
Cavestory Skin V0.5

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First of all, this is my first post in Skinning thread Created a Cavestory Skin.
Need to tell this is not a 100% Finished Skin, but it is already uploaded because is funtional.

To enjoy at maximun the skin click the option in game "Dont use beatmap Skin".
The skin gonna show a combination of colours with brown and grey and looks very nice.

:!: Skin Name: Cavestory Skin

:!: Version: V0.5 - Changued some bad colouring and better texture in the small rank letters.
-Added new combobursts
-Replaced and Fixed the Energy bar.
Screenshoots from the Skin
All images created by Pixel
Except Combobursts, I dont know who created them, if anyone knows i will give credit in here.

:!: Download it from:
For Download just Click the down arror icon, file > Download or Ctrl + S.
Uploaded it here because i will be updating this thread and the Skin from time to time

Thanks for reading this thread, and thanks for your Support.
This looks pretty nice. Not sure about the 300s Hitburst. It looks very big.
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Stefan wrote:

This looks pretty nice. Not sure about the 300s Hitburst. It looks very big.
I Think them looks great, look at the hitbursts from oficials skins in-game. Are way much bigger. Okami... XI-Style...
You shouldnt base yourself in such old skins, thou :P (not saying they're bad, love them, but players look for skins completly different from that nowdays)
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Bittersweet wrote:

You shouldnt base yourself in such old skins, thou :P (not saying they're bad, love them, but players look for skins completly different from that nowdays)
As i said in the description, the Skin is not 100% Finshed there are things what are temporal.
Plus since there's the Official Skin, there's no problem or breaking the rules with it.
Kanye West
Needs more Misery :p
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Kanye West wrote:

Needs more Misery :p
Added a Comboburst about Misery.
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