
Distance between Australia and Romania = 13428.98km

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Now that I've got your attention with the unusual title, hello. I've been playing this game for a while now but haven't really talked to many people here as I'm shy. Anyway, a little about myself:
  • Yellow/Amber is my favourite traffic light colour
    I kind of look like Justin Beiber + Severus Snape (not really, but it's the most accurate thing I can think of)
    I'm not really into anime/japanese stuff, I'm not sure why I still play this game
Yup, that pretty much covers everything I think. Feel free to ask me things.
Why Romania?
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ychao wrote:

Why Romania?
Why not Romania? What have you got against Romanians, hmm?
Way to read so much into such a simple question. Just my curiosity talking, is all.
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Freaking racists these days, gosh.

Seriously though, no real reason. It just seems like it's a country that doesn't get enough attention, you know?
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But I'm not a long time member, or well known.. or if I am, it's news to me

well lock this if you want I guess, I'll just cry myself to sleep
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