
Replay of the year

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Tanzklaue wrote:

Wishy wrote:

Pretty much any sick replay from Cookiezi or Niko, rest are not that impressive.
rrtyui is nearly as good as niko; WW is still superimpressive; many asians (remilia-scarlet, keigoclear, karuta, rucker, wobeinimacao, 5231_kinoko, torein13rd to name a few) are crazy good; people like thelewa lead the non-asian crowd who is not niko or WW but still can compete with the very best in the game.

especially rrtyui and the other asians did some stuff that is easily on the level of cookiezi. if you want I can collect some replays.
Yeah well I don't really get that impressed with acc plays, like Ascension to Heaven 99% on HR is sick but it's not something that shocks me or anything.

And yeah there are many "random" pro asians (AIDIA) who have many impressive replays. It's just me anyways I don't like watching replays I know the guy had to play the map for hours, days, weeks or even months to get it. Best example is Big Black, 2000 plays to FC, not interested on that, I'm sure there are many players who can FC that after retrying 2000 times, cause yeah, as long as you can do every part of the map regularly (meaning you just get random misses but don't just completely fail on something) you can FC if you retry long enough.

Which is the same thing I think about acc plays, even if thelewa and Keigo got the best acc overall, you can see how they still get beaten on some maps by any other good player who happened to have a good play out of nowhere or just retried long enough, thing you can't do on stuff Niko or Cookiezi do since they get it after a few plays w/o really retrying. Then rrtyui is a beast but I think he is many steps below Cookiezi or Niko (and I even think Niko is a few steps below Cookiezi too, overall). Just talking from what I saw by watching him, he is just a very good player with unlimited patience who will retry a map a thousand times (he's done it) if he really wants a top 1. One example I can think about right now is Ende, Cookiezi got HR FC first play while rrtyui had to drill.

Not that all of above should matter since replays = best play and the rest is irrelevant, but it's just me. :/
this is cookiezi

silmarilen wrote:
wat is dis?
dis is

SnowWhite: Look I can do Hidden SS

Cookiezi: let me show you how to play game properly little noob

JappyBabes wrote:
I did that right away when the map got approved. I regret missing now.


Mara wrote:

JappyBabes wrote:
I did that right away when the map got approved. I regret missing now.

i'm well aware, but silma did it twice. with higher scores.

Anyway, I'd say this is my favorite this year - easily.

its not about the score, its the fact that you fc'd it with halftime
mara is just as awesome

Mara wrote:

Anyway, I'd say this is my favorite this year - easily.

Looks like something Silvia would do.
Aside from silmarilen's HT score, I think TTTL's is definitely my favorite. That and Cookiezi's Kyoto DT FC.
Kanye West

Mara wrote:

Anyway, I'd say this is my favorite this year - easily.

Flute actually FC'd it.

Kanye West wrote:

Flute actually FC'd it.
Really now

this day just keeps getting worse by the moment

why is it that the last day of the year must be the most miserable one

leave me alone you scumbags

I hate life
and now the vid is deleted.

thanks kanye :c
What an emo
People are just going to complain about the video now so I had to delete it, same thing happened to Mezame

thelewa wrote:

People are just going to complain about the video now so I had to delete it, same thing happened to Mezame
only that your play was far more impressive, just one stupid miss and godlike acc.
#8 Jumping madness

tolliken wrote:
#8 Jumping madness
pffft what a noob only 92%

jump takes no skill. anything below 98% is shit-tier play. he couldn't read the map at all. omg look at all of those 100s he's just mashing in the direction of circles.
s ranker disc
well mine would count because everyone says im a noob XD but lol i beat the song thats hard whats up people (lucifer) L3 on taiko XD pwned
Kanye West

Aqo wrote:

tolliken wrote:
#8 Jumping madness
pffft what a noob only 92%

jump takes no skill. anything below 98% is shit-tier play. he couldn't read the map at all. omg look at all of those 100s he's just mashing in the direction of circles.
ok no
Aim is the most important aspect of this game

thelewa wrote:

Aim is the most important aspect of this game
and here I am thinking this is supposed to be a rhythm game aim is actually really important
What do you need an insane accuracy for if you can't even aim your cursor at the circles

Aqo wrote:

tolliken wrote:
#8 Jumping madness
pffft what a noob only 92%

jump takes no skill. anything below 98% is shit-tier play. he couldn't read the map at all. omg look at all of those 100s he's just mashing in the direction of circles.
IKR. Why can't we have more players like geckogates. I'm tired of all these scrub DT scores, they are ruining the game.

