
Bugs with the new UI [confirmed]

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  1. Performance timeline overlaps everything

    performance timeline overlaps incorrectly

  2. Sharp elements even at 1080p with softening filter on

    Sharp elements even at 1080p with softening filter on

  3. Pause button doesn't turn into a play button in the jukebox and in multiplayer rooms
    [no screenshot needed]
    Pause button doesn't turn into a play button in the jukebox and in multiplayer rooms

  4. Some maps with custom skins only use certain numbers from the skin

    weird number occurrence under maps with custom skins

  5. Old HP bar displayed in skin select

    old hp bar in skin select

  6. Background Image/Video and Video Offset overlapping in editor

    In editor, design tab. Too close to each other.

  7. Default Watch Replay button always used when "Prefer new default" enabled

    Full Tablet wrote:

    In the result screens. If you select the checkbox to use the current default skin for missing elements, the default "Watch Replay Button" will be always used, even if you have a custom one.
    Without the check (old alignments)
    With new alignments

    This problem doesn't happen with other buttons in the screen (the replay button, and the extra "return to menu" button in multiplayer).

    Also, as something minor:

    I can't find a way to fill that gap in the interface while using the new alignments.

  8. Scoreboard text overlaps on maps with over 1000 combo

  9. Mod icons override "Tag Colour" text in multi. It happens when team mode is set to Tag Coop or Tag Team Vs

post other fixes that need to be made as well.
The Layout of the the name and your rank should overlap osu!

Dexus wrote:

results screen "Return to menu" still needs to be updated
It has been replaced by the Back button.
See next Dexus' post.

Melt3dCheeze wrote:

The Layout of the the name and your rank should overlap osu!
Confirmed, only in standard resolution though.

Also, I'd like to add that the text inside "menu-button-background" isn't properly centered during gameplay (even a bit in song selection screen), see the screenshot below.

The performance graph doesn't line up with the ranking-graph.png

Score dislocated
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XPJ38 wrote:

It has been replaced by the Back button.
I corrected what I wrote, meant that for multiplayer menu
For alignment issues, this means you likely have a partial custom skin. As in you are skinning some parts but not others. You have two options:

1. update positioning to match new design.
2. disable "prefer new default" in skin options, which will restore old alignments (
f9 panel users is slightly aligned wrong before loaded 0,0


ppy wrote:

2. disable "prefer new default" in skin options, which will restore old alignments
performance graph and total score are still a bit off, other stuff are fine (to me)

Dexus wrote:

results screen "Return to menu" still needs to be updated for the multiplayer screen

But yeah, there is a need of multiplayer fix here. The Rank (SS, S, A, etc) also needs to be placed somewhere else :3
And also, oftenly but not always, after pressing "Back" after multiplayer match, there's a black screen, but a workaround is by pressing Alt+F4, which returns you to the lobby.
show comment checkbox, jumped...

theowest edit: already known bug: t/119911
There is a semi-transparent black bar covering up the title and stuff

while scroll dragging down:

You can also see in that first screenshot that the old "Return to Menu" is there and the mods are on top of the performance graph.
Topic Starter

oh right, you included it there.

the lighting after hitting a note is too small..and ugly
I am not sure if I should post that here but..

The cross of the Cursor stays after you're in the Editor.

Meanwhile I do not have this with any other Skin and it always appears with the new Standard Skin.

Stefan wrote:

I am not sure if I should post that here but..

The cross of the Cursor stays after you're in the Editor.

Meanwhile I do not have this with any other Skin and it always appears with the new Standard Skin.
The alignment of ranking-perfect.png is different after this update, and causes issues with my skin (and some others)
EDIT: another thing to note is the number placement+spacing on the score is off.
I am having an issue where the new skin's "Retry" button doesn't appear in the pause screen, or the ranking screen, and the ranking screen displays the "pause-retry" button instead of the "ranking-retry" button.

Examples: Here, i have the "Pause-retry" button still in my custom skin's folder, and it is being used instead of the new retry button:

In the pause menu:

In the Results Screen:

And here, I have removed the "pause-retry" file from my skin's folder, and instead of using the new "retry" button, no button is shown

In the Pause Menu:

In the Results screen:

Any suggestions/known fixes?
i start my client and it apper the sentence: "osu is about to update"
10 minutes later
osu is still updating ...

i changed to the default skin and restart the client. the same

is that suppose to be and how can i fix it???

Edit: after is almost killed my pc it solved itself >_>

MusicKitty wrote:

i start my client and it apper the sentence: "osu is about to update"
10 minutes later
osu is still updating ...

i changed to the default skin and restart the client. the same

is that suppose to be and how can i fix it???

Edit: after is almost killed my pc it solved itself >_>
This isn't the topic you should ask that question in, go make your own topic next time.
If you can't update from osu!.exe, then try running the updater (osume.exe)
With my skin, "taiko.ttf" is not being loaded in for Taiko mode
Just want to say two stuff about the skin for now:

1.- White combo + kiai =

Hard to see combo numbers, and yes, they are important if you are playing with hidden

2.- Black reverse arrow should appear on other combo colours that are very whiteish too and not just on white:

Other than that, awesome skin

ErufenRito wrote:

2.- Black reverse arrow should appear on other combo colours that are very whiteish too and not just on white:

theowest wrote:

ErufenRito wrote:

2.- Black reverse arrow should appear on other combo colours that are very whiteish too and not just on white:
Oh oops xD
I thought this thread was for everything related to new skin/ui so i didnt cared to check if there were others...

