
Unofficial Skin Database

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osu! Skin Database

Greetings, skinners of osu!! Our fellow user, comentarinformal, made an unofficial skin database in his domain.

Well, everything starts when someone takes the iniciative! I've been doing it for some days, and I think it'll be stable enough to work without a lot of problems.
Here we go!

It's got the most critical functions (the biggest one being, you can upload your skins ), and everybody can download other people's skins, authors can edit them, hide them (if you want make them invisible to others without deleting everything), remove them...

Now, it's on a beta stage, and it *will* have bugs. I'm not going to lie, it will. Some things may break, some may not work as they should, there might be server downtimes, and because of that I'd like all the uploaders to save a local copy of the skins they upload, and everybody to tell me about anything that is not working as intended. I'll love you for that ;3

For now, you'll have to register on the page to have an user. In the (near) future, I'll change it so everybody logs in with their osu! account.
(It also has a different user color for donators; PM for more info.)
Let's see how it goes!

For now you have to register in order to be able to upload your skin. I'm sure this will be continuously developed. If you have questions, comments, and suggestions, feel free to email comentarinformal.
First of all, make account activation on register. Activation via email confirmation is a pain in the ass.

wat, secret code

Can't login either ;~;
I've confirmated my e-mail, but I can't login, it says 'wrong password'.
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That's why i'm having trouble logging in. I'll notify him about it.

About the secret code, i'm assuming that's the last part of your confirmation email.

DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT. This little space is what kept all your registration attempts from working. In another words, nobody got registered, try again now... :(

JeMhUnTeR wrote:

That's why i'm having trouble logging in. I'll notify him about it.

About the secret code, i'm assuming that's the last part of your confirmation email.
Not exactly, it's more of a safeguard of my own. Nothing very important, just a string that you'll need to save somewhere. When the register page starts working again, you'll see it filled. I made that because I'm a paranoid, but you can save it on a text file in your desktop for all it's worth...

...Oh, also, I added a forum field to the upload form so you can link to this forum's thread from there. Nothing very big, but shouldn't break all user registration of the page, too...

(Boy, I hope these kind of bugs don't happen again. They hit really hard my nerves)

EDIT: By the way, no page should ever have on the header anything else than the logo, navigation bar, etc. If you see anything else, like sentences and numbers, don't hesitate posting it there.

Avoiding double-posting, let me explain a bit deeper the code thingy.
When you confirm your email, you get a custom code attached to your user. It is used for important operations, like deleting skins, because that way, somebody that got your password by any means can't just join with your acc and delete everything. It'll also be used if someone changes your password, as a way for me to know you're really the owner (and therefore change it back). Social engineering, off. Account hacking, off.
However, I could understand it being a bit overkill, and would like to ask you guys if you want it to disappear or not.
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Disappear. (I think)

Edit: okay I accidentally closed the tab while trying to copy my code. Reopened it but never got it back. Disappear :O

Edit 2: About the login using your osu! account, you may want to ask peppy that.
DJ Angel
This is way too beta for a agreement with peppy about the link with the osu! original account db

here are some suggestions that may help you on your way to make this a simple skin submission and search - a original compendium.

  1. To start off, for now, this should not requre a account to upload skins, it may become a target of vandalism, but its the easiest way to 'win' popularity
  2. You should seriously redesign that layout, it would be easier to search with smaller panels (like on beatmap search on site) or bars (like on beatmap selection screen in-game)
  3. The page itself can became more pretty to the eyes of who sees it, the graphics of osu!, taiko and ctb could be the original ones.
  4. This is also about the layout, but that pink-purple-red combination isn't very nice. try to focus on osu! original website for ideas

  5. There should be a tab of user-listed skins and name [A-Z] simple skin (like the ones on the original compendium)
  6. There is already a vast list of skin's on both compendiums and you can search for 1.0 version+ completed one's on skin forum pages and upload them to the db
These are the best suggestions I can give for now, if all of these suggestions are used and developed on your db, this could actually become a standard way of easy skin search imo

PS: Don't give up on this - This is a great concept, but you gotta work hard for it, k?

comentarinformal wrote:

