
Graphic-Edits by Katze ★ ( open )

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under construction

Hello osu!-Community, my name is Kathi, and this is jackass my Graphic-Thread.
Some of you may know me from the german subforum, and I decided to start a new thread here, in the Art-Forum!
I figured that it doesn't hurt that much if you use Photoshop in your freetime, since I also need it for school, so here I am practicing.
For my freebies I mainly use Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Gimp 2.6.
If you are looking for examples for my work, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't have many, since I am a lazy cat.
The rules are basically the same as in the other threads but I'll write them down so you don't have to search for them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
★ If you request, please don't tell me to hurry up. I am a pretty lazy editor, and it may take some days until I finish your request.
Please keep in mind that I have a life outside this community.
★ Please don't request things in a short period of time. You can request a few things at the same time, but don't make extra posts for each request.
★ Explain what you want. If you tell me to make you a signature, I can't smell what you want it to look, so at least give me a picture.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I may post some examples for my work when I have time, but you'll see my "style" as soon as somebody requests.
So, I hope I'll help some people with this thread, and I hope you enjoy my work!
I'm looking forward to edit some stuff!
First! yay

I want with you an Couple Avatar to this Picture. Feel free to slap me at Skype. <3
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Hi waifu, I already slapped you on Skype, but here! *slaps again* <3

ich hätt gern n geiles hatsune miku banner wennde des hinkriegen würdest, wäre ganz nice^^

MFG: Takagashi
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Edit: Come on guys, request something. I have a bit of freetime now.
Other people get requests too /sobs
Okay here a request xD

Signature pls
Size: 560x115
Text: veniastcline

Make it awesome and thankies~~
Kathi~ <3

I'll request an avatar then. :3 I won't use it until I feel like changing this one though.

Size: 128x128

No text pls. Just a pretty avatar.
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You guys are saving me, thank you for requesting!


Hello <3

If something is not okay, don't hesitate and tell me!
Banner please :3


Remove the texts there and put my username instead.

Colors and font is up to you.

Katze wrote:

You guys are saving me, thank you for requesting!


If something is not okay, don't hesitate and tell me!
Umm, can you add 'veniastcline' somewhere in the pict? Well its okay if not, still looks so good! Thanks! :DD
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veniastcline wrote:

Katze wrote:

You guys are saving me, thank you for requesting!


If something is not okay, don't hesitate and tell me!
Umm, can you add 'veniastcline' somewhere in the pict? Well its okay if not, still looks so good! Thanks! :DD
Sorryyy, seems like I over-read that. Of course, I'll add it!

Katze wrote:

Hello <3

Thank you. <3
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I edited the post with the requests!



Hi Katze! o/

Könntest du auch solche Userpage-Banner machen wie bei kingkevin30 oder Nitojgrem?

Die Bilder für die jeweiligen Banner sind mir eigentlich relativ egal, einfach Anime bzw. Vocaloid Charaktere wären schon gut.

Banner: "Need A Mod?"; "Mod To-Do List"; "My Modding Queues"; "My Maps"; "Friends"; "About Me"; "Playstyle"; "Contact me"

Katze wrote:

veniastcline wrote:

Umm, can you add 'veniastcline' somewhere in the pict? Well its okay if not, still looks so good! Thanks! :DD
Sorryyy, seems like I over-read that. Of course, I'll add it!
Thank you so much! I love your edits! <3
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Requests updated!

@Deni: Ich hoffe sie gefallen dir, wenn du Änderungen willst, sag einfach bescheid.
Ja, sie gefallen mir sehr danke! :)
May I ask if my request is done? if yes, I can't find 'em ;w;
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nakimushineko wrote:

May I ask if my request is done? if yes, I can't find 'em ;w;
Sorry, I only did Deni's request because it wasn't so much work. Its very late now, and I'm already tired.
I'll finish your request after I came home from school tomorrow! I hope it's okay for you.
Ohs, I thought you're done with it and I just couldn't find it. Anyways it's okay, take your time. :3
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Requests are updated (on the previous page)!
@nakimushineko: I didn't knew which size you wanted so I made two.

Katze wrote:


Holy cow's. This is perf. I really reaaaally love it! You did a great job. Thanks a lot! ///

I'll save both.
hello c:

Size: 620 x 216
Text: Welcome

Couple avatar
Size: 128 x 128

I hope this isn't a big request or anything.
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Thats not a big request at all! Here you go;




Katze wrote:

Thats not a big request at all! Here you go;



Thank you so much <3
Hi Katze~ I never requested here o.o so let's give it a shot. :3

I would like to request you a banner for a modding queue. I don't know what size.. maybe similar as the userpage banners.

Image: ... oothie.jpg

Add text to it if possible: "fruit smoothies modding queue ". That's all, thank you! :)
Couple avatar please~

Here's the image:
Size: 128x128
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I'm really sorry for not answering and not doing requests.
The thing is, I've been sick the past few days, and I was sleeping 90% of the time.
I will finish both requests in the next days, I am really sorry for the delay!
I can wait. Get well soon :3
I want two avatars for us. Ahri for me, Lissandra for you. here

Put our Names there. hurr <3
userpage banner please <3

with this
or this
picture, select the one you like more :D

skype: mw2kemaro

thank you already~

Stefan wrote:

I want two avatars for us. Ahri for me, Lissandra for you. here

Put our Names there. hurr <3
What are these small white things called?
They're so cute I'm gonna die ;A;
They are called Poros and can be found in League of Legends.
Omfg, buttiful

Signature please
Image: ... -seifuku-s
Size: 560x115
Text: Keiti (You can add more text if you want idc)
Hey! I'd like a pair avatar with my good friend.
Size: Osu avatar size, if you could make it look like these: / or transparency
Text: Blonde Girl = Saebashi / Blue hair girl = Usamin (

Thank you.
wow your edits are so cool. o_o
I'm your fan now
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oh god you guys i thought nobody paid attention to my thread.. at all!
now i feel pretty bad that i was inactive for such a long time. i'll try to get my lazy ass
to do something and i hope you receive your requests very soon! i'm working on them
< making Promotion for ya per Userpage /runs
thread INACTIVE?

saebashi wrote:

thread INACTIVE?

