
Hirano Aya - Bouken desho desho (TV Size)

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This map has sooo many difficulties and the skin makes the map feel a little busy. Other than that I think it's good to go, here's a star~
Before I mod this again (which I promised that I would), I'd like to propose something:

Cut. Down. The. Number. Of. Difficulties.

Seven is too ridiculous IMO for a ranked map. Even five is pushing it. So, I'd suggest cutting 2-3 difficulties (a lot of them play the same exact way, tbqh, so it's for the best).
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
4 is good. Now it's time to continue modding. Sorry, 7 really was borderline. ;/

In general:
-00:46:816 - Set this as the preview point in all difficulties.

-00:20:41 (4,5) - Claps go here.
-00:22:61 (3) - Clap goes here.
-00:30:01 (1) - Replace the Clap with a Finish.
-00:31:21 (1) - Remove the Finish from the endpoint.
-00:38:21 (1) - Add a Whistle to the endpoint, remove the Clap.
-00:55:41 (5) - Remove the Finish.
-01:00:216 - Beat goes here.
-01:09:61 (1,1,1,1,1) - This should look like this rhythmically:

Reposition these so the flow can work, because you had the basic idea, just that the first slider had one too many repeats and the last one had one too few.
-01:22:41 (7) - Remove the Whistle.

animask's difficulty:
-Give this difficulty an actual name.
-00:17:81 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - My comments on this phrase:
^It just doesn't flow well. It feels overmapped and blah.
^00:18:916 definitely needs a beat.
-00:21:21 (5) - Remove the Whistle.
-00:21:61 (6) - Remove the Clap.
-00:21:81 (7) - Clap goes here.
-00:24:81 (7) - New Combo mark goes here, judging by the way you've mapped.
-00:25:21 (10) - Remove the Whistle, add a Clap.
-00:25:416 - Clicked beat with a Finish goes here.
-00:35:41 (2) - Remove the Whistle, that's just plain ugly.
-00:36:41 (4) - ^
-00:38:21 (1,2,3,4) - I won't offer specifics, but hitsounds here are ugly, change them.
-00:44:61 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Come on, given the context of the rest of your map, this is overmapped and unnecessary.
-00:49:21 (6,8) - These Whistles sound ugly, change them or get rid of them.
-00:50:81 (10) - Remove the Finish.
-00:53:81 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Remember the hitsound things I just mentioned? Keep them up here.
*-00:59:61 (6,1) - In between these is a better place to overmap a bit. Probably because something actually exists here.
-01:01:41 (2) - Remove the Finish.
-01:02:01 (5) - ^
-01:03:21 (7) - Add a Finish to the endpoint.
-01:05:21 (5) - Remove the Finish.
-01:05:61 (6) - ^
-01:09:81 (2) - Remove the Clap.
-01:10:21 (4) - New Combo mark goes here.
-01:10:41 (5,6) - Remove the Claps.
-01:10:81 (1,2,3) - This should follow the previous three spacing-wise and hitsound-wise (spacing being 1 by itself and 2,3 in a stack, hitsounds being a Clap on 1 and none on 2 and 3).
-01:11:41 (4,5,6) - ^
-01:11:41 (4) - New Combo mark goes here.
-01:12:01 (7,8,9) - 01:10:81.
-01:12:61 (10,11) - Remove the hitsounds, put a New Combo mark on 10.
-01:13:41 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark, put a Finish on its starting point and slider track, remove the Finish from the endpoint, and I'd do something about the endpoint in general, it's too loud.
-01:17:01 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Disgustingly overmapped.
-The phrase right after the one I just mentioned should maintain some sort of consistency. Not to mention it just doesn't flow well at all.
-01:21:81 (1) - Remove the Finish.
-01:22:21 (3) - ^
-01:22:61 (5) - ^. The finishes were too overpowering.
-The ending itself goes on for far too long IMO. Start 01:25:41 (1) 1/2 later and have it end on 01:29:416.

Alex's Difficulty:
-This needs an actual difficulty name.
-My only complaints about this are the hitsounds; they are in desperate need of an overhaul. I think you're creative enough to come up with new ones, but let me explain a few things.
-00:11:01 (1) - Starting on a Clap sounds atrocious here.
-00:13:21 (8,9) - These beats would need to maintain consistency with 7, so they would need to be Claps.
-00:13:81 (1,2,3,4,5) - The soft stuff feels out of place here.
-00:16:41 (7,8) - Maintain consistency with 6.
-00:19:01 (8) - I'd say to go back to Normal volume here.
-00:21:21 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Overusage of Finishes is simply too harsh right here.
-00:25:81 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^
-00:40:81 (1) - This should start in a Normal sounding section, although I really like what you did here while mapping to the piano.
-I'm not really digging the chorus' hitsounds. Lay off the Finishes, hinthint.
-00:53:61 (7) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:55:41 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:15:41 (4) - New Combo mark goes here.
-01:17:01 (6) - ^
-01:20:21 (3) - ^
-01:23:21 (1) - End 1/2 later.

