TouchTofu wrote:
The map is interesting, but I would have worked on the aesthetics. You're good at
Misericordel wrote:
NM pls, Extra diff, it's still without HS but I'm curious about structure overall.
Музыка то гуд, но offset 0 меня сильно пугает. Много есть моментов которые идут не в такт и следуют доработки. Так же эстетика карты сильно страдает. Расположение нот хорошее, джампы понравились. Но есть куда еще рости и над чем работать. А так хорошо, продолжайте в том же духе и учитывайте ошибки, и все будет отлично
tffxny wrote:
NM please and thank you; whichever difficulties you prefer.
Your map is very lacking in sections, please learn how to put them. It is very important. You should also work with offset and especially with the location of objects. The map should be done very well. I have written only a small part of the edits in your map, but this should be enough to fix such errors. Please view the entire map and make corrections
Woood13 wrote:
NM on top diff ;w; beatmapsets/1218122#osu/2534391
thank you!
Your map came out great! I really liked the patterns and design. Aesthetics at a high level, I think having corrected small flaws, it can be safely carried out on rank
Dr3w_1337 wrote:
NM beatmapsets/1181481#osu/2463494
Ох, даже не знаю, Loved это Вы хотели сделать или ранк. Если и хотели на ранк, то следует очень хорошо поработать над ней. Но, судя по расположениям нот, слайдеров и эстетики карты, Вы точно расчитывали на Loved, так что я не буду ничего пока о ней говорить (а точнее об ошибках). Но патерны мне понравились, это факт. Карта зашла
MatZeCode wrote:
Hey, here's my beatmap:
Title: Alt Futur
Artist: Silentroom
Length: 1'55
BPM: 155
- Easy (1.89*)
> NM request <
Thanks for modding !
The map is good, but the background and color of the combo should be added. Could have worked with the end, but this is "Easy", so I don't see the point, good map
Lvl100Babaloo wrote:
NM req
Thanks in advance!
The map turned out to be interesting, but there are moments with a problem in the rhythm. You need to gain experience. And 1/8 of the timeline is superfluous here. Most maps are done exactly in 1/4, but not as in 1/8. 1/8 are already maps with shares divided by 8 to 1. It's a long time to describe. Make maps in 1/4, this is enough with your head, especially on slow and light maps. There will even be 1/2
You are good at it, with more practice and experience, and everything will be fine. Good luck to you
This so far is what I have fully verified. I will also check the rest of the maps soon, and most likely you will see everything in your discussion. Thanks for your attention!