Aqo wrote:

tolliken wrote:
#8 Jumping madness
pffft what a noob only 92%

jump takes no skill. anything below 98% is shit-tier play. he couldn't read the map at all. omg look at all of those 100s he's just mashing in the direction of circles.
OD 9 + DT, that acc is indeed impressive, now if you get 92% on some shit easy acc DT like most then yeah it's a bad play, learn to tell the difference between them.
i heard DT is capped on OD9.5 tho
everyone taking Aqo seriously when he was joking :(

silmarilen wrote:

i heard DT is capped on OD9.5 tho

ykcarrot wrote:

and this
and this

ykcarrot wrote:

Max combo: 1337


silmarilen wrote:

i heard DT is capped on OD9.5 tho
Still quite hard for a high BPM like that, aren't usual DTs way easier to acc?
It's actually easier to get good accuracy at high bpm if you can click fast enough

higher OD is easier on higher BPM
Well that's because you are used to high BPM.
no, thats because its true
Not sure if troll.
The interval between the circles is smaller and thus there is less time to make mistakes in timing

it's simple, really.

thelewa wrote:

The interval between the circles is smaller and thus there is less time to make mistakes in timing

it's simple, really.
270 bpm at od8 can sound close to double-tapping and still award only 300s because of this.
Kanye West

thelewa wrote:

It's actually easier to get good accuracy at high bpm if you can click fast enough

higher OD is easier on higher BPM
What about overstreaming?

And don't forget that aiming is harder at higher BPM e.g. 4D.
Usually people don't overstream at extreme BPM's, and the map being harder to aim doesn't affect accuracy unless you miss. Cookiezi didn't miss so the map being hard to aim had no effect on his accuracy.
I do overstream. Some people don't even overstream 170 BPM cause they can't go faster.

When I can barely reach a jump/misread it I get a 100.
That's because you've got a poor sense of rhythm. Trust me, at a higher level of play you either hit the note or miss. There is no getting a 100 if you get to the circle late. You just fucking miss.
- 1 -
All replays involving tennis beatmaps, those godlike 2009 maps.

- 1 - wrote:

All replays involving tennis beatmaps, those godlike 2009 maps.
Then obviously it's my #1 on

(ping pong is table tennis riiiight?)

thelewa wrote:

That's because you've got a poor sense of rhythm. Trust me, at a higher level of play you either hit the note or miss. There is no getting a 100 if you get to the circle late. You just fucking miss.
I've seen Cookiezi get 100's on jumps when he could barely get them so guess we all got poor sense of rhythm.
my god Wishy you are so boring, Cookiezi this Cookiezi that

thelewa wrote:

That's because you've got a poor sense of rhythm. Trust me, at a higher level of play you either hit the note or miss. There is no getting a 100 if you get to the circle late. You just fucking miss.
anyone with anything that isn't SS/A from SS due to miss has poor sense of rhythm

buny wrote:

thelewa wrote:

That's because you've got a poor sense of rhythm. Trust me, at a higher level of play you either hit the note or miss. There is no getting a 100 if you get to the circle late. You just fucking miss.
anyone with anything that isn't SS/A from SS due to miss has poor sense of rhythm
Or simply has lacking skills with cursor movement
generic comment about Cookiezi
Holy fuck MillhioreF how do you play all those EZ, it's insane. Also 8.3k isn't your real playcount, right?
Like I've explained a thousand times, it's not that hard - it just requires a different kind of reading skill than AR8 and above. I should probably have a few thousand more plays than I do, since I played mostly offline until May or so, so I'd say my real playcount is around 13k.

Liutprando wrote:

my god Wishy you are so boring, Cookiezi this Cookiezi that
Is there a better example? Please provide me one, not gonna look all over every pro's replays to find more records like that, thanks. Acc becomes hard when you play stuff a little out of your league (not talking about OD only), if you keep getting SS or 99%+ it means you're not challenging yourself that much, and guess what happens then... go play 24/7 and see how tons of random asians can do as good as you if not better w/o playing that much.

kriers wrote:

generic comment about Cookiezi
ikr that play was awesome

Wishy wrote:

Liutprando wrote:

my god Wishy you are so boring, Cookiezi this Cookiezi that
Is there a better example? Please provide me one, not gonna look all over every pro's replays to find more records like that, thanks. Acc becomes hard when you play stuff a little out of your league (not talking about OD only), if you keep getting SS or 99%+ it means you're not challenging yourself that much, and guess what happens then... go play 24/7 and see how tons of random asians can do as good as you if not better w/o playing that much.
So I'm never challenging myself

MillhioreF wrote:

