
How can I force a special colour on my sliders and circles?

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Im working on a skin and saw videos of skins with only 1 colour.

How can I force special colours, like black or red? :D

Have Fun! :)
In the skin.ini, add something like this:

Combo1: 255,150,0
Combo2: 5,240,5
Combo3: 5,5,240
Combo4: 240,5,5
Combo5: 240,5,5
Replace these numbers with the RGB values of the colors you want.
You can't really force the circle color because of a map's custom colors but you can force the sliderbody.


//Force a slider track to a certain colour.
SliderTrackOverride: 0,0,0

Put that in your skin.ini. (0,0,0 would be black, so find your hex numbers for the color you want.)

As for circles.

Combo1: 0,0,0
Combo2: 0,0,0
Combo3: 0,0,0
Combo4: 0,0,0
Combo5: 0,0,0

This would fall under the [Colours] aswell.

You can also do sliderborders and the spinner approach circle:

SliderBorder: 0,0,0
SpinnerApproachCircle: 0,0,0
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Thank you! :)
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