
This, my friends, is an introduction.

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Welll, I'm Akimari, you can just call me Aki though. I'm 15 years old and I love Madoka Magica with all my heart and soul. (Anime too for that matter.)

I'm pretty new to osu so I'm not that good, just a heads up. If you wanna know more about me or talk to me or anything, I have my Skype and MyAnimeList up on my profile. (Though I prefer Skype) Feel free to add me on this site too because I really need friends.
Welcome! You seem like a person who'd fit perfectly in this community. And your confession in off-topic nearly got me in tears.

Added you, by the way. Feel free to message me anytime. I'm probably too shy to start conversations myself.

E: I can't find your Skype anywhere, not that it matters for me as I very VERY rarely use it.
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Static Noise Bird wrote:

Welcome! You seem like a person who'd fit perfectly in this community. And your confession in off-topic nearly got me in tears.

Added you, by the way. Feel free to message me anytime. I'm probably too shy to start conversations myself.

E: I can't find your Skype anywhere, not that it matters for me as I very VERY rarely use it.
Yaay, that makes me feel more welcome here.~ And man, I wasn't expecting it to touch people, I'm glad it did though.

Added ya right back. Don't worry man, I'm pretty shy too. That's weird though that you can't find my Skype, but if you rarely use it then it's not much of a loss.

Thanks for the warm welcome!
I added you as well, and like SNB, I can't find your Skype anywhere. >:( ! But that's okay, I sent you my ID through PM.
Y u gotta be so touching in confession thread? Welcome anyhow, hope you enjoy it here!

And if it ever comes down to it, you can always talk to any of us if you're feeling down.
Hey Aki, and welcome. So, enjoy yourself and stuff, I look forward to seeing you around :3

Madoka <3
Hey and welcome the osu! and the Forums. :)
Hope you find a lot of new friends here! :)
Oh don't worry, you fit perfectly in the community. Go ahead and chat with me if you want. Enjoy osu!, both the the community and the game!
Your confession is touching. Had me in tears.

Anyway. Before I start being weird and creepy, welcome to osu! and its forums! I love Madoka Magica as well (so much that my current osu! skin is Madoka Magica). I added you, and I'll probably be bothering you for a chat occasionally cause that's how I roll.
Welcome to the forums! I saw your post in the Confess thread, and was also touched by it.

I hope you enjoy your time with us here on osu! -- both on the forums and in-game! I'm sure you'll fit right in with the rest of us here (looks like you already are!).

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions pertaining the game or the forums. I'm looking forward to seeing you around! :D
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Ahh, I can't believe so many people were touched by it. I know I said this, but again, I'm glad that I was able to touch you all with that little story. And a big thanks to all of you for the warm welcome! I hope to see you around. c:
Just like everyone else here, I was very touched by your confession. Hope you're having a good life now!
Well anyway, welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy your stay. ~

Edit: just saw your MAL and noticed that you like Pandora Hearts. I officially love you.
same as what everyone else said ~ and welcome :D
Welcome and nice to meet you!

I added you, so drop by #osu ingame or pm me sometime, we could probably get to know each other better then.

You'll be perfectly fine here :)
Welcome. You'll have no problems keeping up with the crowd (seeing as there isn't much of one anyways)

Akimari wrote:

I'm pretty new to osu so I'm not that good
Welcome to osu and the forums! I'm sure you'll find loads of new friends here. Dont worry about 'not being that good'. It just takes a bit of time / practice. :)
Doesn't matter if one is not good, as long as the game is enjoyable.
hi there~ :3
Welcome to osu! Hope you have a great time here. (I'd also totally add you on skype if I knew what it is)
You can still have fun if you're still not awesome at this game yet, well at least I did. With time and practice while also having fun, you will definitely get better. :)

Though even if you add me I don't play osu mode but I do play taiko mode, so we wouldn't be able to play together. :|
welcome to osu! i hope you enjoy your stay and if you need anything you can hit me up
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