I'll (partially) cover up for Katze if he/she/it allows me to. ... just had a slight urge to do something related to graphics.
I guess 80% of the credits goes to Katze and 20% to me.

It's Katzes thread afterall and I actually have no permissions to steal the requests, lols.

No but seriously. I will look after this thread when I have the urge or time to do graphic related stuff.

Oh... by the way, I'm extremely terrible at making super-kawaii-desu avatars (or anything that looks halfway decent).
Just as an info ahead.

NotEvenDoomMusic wrote:

Oh... by the way, I'm extremely terrible at making super-kawaii-desu avatars (or anything that looks halfway decent).
i don't believe you. that's a pretty nice avatar set :o
Ah well, since Katze doesn't have time to finish the requests and kindly asked for my help, I think I'll help out a little.
I'd be happy if anyone who requested here in the past and still have interest or wait for theirs to be done to request once again.

It would just relief me to know who still wants their request to be done or not so that I won't waste time into making something that someone doesn't want anymore in the first place.

Oh, also I would like to offer a paradigm which you can fill in with your request, please take that in mind because I heavily rely on guidance so that you will somewhat, like the result... or else it'll look bad and it doesn't fit your preferences.
Block of text incomming
Name: _________
File should be a: [o] Signature [o] Avatar [o] Profile Picture
Transparency: Yes/No
Size: _________
Shared Media: Yes/No
Partner: ________
Style: _________
Comment: _________

Attachment/s: _________

^ Copy that Above and fill in your details. This below will explain what those things actually mean and give you further instructions:

;;; Name:
It's obvious, just fill in your name if it's for you.

;;; File should be:
Note; please only check one box because I can't do all 3 at once, to check one just put an [x] instead of an [o]

;;; Transparency:
Self explanatory

;;; Size:
Be specific on that... for avatars though, I know that it's a static 128x128 and as for Signatures and Profile Pictures, it's up to you.

;;; Shared Media:
Means simply if you want the image to be shared so that it displays as a partner image... good examples are partner avatars.

;;; Partner:
Fill in the name of your partner/s who should receive one aswell.

;;; Style:
Why I need it and why it's up to you to tell me is that I can't read your mind or what you really need to be modified on your image
Or simply, see it as a rough sketch on how you imagine on how it should look like. If it should be looking flashy, dull, bright, dark, colourful, dynamic, rough and so forth. All that I can tell by just telling me how you would imagine the outcome to be. An example would look like this:
"I would prefer if you let the character stand out a little bit and place him in a very dark-ish theme... and I like to prefer the color red in combination of black"
please note; I do NOT accept the phrase: "It's up to you" in this scenario. At least, do the effort of 2-3 minutes and display your thought written in some simple sentences for me, who is volunteering to bring your ideas into canvas.
Thank you.

;;; Comment:
If you have some extra wishes, please state them here.
But also can be used if you want an additional text on your signature/profile picture.
Example would be like: "could you make rounded edges for the avatar/signature/profile pic?"
You can also use reference pictures on how you imagined the outcome.

;;; Attachment:
Your picture url that needs to be either cropped or changed. Basically, the fundamental thing. lols.

Sorry for the block of text but I think I have my own requirements when it comes to that...
The more accurate you are with your request, the chances are higher that you'll actually like it.

and a secondary sorry if this whole thing causes a major headache but yeah...
... also like I said, I'm not really good doing those "super kawaii megatron-desu" works and my tags afaik always looked weird but hope at least it in a satisfying scale to offer it to people.

additional info about borders; read if you are a border fan
I won't do borders around the whole signature, and likey on avatars (if necessary).
Reason is that I personally find (long) borders that wraps up a signature just takes it freedom to really "bloom and be unique amongst thousands".
It just doesn't really fit and IMO every picture that is made should tell a story or express something from the user, a story and feeling that is as unique as the one who received it.
Or do you see flashy borders in an art gallery of a museum... or even if you freshly took a picture?

tl;dr borders are ugly for large images and does make the outcome look unnatural, even if it's 1px of space it is disturbingly distracting.
please respect my opinion. Thank you.

That should be it, I guess.
Thanks for the time and hope it was clear to all.

PS: Sorry if I sound rude, but those are simple request I ask for people who are requesting here.
It's like doing people a favor... you are doing me a favor of adding more details than you usually do in your request and I'll return the favor by trying my best to use all of your given details into that work so that it will look like something you wanted.
Thanks again :c
<I somehow expect people to hate me more than they already doing now> ;_;
Thank you, I love the avatars.
@NotEvenDoomMusic : isn't it better if you ask Katze's permission first before you take people's request? Since this is Katze's thread ww

Senritsu wrote:

@NotEvenDoomMusic : isn't it better if you ask Katze's permission first before you take people's request? Since this is Katze's thread ww

"I wanted to thank you that you gave me a hand!
I would be very glad if you could take care of the requests for a brief while,
I would also edit the intro post and mention you! (:"

^ not gramatically perfect but I think you get the point

It's okay since I got the permission from Katze to do so.
lol i see~
goodluck both of you ww :3/
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Yo, I have freetime now, so feel free to request~

PLS MAEK IT MOE :------)
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I guess you can lock my thread since nobody is requesting anymore.
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