Like I've explained a thousand times, it's not that hard - it just requires a different kind of reading skill than AR8 and above. I should probably have a few thousand more plays than I do, since I played mostly offline until May or so, so I'd say my real playcount is around 13k.
Yeah but those maps you play with EZ aren't easy at all independently of AR. Also all those first places with 13k playcount.. wow

thelewa wrote:

So I'm never challenging myself
Well I saw you said once something like "I never play maps which I can't FC"
Who cares, I quit anyway \:D/
^just like all the other times, right?

enik wrote:

Holy fuck MillhioreF how do you play all those EZ, it's insane. Also 8.3k isn't your real playcount, right?
I make myself feel better about it by telling myself that he cheats, or that it is a genetic thing I don't have.

thelewa wrote:

So I'm never challenging myself
There is a reason why you keep playing forever and some asians are still better than you w/o really playing that much don't you think?

You do challenge yourself anyways, I don't see you getting 99%+ on No pain, No game every play, and yesterday you were playing that hard DT with tricky streams on the first part and your acc was low, that's challenging yourself. If you can easily do something w/o really missing or getting any 100 then that's clearly too easy for you and you won't improve by playing stuff like that.

thelewa wrote:

Who cares, I quit anyway \:D/
Why are you so whinny

I've seen your replay of The Big Black, from what I remember it was all just random misses on the easy parts. You did the 1/2 jump sliders perfectly :l you should just try to FC approved stuff more

Purple wrote:

thelewa wrote:

Who cares, I quit anyway \:D/
Why are you so whinny

I've seen your replay of The Big Black, from what I remember it was all just random misses on the easy parts. You did the 1/2 jump sliders perfectly :l you should just try to FC approved stuff more
Who cares about The Big Black, lol

Wishy wrote:

thelewa wrote:

So I'm never challenging myself
There is a reason why you keep playing forever and some asians are still better than you w/o really playing that much don't you think?

You do challenge yourself anyways, I don't see you getting 99%+ on No pain, No game every play, and yesterday you were playing that hard DT with tricky streams on the first part and your acc was low, that's challenging yourself. If you can easily do something w/o really missing or getting any 100 then that's clearly too easy for you and you won't improve by playing stuff like that.
woah that's aqo-level right there.
you know, lewa is one of the best players in this game? and you don't get one of the very best if you don't push yourself to your limits?

pushing your limits doesn't mean get a bad acc. you can get a bad acc and do something comfortably. you can do something with 99% acc and be totally exhausted at the end. lewa doesn't get 99% on nearly every map because he pushes himself not hard enough. he gets that because he is probably the best accuracy player around, on a similiar level as even cookiezi (as he can beat pretty much every score of cookiezi that isn't a crazy dt-run).
thelewa is one of the best acc players ever, yes. Overall? I'm not sure, never seen him do any of those completely crazy HR or DT runs, nor FC on incredibly hard maps that just a few have ever FC'd. I've seen him push his limits and that's when his accuracy goes lower, because he is playing stuff out of his league which he will eventually be able to properly play when he gets better, that's how it works on every game, like it or not, you won't get better fast by playing stuff you can easily do. There are still many random asians who played way less than him and got scores that yet have only been achieved by a select few (some very hard HRs like Deep Space, or several crazy DTs).

And about high end acc wars on HR, yeah, lewa is top tier, but those scores in the end up being pure drill until you get a higher score (not acc) than the other guy, which any pro players like that will tell you it's just about that, just retry the map till you don't get any random 100 and do all streams properly, it's not like lewa or rrtyui can reproduce their scores with that very same accuracy (or better) on every try, since they get that out of lots of plays. I mean I don't know if lewa is better than rrtyui on that, or Cookiezi, all I know is players on that tier all can get that epic accuracy if they try hard enough. Yet when we talk about extremely hard shit then you see the huge difference there really is on some stuff.

I suck and if I play stuff I can easily play then I'll get always over 99%, cause I will read everything properly, I will hit everything on the right timing, and will be able to consistenly stream when I have to, then when I go play harder stuff (pushing my own limits) my accuracy will go lower because I'll get more 100s on streams (harder streams), misses, and maybe misread something which in the end means lower acc because of more misses or 100s. When you get as good as lewa you will get that very high accuracy on harder stuff, and then when he plays really hard stuff (which is hard even for him) his acc will be lower.

