclusion regarding this particular incident (or any related events) should be of no concern to me; this is just a call in order for our community to veer in the good and right direction.


If ever you're curious or this is your type of pastime entertainment, I politely ask that you don't try to search which set this was or who the users were in the image shown. Please refrain from doing so; it's not good for both parties. If you ever found the discussion by accident, do not link it on this thread and keep it confidential.
Sophie Twilight
May I have the mapset in the pictures? Also, pin this mod

To me, the modder honestly seems very ego with his fake ass "i'll be a little harsh here but please don't take to heart" excuses to destroy the mapper's spirit. What's with the "fucking", "ugly ass" "stupid" and even fucking autism?? HELLO??? This is straight up shitting the map AND the mapper .Not okay at all. I really want to see who the fuck this is so I can block him, way too aggressive and forceful. My worst type.

"im a genius" imagine saying that to himself, really ego holy shit. Disgusting.

My view:
This nowhere near to "acceptable". Etiquette may be something it's value is highly exaggerated as long the mod is useful, but know the limit. Even the nice-but-useless advises can improve the mapper much more than edgy-wannabe shittalks proclaiming to be "mods". Because I really put my heart and passion into the effort of mapping every of my maps, this extremely offends me. Any mapper with effort in his mapping will do his best to not get rejected, moreover lowering the map as if it is beyond trash? Anyone claiming this as "comedy" are just purely senseless kids at puberty with edgy humor. Immature. This should be the focus to modding rather than the helpfulness of the mods.
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- Mahiro - wrote:

May I have the mapset in the pictures? Also, pin this mod
Sorry bro, I want to keep the identities hidden if possible to prevent any attacks or hate comments on the modder. Though if a GMT requests it, it's a different matter.
Sophie Twilight

Asphiee wrote:

- Mahiro - wrote:

May I have the mapset in the pictures? Also, pin this mod
Sorry bro, I want to keep the identities hidden if possible to prevent any attacks or hate comments on the modder. Though if a GMT requests it, it's a different matter.
you should blur the edited part too if you intend to hide his name, good now I can block him and tell him to fuck off from my maps.
Topic Starter

- Mahiro - wrote:

Asphiee wrote:

- Mahiro - wrote:

May I have the mapset in the pictures? Also, pin this mod
Sorry bro, I want to keep the identities hidden if possible to prevent any attacks or hate comments on the modder. Though if a GMT requests it, it's a different matter.
you should blur the edited part too if you intend to hide his name, good now I can block him and tell him to fuck off from my maps.
Oh heavens, thanks for pointing it out. I messed up a ton T_T
imo just being nice to people you dont know is basic decency but /shrug
the images you linked are definitely not something you should just go out and post (assuming the mapper and modder don't know eachother, context matters a lot), and if that person were to apply for bn with these mods, they'd surely be rejected purely cause of the huge amount of derogatory words theyre using in the post. yea i would rather not have this person mod my map if they'd just fill their mods with unnecessary insults that can be taken harshly by more sensitive people, and even take away the helpfulness that should be the main focus when modding

Asphiee wrote:

What defines a fine mod and what defines a bad one?
to answer this question, the two things i look at when people ask me to look at their mods is
- the content of the mod itself (basically knowing how mapping works and pushing the map youre modding towards that point)
- how it is written (including but not limited to how your mod is structured, the specific terms you're using, etc)
both of them are pretty important, but fixing a bad writing style is much more easier than fixing a lack of knowledge
Sophie Twilight

Asphiee wrote:

- Mahiro - wrote:

Asphiee wrote:

- Mahiro - wrote:

May I have the mapset in the pictures? Also, pin this mod
Sorry bro, I want to keep the identities hidden if possible to prevent any attacks or hate comments on the modder. Though if a GMT requests it, it's a different matter.
you should blur the edited part too if you intend to hide his name, good now I can block him and tell him to fuck off from my maps.
Oh heavens, thanks for pointing it out. I messed up a ton T_T
B-by that, I mean the main mod's Last edited by - 15 hours ago
Topic Starter