DJPop's Difficulty
-Needs an actual name.
-00:40:81 (3) - New Combo mark goes here.

Yep. That's it.
Download: Hirano Aya - Bouken Desho Desho (TV Size) (Ryuukun) [Alex's Difficulty].osu

There's only 4 finishes in the chorus now, and I think they fit well. :)
Sleep Powder
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ok all fixed and all uploaded
Can you map Easy diff?
Normal is not easy enough imo.

DJPop wrote:

Can you map Easy diff?
Normal is not easy enough imo.
I personally would have cut out Normal and kept Easy. :/
Topic Starter
fine :{
But what i really don't like is that its going to have 3 Insane and one Easy then.
Basically its too easy for most players and too hard too.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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I'm going to turn my into easy and i want someone to turn his into normal.
00:31:81 (1) - no jumps in the lowest diff plz D:
00:38:21 (1) - illegal self-overlap
01:08:61 (3,4,1,1,1,1,1) - jumps aaaaaaa

00:55:01 (6,7) - stack the endpoints

00:42:41 (5,6,7,8) - hard to read
00:46:01 (1) - NO

00:50:01 (2) - move down a grid
00:56:41 (2) - move over a grid
01:23:01 (1) - end on white
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Hirano Aya - Bouken Desho Desho (TV Size) (Ryuukun) [Alex's Difficulty].osu

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

00:50:01 (2) - move down a grid
(1) and (2) are already had same distance from center.
00:56:41 (2) - move over a grid
01:23:01 (1) - end on white
Nazi rhythm D=
- Background is waay too big! Resize it to 1024x768 or lower please.

- The offset in [DJPop's Difficulty] is different from the rest, but I actually like it more. Anyway, offset must be the same on every difficulty.

- Pretty good job you did here. The only thing I can complain is the spinner-circle, seems like it's not well-centered (Maybe because it isn't a perfect circle?). But should be good as is.

[Kiai Time]
00:47:81 - Kiai time should start here. Also, try to regulate Kiai Time between all difficulties.

- Seems good, though I don't like the spacing "tricks" you applied here.

[animasks Difficulty]
- Change to "animask's Difficulty"?

[Alex's Difficulty]
00:42:41 (5,6,7) - Move up abit so (7) doesn't get offscreen?

[DJPop's Difficulty]
Everything's cool here.

~ ~ ~

I'm definitely NOT a fan of Haruhi, but I'm modding by priority, remember? And this song is short so is easier to mod
Here's a comment: just give actual difficulty names to the collab mappers' difficulties. Sure, star values are there, but it lacks what type of difficulty it actually is. People won't just know from the mapper's name (well, unless it's DJPop, but yeah).
Compared to the note...
00:11:01 (1) on Alex's.
00:11:01 (1) on animasks'.
00:11:01 (1) on Normal.
00:11:01 (9) on mine.

All of them are placed on 11,016ms.
So the offset is not wrong even mine is set on the different time.
Topic Starter
oh man i should get back to work.
Sorry for being a lazy ass lately.
Easy is almost done but i still have no Normal yet

Easy done and renamed it to [Desho?!].
This is a song that I like very much, and the skin is nice too !

Starred ! :D
01:15:027() : this section sounds way too loud..turn the volume down (3rd from left sounds ok)

[animask's difficulty]
get rid of that spinner at the end looks pretty weird to keep playing there

^^ only error i found ^^
The spinner is.. fkoavfjafosavmio :( Can you change it?


00:31:84 (1) - Not sure if a slider that overlaps itself is still rankable, idc though, just pointing out. If I were you I would change it because many BATs will complain about it probably.

[animasks Difficulty]

I don't know if you noticed you forgot an ' at animask's, just telling you for if you didn't notice.

00:21:21 (5) - New combo goes here.
00:22:21 (1) - And remove this new combo, otherwise you have a new combo in the middle of a sentence.
01:21:61 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - This part is a bit confusing because of the jumps, I didn't see them coming because they seem a bit out of place imo.
01:23:01 (6) - I would extend this to 01:25:216, then put the silent timing section for the spinner at 01:25:416.

