
What mapper is closest to my mapping style?

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Dark Cacao
Sorry if this is the wrong forum
Title says the question.
My beatmaps I want to show
beatmapsets/1373402#osu/2839380 (Expert)
beatmapsets/1310445#osu/2716444 (Easy)
hailie. take that as you will.
Also, me too I have the same question...

(Look every WIP and Pending maps in my profile).

Aiq wrote:

hailie. take that as you will.
cant tell if trolling or clueless lol

AFasterSlowpoke wrote:

You don't really have a style yet. If you keep mapping you'll slowly develop one, but right now the best I can do is classify you as the kind of new mapper that focuses solely on the lead instrument. That's not necessarily a good or bad thing, it's just how things are.

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Also, me too I have the same question...
You're in the same boat of not having much of a style yet, but you are clearly more experienced than op. The type of new mapper to use extremely consistent spacing with patterns ranging from vague to somewhat defined snaking around the playfield.

lewski wrote:

Aiq wrote:

hailie. take that as you will.
cant tell if trolling or clueless lol
kinda trolling, it's just that hailie aesthetics resemble new mappers
ah so both
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