- Mahiro - wrote:

Asphiee wrote:

- Mahiro - wrote:

Asphiee wrote:

- Mahiro - wrote:

May I have the mapset in the pictures? Also, pin this mod
Sorry bro, I want to keep the identities hidden if possible to prevent any attacks or hate comments on the modder. Though if a GMT requests it, it's a different matter.
you should blur the edited part too if you intend to hide his name, good now I can block him and tell him to fuck off from my maps.
Oh heavens, thanks for pointing it out. I messed up a ton T_T
B-by that, I mean the main mod's Last edited by - 15 hours ago
Facepalm, im drunk. there was still another one
Modding with this behaviour is unacceptable and should be reported as they clearly break the rules of the Code of conduct here wiki/en/Rules/Code_of_Conduct_for_Modding_and_Mapping

and yea een above explained it all ^^
Modder has no clue what autism actually is.

Also, personally If I ever got a mod like this, honestly would hurt me quite a bit. Anxiety gives me issues just receiving decent mods. It would really make it quite a bit harder than it already is for me to ask for more mods and I'd probably be turned off of mapping for a while.
Sophie Twilight

WitherMite wrote:

Modder has no clue what autism actually is.

Also, personally If I ever got a mod like this, honestly would hurt me quite a bit. Anxiety gives me issues just receiving decent mods. It would really make it quite a bit harder than it already is for me to ask for more mods and I'd probably be turned off of mapping for a while.
just another edgy kid using medical term without even understanding what it is except for general and common knowledge of "autism = retarded"

Also relatable, as an autistic child (at least during childhood), communicating with people at different status even for very slightly is a huge bad flag for my mental health
Zelzatter Zero
I cringe over the contents inside the images, even if it's sarcasm (yes I went all out searching the discussion to see the context and I can say that it's just a joke between the modder and mapper). This is something that grinds my gear for a very long time, since it crossed the line between sarcasm and straight up insults.

Anyway I've already reported the mod, should be fine now.
i like how there is not one, not two, but THREE important details that weren't censored
Sophie Twilight

Zelzatter Zero wrote:

I cringe over the contents inside the images, even if it's sarcasm (yes I went all out searching the discussion to see the context and I can say that it's just a joke between the modder and mapper). This is something that grinds my gear for a very long time, since it crossed the line between sarcasm and straight up insults.

Anyway I've already reported the mod, should be fine now.
Modder meant it as a joke, mapper took it as an insult

- Mahiro - wrote:

Zelzatter Zero wrote:

I cringe over the contents inside the images, even if it's sarcasm (yes I went all out searching the discussion to see the context and I can say that it's just a joke between the modder and mapper). This is something that grinds my gear for a very long time, since it crossed the line between sarcasm and straight up insults.

Anyway I've already reported the mod, should be fine now.
Modder meant it as a joke, mapper took it as an insult
it doesnt read as a joke and even if it did this isnt how you want to act toward someone you dont know at all. modder is a huge ass
Sophie Twilight

[LS]PositoniX wrote:

- Mahiro - wrote:

Zelzatter Zero wrote:

I cringe over the contents inside the images, even if it's sarcasm (yes I went all out searching the discussion to see the context and I can say that it's just a joke between the modder and mapper). This is something that grinds my gear for a very long time, since it crossed the line between sarcasm and straight up insults.

Anyway I've already reported the mod, should be fine now.
Modder meant it as a joke, mapper took it as an insult
it doesnt read as a joke and even if it did this isnt how you want to act toward someone you dont know at all. modder is a huge ass
yeah, idk what is going through the modder's head to think this as a joke www

sounds like a poor excuse
Just imagine that you're in this mappers position.
How did you feel??

If i'm in that position (just assume the mapper is newbie mapper). I would cry,angry,sad and possibly quit mapping all together

Zelzatter Zero wrote:

Anyway I've already reported the mod, should be fine now.
Thank you very much
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