Like it or not even if Aqo sometimes talks shit he is completely right when he tells you there are ways to improve faster, Rucker himself recommended Salvage to map something himself full of 1/2 at high BPM and play it several times to improve, which is some of Aqo's suggestions that make many players mock him. You can have a million plays and still be worse than a guy with just under 50k plays, it's up to how you use those plays. You have players like Iris who have many top tier scores, and look at his plays, he used Spun-Out tho so you might say he has 40k plays or something, yet he can beat lewa on some scores (No pain, No game) and do crazy DTs just a few can do. Another example is Torein 13rd who could do some DTs only Cookiezi could do back then w/o really being active at all.
i'm surprised lewa hasn't removed his galdeira - almagest run yet

JappyBabes wrote:

i'm surprised lewa hasn't removed his galdeira - almagest run yet
That's because it's a liveplay

thelewa wrote:

Who cares about The Big Black, lol

What wishy says is true, you need is a flagship heroic full combo. Like chipscape, which I was told you wanted to do.


a very good replay~
Niko's Crazy Hot
White wolf's "with a dance number" hd+hr x1miss
forgot to save the reply grrr
rawr~ edited because time is hard
^that's 2013 material. 2012 only please

JappyBabes wrote:

^that's 2013 material. 2012 only please
Shit. I can't read.
Yeah Cookiezi is greatest, we get it. Now let's talk about all other cool players.
Well Cookiezi FC'd freedom dive a bit too late for 2012. So I'd say the replay of the year is still KeigoClear's one from the OP.
Kanye West

Purple wrote:

thelewa wrote:

Who cares about The Big Black, lol
Why? It's a bad map with bad music.

Defacer wrote:

the only one who can play something comfortably and have bad acc is me, lol (@ the ''challenge yourself'' discussion )

i suck at acc, I almost got PERFECT D on Night of Fire 5-6 months ago, I will do it soon, remember my word !! I nearly FC'd this with a D
come at me bro

Defacer wrote:

the only one who can play something comfortably and have bad acc is me, lol (@ the ''challenge yourself'' discussion )

i suck at acc, I almost got PERFECT D on Night of Fire 5-6 months ago, I will do it soon, remember my word !!

33 spinners, can't pass all :<
Topic Starter

fartownik wrote:

Niko's Crazy Hot
Wow. That's actually pretty amazing. Also this thread is meta as fuck.

Defacer wrote:

the only one who can play something comfortably and have bad acc is me, lol (@ the ''challenge yourself'' discussion )

i suck at acc, I almost got PERFECT D on Night of Fire 5-6 months ago, I will do it soon, remember my word !!
I had a B on that with hardrock and perfect, surely you might be the only one to get a D on that with a fc.

she wrote:

Defacer wrote:

the only one who can play something comfortably and have bad acc is me, lol (@ the ''challenge yourself'' discussion )

i suck at acc, I almost got PERFECT D on Night of Fire 5-6 months ago, I will do it soon, remember my word !!
I had a B on that with hardrock and perfect, surely you might be the only one to get a D on that with a fc.
I probably have a d on it

she wrote:

I had a B on that with hardrock and perfect, surely you might be the only one to get a D on that with a fc.

she wrote:

a B on that with hardrock and perfect
Am I missing something?

-GN wrote:

she wrote:

I had a B on that with hardrock and perfect, surely you might be the only one to get a D on that with a fc.

she wrote:

a B on that with hardrock and perfect
Am I missing something?
pretty sure he means full combo perfect

the wording is just a bit dodgy
I wish I could stream faster... MillhioreF beats me. ;<

TTTL: #39 - 294BPM

#1. Only mod score HD HR.

Lavale wrote:

TTTL: #39 - 294BPM
oh my
Madoka-_old #16. How is it possible to be so accurate with hidden on such low AR...

Madoka- wrote: #16. How is it possible to be so accurate with hidden on such low AR...
Low OD, memorization.

CXu wrote:

Madoka- wrote: #16. How is it possible to be so accurate with hidden on such low AR...
Low OD, memorization.
[sarcasm]Memory is not a skill. Please discard score.[/sarcasm]
Of course memory isn't a skill, duh :<

CXu wrote:

Of course memory isn't a skill, duh :<
yeah it's just something that you can do naturally aka talent

Lavale wrote:

TTTL: #39 - 294BPM
oh shit son
I miss TTTL. :(

kriers wrote:

CXu wrote:

Of course memory isn't a skill, duh :<
yeah it's just something that you can do naturally aka talent
(This may sound wrong, but I'm not sure how I could word this better...) It's more like how you could use your brain though, choosing between memorization and sight-reading. As a matter of fact, I have the worst sight-reading skill. \:D/
Yeah those #2 are really good.
i lol'd

Wishy wrote:

Yeah those #2 are really good.
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