Anyways, I have also noticed that the cursor trail doesn't behave the same way as it's used to do (it's less notorious now) Any way to change it back?

ErufenRito wrote:

Anyways, I have also noticed that the cursor trail doesn't behave the same way as it's used to do (it's less notorious now) Any way to change it back?
By not using the default cursor. You could try to skin it out when the new default template becomes available: t/123276

peppy wrote:

I will make the new skin available for use as a template in the near future. Keep a watch on the skinning forum.
or even now disable the effect on your own skin t/119648
by not including the cursormiddle.png I believe.
sliderscorepoint.png is not displaying on 90% of sliders. In skin-selection, there is a random chance I will see them when I start osu!. While playing, they show up once in a while on really slow sliders. Never see them on anything above normal difficulty.

EDIT: From what I can tell, there's a constant delay before the tickers appear. If a slider is faster than a certain speed, tickers will never show even on long sliders, because the ball has already crossed the tickers before the delay is over.

EDIT2: Made a separate thread for this by request.

YayMii wrote:

The alignment of ranking-perfect.png is different after this update, and causes issues with my skin (and some others)
EDIT: another thing to note is the number placement+spacing on the score is off.

Countdown is not aligned.
^that gets fixed when you tick the prefer new default skin when skin not available box in the skin options :p
but having it work regardless would be nice
Custom spinner has darkened background, before the upgrade such was not.

deadbeat wrote:

^that gets fixed when you tick the prefer new default skin when skin not available box in the skin options :p
but having it work regardless would be nice
But I still want that style of countdown D:
- Kashiyuka -
Happened after playing team vs online, far off compared to everyone elses that I've seen:

frfrfr wrote:

Custom spinner has darkened background, before the upgrade such was not.
You can fix this by adding to skin.ini:

SpinnerFadePlayfield: 0
I've the same problem like frfrfr and added the SpinnerFadePlayfield: 0 (i just copy-pasted it so theres no typo) and have stille the problem with the darkened background.
The spacing between each number of the score is off on the results screen:

ScoreOverlap: 15 -
ScoreOverlap: 30 - (It just makes everything else closer but not the score)

I disabled new default in options and it gets worse:

What to do? o:

Nexy wrote:

I disabled new default in options and it gets worse:
I'd say this is the best one (it looks normal), it's just a bit misaligned from the default skin-might be your custom score points' fault.


this is pretty misaligned

in design tab.

I also noticed you can change the beatmap snap divisor by clicking on the right places of that button.
When the result screen shows up in multiplayer, you would see 2 back on it.
They both do the same action when clicked on and that is bringing you back to the multiplayer room.
Useless stuff in result screens :?

1. Play in a multiplayer room
2. Play till the result screen
3. Click on the back on the bottom left of the result screen
3. Click on Return to menu
4. Both of them will bring you back to multiplayer room

Only works on multiplayer

I know someone mentioned this in a post somewhere, but for now, it should just be together with the other UI bugs over at this topic: t/123277

I hope nobody minds if I merge this.
Merge it.
I don't mind.
done, also updated with this duplicate as well: t/123780/

Please let us know (me) whenever you find a duplicate/another bug so I can add it to the OP.
Full Tablet
In the result screens. If you select the checkbox to use the current default skin for missing elements, the default "Watch Replay Button" will be always used, even if you have a custom one.

This problem doesn't happen with other buttons in the screen (the retry button, and the extra "return to menu" button in multiplayer).

EDIT: This happens because the new ranking screen buttons are "pause-replay" (even though there is no replay button in the pause screen) and "pause-retry" instead of "ranking-replay" and "ranking-retry".

Also, as something minor:

I can't find a way to fill that gap in the interface while using the new alignments.

Francis56789 wrote:

When the result screen shows up in multiplayer, you would see 2 back on it.
They both do the same action when clicked on and that is bringing you back to the multiplayer room.
Useless stuff in result screens :?

theowest wrote:

I know someone mentioned this in a post somewhere, but for now, it should just be together with the other UI bugs over at this topic: t/123277

I hope nobody minds if I merge this.
Facepalm. "The post somewhere" is in the same thread on the first page, and that was my post a few days earlier -_-

Btw good work on merging things up and making this thread sticky. It will come in handy!

peppy wrote:

frfrfr wrote:

Custom spinner has darkened background, before the upgrade such was not.
You can fix this by adding to skin.ini:

SpinnerFadePlayfield: 0
This option wont work, because its not playfield. Its spinner-background. And before spinner-bg in game looks like

Xierra wrote:

theowest wrote:

I know someone mentioned this in a post somewhere, but for now, it should just be together with the other UI bugs over at this topic: t/123277

I hope nobody minds if I merge this.
Facepalm. "The post somewhere" is in the same thread on the first page, and that was my post a few days earlier -_-

Btw good work on merging things up and making this thread sticky. It will come in handy!
oshit. How could I miss that? I thought someone posted it here already, oh well.

C_Venn wrote:

the lighting after hitting a note is too small..and ugly
this has been bothering me a lot :cry:
Miracle Lotus
Background appearing on top when there's a spinner:

Might be a problem with only my skin, but meh.

Miracle Lotus wrote:

Background appearing on top when there's a spinner:
You can fix this by adding to skin.ini:

SpinnerFadePlayfield: 1
the userpanel boxes seem to be too small. avatars and what not go over the borders ._."
When a beatmap has a custom spinner, ignoring the whole skin makes osu! use old default one. I am not sure if this is intended (I have "Prefer new default when skin is not available" box checked).
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