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I dunno exactly how active I'll be within the forums but felt obligated to post an intro anyway. xD

My real name is Danni, but I'm used to being called Angel or Espy online for obvious reasons. :P I don't mind either way though~
I'm currently 19 years old and live in the wonderful magical land of England. Oh, and I'm half-Filipino too. :3

I've been playing Osu! since the end of October, though my activity picked up mainly around mid-November. I've just recently started getting into playing some of the hard maps, but I'd say I still have a long way to go. The fact that I'm a perfectionist and OCD insists that I S-Rank every map I play doesn't help either. D:

Aaaanyway, I'm also a bit of an artist. My deviantART account is the place to go if you're interested in the kind of stuff that I draw~
...And if my username and avatar didn't already give away the fact that I'm a Pokémon fan, then my dA gallery will. Take a big fat guess as to which one's my favourite. xD

As well as Osu!, I play a ton of other games too. Notable examples include Pokémon (hooray for Captain Obvious!), Okami, Persona 3 and 4, Touhou... and Terraria. I felt the need to mention that last one because it currently shares the "games I'm currently addicted to" title that Osu! also holds right now. xD

Oh, and one more thing about me: I can ramble on about nonsense sometimes. I also use a lot of smileys because I always think I sound serious if I don't. Did you notice? :'D

TL;DR - I'm some girl from the UK who plays games and draws stuff sometimes.

ANYWAY, ohai everyone! I'm happy to be here. <3

AngelEspy wrote:

Okami, Persona 3 and 4

Welcome to the forums, Angel! I hope you enjoy your stay. :]
Welcome to osu!

I took a look in your deviantART gallery, wow! You can draw really good :3
Yay!! you just like me xD I'm girl 2 and I like too draw stuff xD
Anyway Welcome To Osu Forum/Game :)
Enjoy your self and take your time in here to check around :)
And if you have any questions just ask ;)

P.s: I like your drawing on deviantART
Im glad you be happy to be here, when you dont, there is no question of what you have to do. Just have fun!! Welcome to forums, I am a boy ;_;
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Thanks for all the messages! I feel loved. :'D <3
Welcome to the forums Angel, you have my blessings as an angel to angel^^..Enjoy your stay here..I hope you'll find some new friends here to spend time with and have lots of fun =)
Your art is really cute.
asdfgh Pokemon <3 Your drawings are really well done :3 Hope you enjoy osu!~
Hi~ Nice to meet you!
Welcome to the forums ^ - ^
Hi and welcome to the forums! Although rank is important, enjoying the game is much more of a priority , so don't let the ranks spoil your fun ;) doesn't matter id you can't S rank it, practice makes perfect.
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