
Hello there fellow beat chasers!

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I'm Gii, a twenty year old girl with a soul of a seventeen year old. :P
I happened to stumble upon OSU! while I was waiting for a reply from my role play partner. And I've got to say that this game is addictive. Like really really addictive. I'm still a newbie to the game but I'll work hard on improving.

If you have any song suggestions, tips or even if you just want to be my friend feel free to message me. I won't bite. I promise ;) :P
Auto-read it as "fellow beat cheaters".

Also ATOMix avatar, I approve.

Welcome to the forums!
Welcome~ :3
Welcome to the forums! Enjoy it.
Welcome to the forums! :D
Hope you enjoy the game and its community.
Welcome to the forums! Try night core songs if you haven't, they're cute xD
Welcome to osu! Alot of people are joining osu! these days (゜◇゜)
Kanye West

Gii382 wrote:

I'm Gii, a twenty year old girl with a soul of a seventeen year old. :P
I happened to stumble upon OSU! while I was waiting for a reply from my role play partner. And I've got to say that this game is addictive. Like really really addictive. I'm still a newbie to the game but I'll work hard on improving.

If you have any song suggestions, tips or even if you just want to be my friend feel free to message me. I won't bite. I promise ;) :P
Yo. Welcome. For song suggestions, just play music that you enjoy, always play the hardest difficulty you can pass.
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