Hello again! Now bringing a new version of the Skin - Megpoid Gumi (v1.1), I hope you enjoy (for me it was very good) and it is ... ehhh ... yes, that's it ...
Screenshots :
{ Changed files }
*Add Osu!Mania
*Add new Fruit-Ryuuta (H_Hitachiin I used your Fruit-Ryuuta if you do not mind, thanks!)
*Add Hitcircle (I thought it was very good indeed! thank http://www.clker.com/)
*Add Scorebar (-Ki -Kidanger -Kidanger2)
*Changed Section Fail - Section Pass
*Changed SliderBall
*Changed SliderFollowCircle
Download [ .osk & Mediafire ] : http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?t3ioituxonvsd6i
If you do not like something, please tell me!
Send me suggestions to make more skins!
Screenshots :
{ Changed files }
*Add Osu!Mania
*Add new Fruit-Ryuuta (H_Hitachiin I used your Fruit-Ryuuta if you do not mind, thanks!)
*Add Hitcircle (I thought it was very good indeed! thank http://www.clker.com/)
*Add Scorebar (-Ki -Kidanger -Kidanger2)
*Changed Section Fail - Section Pass
*Changed SliderBall
*Changed SliderFollowCircle
Download [ .osk & Mediafire ] : http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?t3ioituxonvsd6i
If you do not like something, please tell me!
Send me suggestions to make more skins!