
Long hit circles/short sliders

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I am trying to make a hit circle which you hold down to create a long Whistle sound. I am implementing it using a slider, but I don't know how to make the slider so short it looks like a hit circle. How can I do this?

Conceptual image of what I'm looking for (shooped, obviously):

I don't think that can be ranked, but...

Add a timing section and change the BPM to be very low (but still be a factor of the original BPM). Just halve the BPM in that section and see if the slider is short enough (disable grid snap, btw). If the slider velocity is not low enough based on the BPM, keep halving it.

I dunno, this is just my two cents. I never tried it before. :(
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YoshiKart wrote:

I don't think that can be ranked, but...

Add a timing section and change the BPM to be very low (but still be a factor of the original BPM). Just halve the BPM in that section and see if the slider is short enough (disable grid snap, btw). If the slider velocity is not low enough based on the BPM, keep halving it.

I dunno, this is just my two cents. I never tried it before. :(
Tried this. Works, but it's kinda ugly. At least it's mostly symmetrical. Thanks. =]
If you're serious about this, you should storyboard some warning text. Something like 'HOLD ME' with a big arrow.
Try picking 1/8, a very short slider, and reverse arrows until you want to stop. Put a new new timing section on the first reverse arrow for silent, and turn it back on on the last beat[of the slider]. Or 1/8 and a slider that circles around it self, just slightly though, too far out and it can't be held.

Or try via Notepad, but you'll have to know what the values are. I know some, but I don't know them all. I just don't know what the last value on the sliders is. I bet there's a guide around here somewhere though. I just don't bother to look.
holds (thats the term i think) are allowable before, but i dont think it is allowable now...
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