Avoiding double-posting, let me explain a bit deeper the code thingy.
When you confirm your email, you get a custom code attached to your user. It is used for important operations, like deleting skins, because that way, somebody that got your password by any means can't just join with your acc and delete everything. It'll also be used if someone changes your password, as a way for me to know you're really the owner (and therefore change it back). Social engineering, off. Account hacking, off.
However, I could understand it being a bit overkill, and would like to ask you guys if you want it to disappear or not.
I don't think it's good idea to use that account protection just for page in which you upload skin, and leave it alone o.o

DJ Angel wrote:

  1. To start off, for now, this should not requre a account to upload skins, it may become a target of vandalism, but its the easiest way to 'win' popularity
The problem with letting everybody upload without needing an account is that there's no way to know who did it. Say, someone uploads a skin, but updates it and wants to edit it. How would the page know who sent it?

DJ Angel wrote:

  1. The page itself can became more pretty to the eyes of who sees it, the graphics of osu!, taiko and ctb could be the original ones.
  2. This is also about the layout, but that pink-purple-red combination isn't very nice. try to focus on osu! original website for ideas
Just a side note, you are currently on a page using a pink(logo), purple(background), gray combination. And about the original graphics, someone sent me other icons I like more, so I'll just change them. I'm not really sure if they're the ones you're looking for or not, but they represent each gamemode perfectly, and that should be what matters

DJ Angel wrote:

  1. There should be a tab of user-listed skins and name [A-Z] simple skin (like the ones on the original compendium)
  2. There is already a vast list of skin's on both compendiums and you can search for 1.0 version+ completed one's on skin forum pages and upload them to the db
Lists will come eventually, I want to get everything right now to be stable. Someone has sent me a pretty good list of bugs and suggestions, and I want to fix the first ones.
In that list was, too, adding the skins of compediums. When I get everything finished, I'll upload them.

Also, removed secret codes. If you see any reference, post it

1/7/2013 changes:
Fixed edit mode, javascript is a pain in the ass
Search no longer counts hidden skins
Hidden skins authors can now see them. To avoid confusion, a message will warn you about that.
Improved navigation hover colors and some element positions
Centered all the page a bit
Authors now appear on the little cards, and with it...
Authors of skins can be changed skin by skin (by admins)
Lil' blue border added. Doesn't look bad...
Changed footer, now with more gradient colors
Version now appears on the skin's page, too
Fixed non-existing skins appearing as hidden
Changed icons, many thanks JeMhUnTeR!
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About the layout, it's still being reordered. but don't worry, I know the color schemes will change and will soon be similar to the osu! website.

Uploading skins without logging in is shit. You'll never know who submitted an explicit skin if someone will do so.

I want to know if you guys want a skin approval system, so we can filter the completed/decent skins. Also, would it be better to have a like/dislike/voting system? These are the things we need to add first if we are planning to add them.
Even though this is still in beta, this topic should be stickied to get more publicity and more skins uploaded. I think it has a lot of potential.
Someday, it may become the official osu! skin database.. Who knows? :|
This ain't dead yet! After some time downloading all the skins in the compedium and setting up a whole mass-upload system, I present you...
The Compedium Update!
Almost all the skins have been uploaded*; those with headers have a custom thumbnail, while the ones that didn't got a default one automatically generated.
Anybody with their skins in there that wants to change something can create an account and warn me of it by PM (recommended), or just send me the changes. I'd prefer the first one, though :D

Some skins may have more than one author/contributors. As the author field only allows one person, I've put the thread creator in all of them. If you want to credit more people, tell me and I'll change its description to reflect it.

And I'll repeat myself again, even when each skin's desc. already says so and I told everybody, but if one of your skins has been uploaded and you don't want to keep it on the page, tell me so by PM (with your uploader's account), and I'll get it removed.

Added mass uploader (no admins, me only).
Added Skin Compedium tab.
Added skins from Compedium.
Added announcement system. I'll be honest, I don't know what am I going to announce, but...

