
BNStats - a site to look over BN performance stats.

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BNStats is a site where you can gloss over nominators activity and look more in-depth at their nominations history. it is hopefully could make people understand more about a nominator's song and set preference.

all data are fetched from pishifat's bn site.

disclaimer: this is by no means the nominator only accepts a specific kind of song/set, it is still best to ask the nominator themselves as to what do they prefer to mod and/or nominate. basically, take it with a huge grain of salt.


whats inside

  1. nominator labels

    each nominator is labeled with their own preference, it is automatically assigned based on which type of beatmap they have nominated in the past.
  2. filters

    you can filter through preferences and game mode, making it easier for you to guess which nominator that might be interested in your map.
  3. performance stats
    you can also look over their performance throughout their nominator career.* what they nominated, nomination/month, etc.
  4. (experimental**) scoring system

    each nomination is scored and summed into the nominator's rating, to show how "proficient"*** they are. the bigger the score, the better they are at handling bigger, longer sets and many requests.
*) up to 2 years, as pishi's bn site only provides info up to that point.
**) there are some numbers of naive approaches, and is subject to change.
***) of course, proficiency is not something that could be calculated, what i mean here is how much do they nominate bigger and longer set compared to anime tv sizes.
****) disqualification events has not been taken account yet.



any feedbacks and/or suggestions are welcomed, feel free to reply to this thread or shoot me a pm. probably don't do it on discord though.
source code is available in my github repo.
incredible work
Yea! this is great work, how did you even do this?? Great job!
- Marco -
Nice Work 👍
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