[Alex's Difficulty]

00:18:916 (x) - I miss a note here, add it :(
00:47:71 (TIMING SECTION) - Put this timing section 1/4 later so that the fountain comes at the same time as when you click the first note of the chorus.

[DJPop's Difficulty]

00:11:81 (3,4) - Fix this spacing.
00:15:01 (3,4) - ^
01:17:41 (3,4) - ^
01:20:61 (3,4) - ^

I like this map and song very much ^^
The song seems somewhat familiar but I don't know from what :o
Starred *
Topic Starter

Symbolic wrote:

The spinner is.. fkoavfjafosavmio :( Can you change it?


00:31:84 (1) - Not sure if a slider that overlaps itself is still rankable, idc though, just pointing out. If I were you I would change it because many BATs will complain about it probably. until now, no one did^^
I even put in arrows there to show the player which way the slider is going.

I like this map and song very much ^^
The song seems somewhat familiar but I don't know from what :o
Starred *

Symbolic wrote:

[DJPop's Difficulty]
00:11:81 (3,4) - Fix this spacing.
00:15:01 (3,4) - ^
01:17:41 (3,4) - ^
01:20:61 (3,4) - ^
Can't fix, else I've to fix them by NotePad D:
Topic Starter
I took out Animasks dif since he wouldn't answer me.
I replaced it with a Normal diff i made myself.
It should be fine now Mogs :)
well, I updated mine a bit. >_< (kiai fixed and beat added)

Download: Hirano Aya - Bouken Desho Desho (TV Size) (Ryuukun) [Alex's Difficulty].osu
And if it needs a name, I think Hard suffices, but it's a little much for that. >_> Lower the drain rate/overall difficulty if you must.

Oh shi-

Topic Starter
How about a real name?
Something Haruhi related.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
lol Spacing is loooong. Just let you know.
00:24:84 (1) - This is the lowest difficulty:; Would you mind shortening it?
00:40:84 (1) - Jumping length is too long
47:240(kiai)-> Starting this kiai from 00:47:84 (2) is much better, IMO.
01:00:04 (1) - Same issue as 00:24:84 (1).

47:240(kiai)-> Same issue as "Desho". Starting this kiai from 00:47:84 (2) is much better, IMO.

Star for you~ ;)
hi Ryuukun
sprry for the late mod
awesome map and SB!

here's some suggestions:


great job, I really can't find anything wrong

[Kyon-kun, denwa~!]

  1. 00:21:040 (6) - add clap
  2. 00:27:440 (6) - ^
  3. 00:33:640 (1) - remove whistle
[Alex's diffculty]

  1. 00:40:716 (9) - delete it, looks too sudden
  2. 00:46:816 (1,2) - maybe a slider instead is better
[DJpop's diffculty]

  1. 00:31:216 (1-5) - too much claps, sounds a little boring
  2. 00:56:416 (2) - it's not overlapping with front slder, looks ugly

great map
and another kudosu star for you!
Now I'm looking at this again. Whee.

-Shouldn't all the difficulties for the same map have the same offset? Even if you don't start where the offset starts, consistency = good.

-00:12:24 (4) - Remove the Clap.
-00:15:44 (4) - ^
-00:17:44 (1) - Add a Finish.
-00:25:44 (5) - ^
-00:30:44 (2) - Put a Clap on the second point.
-00:31:24 (3) - Put a Clap on the second and third points.
-00:31:84 (1) - There should be a Clap on the endpoint. The Whistle followed by numerous Whistles sounds like garbage.
-00:38:24 (5) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:53:64 (1) - This feels really early. Like, 1/8 early. Move it and then put a Clap on the last point.
-00:56:04 (5) - Put a Clap on the last point.
-00:56:84 (6) - Remove the Clap from the second point and put it on the endpoint.
-01:00:64 (7) - Add a Finish.
-01:07:44 (1,2,3,4) - Suddenly switching from Claps to Whistles feels VERY awkward here. Fix that.
-01:13:44 (1) - Replace the Finish with a Whistle, this part needs to be more delicate to fit the delicate ending right there.
-01:15:44 (1,1,1) - Remove the Finishes, this part needs to be quieter, since it's a more delicate section.
-01:17:84 (4) - Remove the Clap.
-01:19:84 (1) - Add a Finish.
-01:21:04 (4) - Remove the Clap.
-01:23:04 (1) - Add a Whistle. It's a delicate enough hitsound for a delicate ending.

