
Hello I'm new and looking for map suggestions

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Hey I signed up yesterday and have ended up playing something like 6 hours between then and now, this game is addicting.

I've played some maps and after about 30-100 retries I can beat some of them on hard, I have lots of trouble on the maps where you have constant fast notes though.

Does anyone have suggestions on medium/hard songs for newish players? I've been downloading random one's and they're really hit or miss on the notes lining up well or they're just impossible to play at my skill level.

Self-promotion, but I think these ones should work for you. They have a spread that works for pretty much every kind of player out there so have fun!

And welcome to osu! Try to be active in forums, it doesn't hurt :D

play this map everyday for 1-3 hours just replay it every time your done with it

trust me you'll be pro in no time, you'll see noticeable results within every 2 weeks

also don't listen to Blue Dragon he is noob
Hi and welcome~
Hope your map gonna ranked :)
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Thanks for the suggestions! I managed to barely beat Je T'aime on hard :) , I also felt better when playing other songs after playing it. The second map's hard mode is really hard for me so far.

I managed to get 3 seconds into chiptune after trying for 15min, I dunno why I kept hitting retry but I did and my fingers hurt.
Welcome Welcome.

You should find a nice little Picture for your Profile pretty soon as
people around the forums won´t remember your name...
At least so I heard.

(Maybe they will because "DOCTOR Smash" sounds nice, actually)
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