
Increase or Eliminate Level Cap [Added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +1
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I know that we don't exactly have a ridiculously high number of players who would be affected by this (and thus it's kind of a low priority for me, especially seeing as it doesn't apply to me yet personally anyway), and 99 is generally a pretty reasonable cap.

However, I would still like to see an increase in the experience level cap - or perhaps even eliminating it altogether - for those whose levels would be over 99 if they've earned enough experience.

I say let it go over 100 so we can all see where players really stand; if they have enough experience to be level 100 or greater, it should be so.
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I agree. It would be really nice.
Maybe making it 200?

matt. What do you mean by that..
Online offline all the time? O.o
I don't see the point of the level (right now) anyway - if you wanna know where players "really stand", check their total score via the profile.

It might need to be altered once level actually does something, though.

If osu! plans to stay on top of the competition we might have to break the 9999 level cap and introduce a fifth digit
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Well.. You say TOTAL SCORE..
We (CTB PLAYERS) dont get counted total score.... Only thing we can do is to get levels...
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Ranked score =/= Total score

The "Score:" you see in osu is Ranked Score, not Total
Oh i see.. So uhm.. Sry for hijacking the thread but uhm....
Playing RANKED maps in CTB isnt really ranked score? O.O?

But back to topic:

I think we should increase, see who has the highest level and plays most. :P Would be very interesting.

awp wrote:

If osu! plans to stay on top of the competition we might have to break the 9999 level cap and introduce a fifth digit
awp just wants a way to power level in a random map dungeon.

Lvl 99 should give you an achievment at least I think.
According to the online rankings, f0012979 has a skill level of 11 and 48200.05% efficiency. :o

I doubt s/he will be needing the level cap increasing for quite some time. :lol:
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