
Q: Very Slightly Modifying O2Jam (For Colorblind Reasons)

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I've been using O2Jam for osu!mania for a few months and love it, except for one thing. I've started learning 7K and the space bar notes look exactly the same as the adjacent notes (F & J if using standard keybindings). What I'd love to know is how to modify the skin and just change the color of the space bar notes (no clue how, I've never skinned anything before). Is it easy enough to do or do I need an entire tutorial to do it? I'm proficient in Photoshop so making a new "graphic" or hue shifting the existing middle note skin seems easy enough. Any help would be appreciated!
PS: If there's a similar bar skin to O2Jam which also keeps the playspace off-centered, would it just be easier to find a new skin? I happily take suggestions, but I still love O2Jam, Thanks!
Right below where you select a skin there is a button that opens the skin's folder. You can use wiki/en/Skinning/osu%21mania to see what file name goes with each sprite. The sprites you're looking for would be: mania-noteS.png (Standard note) mania-noteSH.png (The beginning and end of a hold note) mania-noteSL.png (The middle of a hold note)
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