*Some skins could not be uploaded; either its download links died (which is what I avoid with this page), they deleted the links, or they are avaiable in the updater (they already have a hosting that isn't going to expire, so in order to keep some space avaiable...) . They are:

Edit: I just noticed the template PM I used had a linktoo close to the rest of the text. Great.
I like this. It's been ages since i've updated my topic anyways *shrugs*.
oh wow, good job with this.

Instead of "Order", I think you should use "Sort".

tbh, I'd prefer a simple text list of skins (much like this forum), instead of massive image thumbnails. Would that be possible to make? Text mode/text format?

Hope to see more progress on this (>_o)b
Thanks for that :P
I've been on exams, so I haven't got time to do nearly as many things as I wanted... :/
Currently I'm working on a text mode, as suggested by previous users. It's almost finished, so it should be live tomorrow, or the day after. Just a guess.
Also, for the people that haven't noticed it, I've added a beta page in which I'll go adding things before putting them on the main page. If you're feeling adventurous and don't mind broken designs and nightmarish pages,you can give it a look.

Things on my to-do list:
  • Fix announcements
    center everything? (IMO it's not a bad thing if it takes up most of the space. That's why there is that space. Might look at it after everything else.)
    add a Keep logged checkbox
    make previous checkbox work (duh)
    check scrollbars with other navigators (I'll hate myself for it, but I haven't checked it with browsers other than firefox and chrome.)
    fix upload results page to work with smaller resolutions
    fix manage list (you can use it, but it doesn't look great)
As always, any feedback is greatly appreciated!
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Dear mods:
Sticky, please? <3


overflow: hidden

resizing divs still bring mess up the panel locations

woah, I can't click on links? info gets printed over the title links.

resizing text doesn't look that good

remove the see all skins page, replace it with "Show More"

wait, what?

here's a suggestion:

or maybe put the logos below the description

sorry i was lazy to pm you.
Okay, got tired of it... Took a break longer than I expected, though. >_>''
Also, oh god, the feel when something just works, without problems *o* (except on Internet Explorer. But since when is something failing in IE new?)

And, for a little change: The URL is now ! Yeah, that's right, bought a domain for it. It'll still be as fast/slow as before, but...
And why a .info instead of a simple .com? 'Cause it's cheaper. It could change in the future, though; we'll talk about money later...

Changelog 1/18/2013 ~ 2/12/2013
B->O Added Text mode!
Added text-grid switch, up to 30 days without deleting cookies.
Added basic support for IE8; looks a bit ugly, but now you can use it properly. IE9 looks good as it is, and obviously, FF,Chrome and Opera look great.
Fixed image on upload/edit page pulling messages to a new line on small resolutions. At least in theory.
Fixed deletion of skins not working properly.
B->O Fixed manage thumbnails looking bad.
B->O Changed thumbnail boxes.
Quick thing, changed version numbers so they always have a 'v' now. Doesn't matter if you put it while uploading/editing or not anymore.
Another quick thing, text mode is now on by default on the See all page.

To-do list:
  1. Fix announcements
  2. center everything
  3. add a working Keep logged checkbox
  4. add an 'extras' section for uploading spare files (like widescreen pics, alternative X, etc. )
  5. check scrollbars with other navigators Checked, looks like it's now working correctly, even in Opera.
  6. fix upload results page to work with smaller resolutions fix'd! (I think)
  7. fix manage list (you can use it, but it doesn't look great)[this includes setting padding so icons don't go to a new line, future myself, remember!!] fix'd with this update.
You know, peppy could give you a domain in Like He did same with

Alpaka wrote:

You know, peppy could give you a domain in Like He did same with
That's not a bad idea! I'll email him asking him about it, and while we're at it, giving him a quick heads-up of all the changes. Last time I emailed him he only knew about the idea :P
(Although, I'm more concerned about the file hosting than the domain. It's not a problem right now, and it could allow ~42 20mb skins, but it'll be a problem if the thing gets successfull.)

PS: By the way, while I was fixing it:
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text mode should have like... 3 columns.
can't you make the download more direct? the "everything set!" page is kinda annoying sometimes >.<
can you make the skins scroll infinitely? i mean, new skin panels would be loaded automatically when you scroll down, so you don't have to click the see all skins button.

awesome update btw.

edit: i think this thread fits general development better.
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