Kyon-kun, denwa~!
-00:12:24 (5) - Remove the Clap.
-00:15:44 (5) - ^
-00:17:44 (1) - Add a Finish.
-00:20:24 (4) - Add a Clap.
-00:21:04 (6) - ^
-00:21:84 (2) - ^
-00:24:84 (1) - Add a Finish.
-00:26:64 (4) - Add a Clap.
-00:27:44 (6) - ^
-00:28:24 (2) - ^
-00:30:44 (2) - Add a Clap to the second point.
-00:31:24 (3) - Add a Clap to the second and third points.
-00:31:84 (1) - Remove the Whistle from the endpoint, replace with a Clap.
-00:38:24 (1) - ^
-00:40:24 (3) - Add a Whistle.
-00:40:64 (4) - Add a Finish.
-00:53:64 (1) - Sounds 1/8 late to me, eh.
-00:56:04 (6) - Make the second point have a Clap.
-01:00:04 (1) - Add a Finish.
-01:03:84 (9) - ^
-01:06:84 (9) - ^
-01:13:44 (1) - Replace the Finish with a Whistle.
-01:15:44 (1,1,1) - Remove the Finishes.
-01:17:84 (5) - Remove the Clap.
-01:21:04 (5) - ^
-01:23:04 (1) - Add a Whistle.

Alex's Difficulty:
-Come up with an actual difficulty description. Be more imaginative, please. :P
-00:20:41 (4) - Remove the Finish, this is not the end of the phrase, and it sounds bad here.
-00:23:21 (7) - Add a Clap.
-00:29:41 (10) - ^
-00:49:21 (6) - Add a Whistle.
-00:50:01 (8) - ^
-00:52:41 (3) - ^
-00:53:01 (5) - ^
-00:53:21 (6) - ^
-00:55:61 (7) - ^
-00:56:41 (9) - ^ on all parts, remove the Finishes.
-00:58:81 (3) - Add a Whistle.
-00:59:61 (5) - ^
-01:02:81 (5) - Remove the Whistle from the endpoint.
-01:06:81 (7) - Remove the Whistle.
-01:15:01 (3) - Add a Whistle.

DJPop's Difficulty:
-More imaginative difficulty name, please?
Topic Starter
Ok all fixed just Alex's diffs fixes and some more creative names for both maps left.

Breeze wrote:

[Alex's diffculty]
00:40:716 (9) - delete it, looks too sudden Fine imo
00:46:816 (1,2) - maybe a slider instead is better Done~

Mogsworth wrote:

-Come up with an actual difficulty description. Be more imaginative, please. :P
ha, this is one of more older, less organized maps, barely realized. :P
All done except the above. :P Name is decided~ :P

Do you mind if I have my own background? >_> Just have to~ :P
(I'll post it in a bit!)


Download: 15,499 Loops.rar
I have a much more "OP Like" background, but I like this SO MUCH MORE! >_>


Download: stuff!.rar

Nothing more after this :P
I forgot to save it. >_<

Download: Hirano Aya - Bouken Desho Desho (TV Size) (Ryuukun) [15,499 Loops].osu

Topic Starter
Up to date!
I think its ready for Ranking now.
I think it's finally time to bubble this.
The timing is inconsistent(offset 11016 and 11040)

Other than that I see nothing wrong.

Shining part in chorus made my eyes hurt. >_>

But I think that's my problem, my eyes are bad, you don't need to do anything.

deepsea wrote:

The timing is inconsistent(offset 11016 and 11040)
Which one is better?

DJPop wrote:

deepsea wrote:

The timing is inconsistent(offset 11016 and 11040)
Which one is better?
11016 confirmed by Anekiou. >A<
Topic Starter
Fixed the offset though i don't think it was a reason for bubble pop
I think timing is an important issue since this is a rhythm game.

Anyway, bubble back.
star x3
The bubble would've been popped, anyways, when you updated.

Anyways, ranked.
I found really difficult to play with the actual combo colors.
I thought it was the skin, so I deleted it, but it wasn't.

So it's just me I guess, seeing all the starts you've got, surely nobody complained... o.o
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
dirty skin >:(
You know what I just realized? "Kyon-kun, denwa!" isn't even from this season which the song is from.
And needless to say, neither is 15,499 loops. And 15,499 loops is a bit on the low end.
Its very great it difficult to make song like this and video quality is Good! Fantastic!
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