beatmapsets/1066593#taiko/2233260 this map helped me alot. It wasnt impossible for me to do, but it feels so clean and natural that it made it easier for me to see longer streams. I use edit mode and practice certain parts I dont understand and i go in the test mode and pause to see what the pattern is on parts that I mess up on. The more you do this the bigger your pattern library becomes.
beatmapsets/1222538#taiko/2542872 This map has a part near the end of the song with this pattern where it utilizes alot of ddd, kkk in the middle of the stream which throws you off. I assume this is what is happening, since it happened to me. I went into edit mode on this song alot just to get those patterns down and get used to hitting them.
I am also struggling at this point too because when a triple note comes up in between a stream I forget what hand to use because of this abrupt quicker pattern.
Most important thing to do is try to understand how you would play the pattern properly, and then let your mind do the work. You will find you can't do it now, but every day you start understanding more and more and making these connections while you are not playing