
Faking backgrounds, why? ;---;

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I've noticed more and more ranked maps with storyboards are using 'fake' backgrounds of sorts, this personally bothers me because I like to look at a background during breaks and such but I hate moving images (so I have video disabled).

But now on certain maps I'm forced to keep the storyboard in order to have a background at all, and to me a storyboard is just as bad as a video. ;---;

Here's an example of a recent culprit:
The background image 'ao no exorcist.jpg' just becomes a waste of space to someone that has the sb removed.
Errr... someone move this to Help & support. Thanks!
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Why is it help/support? This isn't a bug report or a problem of which can be fixed. It's a behaviour of mappers and it's a question as to why they do it and I assumed such people browse this section of the forum.

I did consider suggesting whatever they need it for as a separate 'feature' so the background can still be useful when the storyboard is disabled, but I'd rather (out of frustration and a hint of curiosity, plus considering I'm likely a minority of which are bothered by this so the suggestion would go unnoticed) question why they need to do such a thing.
Because this is not a skinning problem.
For some reason, it's the game's behaviour to have NO bg (even when there actually is a map BG) when the player disables SB.

It's probably a bug and should be fixed.
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