
Research on Rhythm Games for College

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Hopefully this is allowed to be posted here, sorry if it isn't, thought this would be the best topic for it.

I am currently working on my first year games design final major project at college, this requires performing audience research. As I have chosen to create a rhythm game for this unit I figured this would be a good place to share the questionnaire I created

Edit: Link removed, Thanks to everyone who answered
Also whoops, didn't realise I don't get notifications for this so I didn't see that it was broken initially
cant see that without a work or school microsoft account.

yea use gf instead
i was trying to do that the hour it was posted, but i don't have a work or school account

i don't think my alt google accounts could even work here

op pls we can't help with yo schoolwork if we can't even get pass the entrance point
i got on to it so i guess my answer should've been submitted correctly my friend ^^

it's kinda longer then i expected but i hope u like my response lols
Are the form settings set so the submissions are anonymous? I'm not really in the mood to give my full name + email to a stranger on the osu forums. GL regardless, hope you get the data you need.
filled the form owo

I think I answered a pattern instead of a type of notes but ok
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