
Your prediction of '13

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peppy makes another update most players hate.

EDIT: Fixed for Corin lol.
That happens every year I guess.
-I will get more maps ranked than the previous year (2)
-GANGNAM STYLE dies out and something else replaces it for Most Played
-Nyquill/dkun/I will get MAT somehow
-Charles445, Sync and MMzz become Alumni
-_Gezo_ keeps making pointless predictions
-I will still be an asshole in Off-Topic
-Powerdrone makes an appearance
1. Tapping (RPM/tablet tap + x) is used by most of the pro players.
2. Niko quits permanently.
3. White Wolf quits permanently.
4. Tom comes back on his main account.
5. Gaddafi gets banned.
6. About 10~ well known players end up being caught up cheating.
7. Korea wins OWC.
8. Someone finds a way to delete BGs after .osz2 is implemented.
9. And a huge amount of players gets banned due to using that.

1. One song will reach 10 ranked maps of itself (the exact same song, not arranges of it).
2. Gangnam Style makes it to the top3 in Best Maps of 2012, but doesn't win.
3. 3 maps from the same author (mapper) make it to the list.
4. DaRRi MIx's version of Gangnam Style is ranked and ends up most played map of 2013 along with the current ranked one.
5. Big Money is approved.
6. And it's full of lame Half Time scores.
7. Old (crappy, unrankable) ranked beatmaps are deleted/corrected according to the new standards.
8. Hold sliders are rankable.
9. Collab live-mapping is implemented.

1. Someone famous IRL registers to the forums and we know about it.
2. New layouts (switchable) of the main page/forums are being introcuded.
3. A new subforum for a country is created.

I went too deep with this shit.
- friendok is back
- osu!mania tournament

fartownik wrote:

8. Someone finds a way to delete BGs after .osz2 is implemented.
Is that really relevant anymore since the VISUAL SETTINGS background dim makes it practically black after passing the map once anyway?

IppE wrote:

fartownik wrote:

8. Someone finds a way to delete BGs after .osz2 is implemented.
Is that really relevant anymore since the VISUAL SETTINGS background dim makes it practically black after passing the map once anyway?
"but wait, if kiai times flashes, I see the background for 0,825 seconds. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!" plus the passing thing that will vanish anyway

yes it is for some people.
Some event will occur in China, and in some unknown random way that event is going to make China exceed Japan in Anime.

Sorry if you got offended by the necrobumping.
Restless Spirit
There'll be a new prediction of world's end and again, nothing will happen.
I will quit Osu.
Kanye West

fartownik wrote:

1. Someone famous IRL registers to the forums and we know about it.

AliceSuyeong will not quit Osu.
Shohei Ohtani
Listen!! will be ranked.

Udipia wrote:

CDFA becomes a BAT
My body is ready.
- a new popular map/song will replace gangnam style
- yeahyeahyeahhh and I will collab that song
12/21/12 2013


mathexpert9981 wrote:

12/21/12 2013

what kind of date is that? hh/dd/mm yyyy?
hell yea

'cuz i'm hipster as fuuukkkkk
osu! will stay in its stagnan state

that's for sure
Shiro will reach 25 ranked maps.
One of Shiro's maps will have (strictly) over 9.5 rating (either old ranked or new ranked).
A new hyperpro player will rise.
A new hyperpopular mapper will come out of nowhere.
There will be at least 3 grumd maps in the Best of 2012 chart.
None of my maps will make it top 100 votes of the Best of 2012 chart.
Gangam Style will NOT win the Best of 2012 vote.
Someone will male yet another "how to improve" thread in G&R.
Andrea will quit BAT then come back again.
There will be another speedrank drama.
A map will be unranked and never reranked.
Kanye West

Shiro wrote:

Someone will male yet another "how to improve" thread in G&R.
Easiest. Prediction. Ever.
* Larto comes back.
* Blue Dragon gets a map into best of 2013. (attention-whoring prediction?)
* I will meet [Luanny] at some point.
* Saturos appears for a day, then disappears again.
* osu! arcade goes to some other country, and great success.
* Some famous guy in the community will do something that's not really bad, but will get banned and peppy won't allow him back.
* April fools will be disappointing, once again.
* osu!mania score changes again, and the reset creates a massive raging wave.
* A famous/good player user will be found out cheating and gets banned, then drama around it, creating new filters for IRC.
* Lolicore Flandre becomes admin. HOLY CRAP LOL
* Someone in the staff will cause a big drama, then get kicked to never come back again.
-Didou will stop making typos
-A not asian team will win twc
-A not asian team will win cwc
-A brazilian player will reach the top 50 pp
-Gezo will cry because no one mods his map
-OnosakiHiro will reach 350 total maps
-Big Money willl be approved, people will make drama, it will be unapproved and nuked forever
-A new mouse pro player will appear
-At least 3 more alumnis
Niko will FC four dimensions or get #1 on it.
Poland will get into owc finals and play against Korea.
I will get Crystallize ranked.
I will get whole Lindsey Stirling ranked.
I will get 300+ KD and get better at modding.
Bikko will be back and get in top #10 of pp.
mancuso will become a BAT
Gabe will become a MAT
I become the ruler of the world and peppy makes osu! look like the most awesome game ever.

That is all :3l

Blue Dragon wrote:

* Larto comes back.

Larto will come back and give us all the amazing maps and music we need

one can hope.. right :c

nvm, some1 beat me to it already

[Luanny] wrote:

-Gezo will cry because no one mods his map

Kanye West wrote:

Easiest. Prediction. Ever.
Topic Starter
Lindsey Stirling album * woooops
Perhaps some better translation would appear
There might be some more genre directions (depends on the mappers)
Not sure if the percentage of Japanese songs and Japanese-anime-related instrumentals will increase or decrease, it may go either way (again, depends on the mappers)
Maybe some African players and some Arabic players would become impressive (Um, including some asian players carrying African and Arabic flag, maybe)
New cheaters and new anti-cheating mechanisms (definitely)
Anyone interested in forming a pro-player band? :)
Better OWC (well, it's pretty good this year, but I guess it would be better next year)
I don't know the possibility of adding jubeat mode, but I guess some nerds would make it happen
I won't know what I could do for osu!, just like now, but, since I'm a psych major freshman now, I guess it might be useful after at least 3 years
I'll take my wildest guess that some once-pro-player would be back, as well as mappers
More self-centered predictions:

Shiro will start taking anti-depressants...
... will stop complaining and whining about everything...
... and will stop attention whoring.
Shohei Ohtani

[Luanny] wrote:

CDFA will cry because no one mods his map
That counting forum game thread gets locked.
That ^ < v forum game thread gets locked.
Score rank will become obsolete.
Less Nightcore beatmaps because of Nightcore mod, maybe.
Another beatmap similar to 2B will be created.
More pro mouse-only players will appear.
I will be under rank 100
I pass Mendes single-tap
I FC Deathstream comp
I passed Four Dimension nomod
I FC BASARA single-tap (lel)
silynn dies from osu overdose
All the best players in the tag 2 tournament will turn out to be horrible at tag 2, and mara will somehow win.
Kaona will become top25 of UK

silmarilen wrote:

Koana will become top25 of UK
This Koana sounds like a strange individual.
why do you edit my post in your quote?
>Lolicore Flandre becomes admin. (Blue Dragon)

Topic Starter

Nyquill wrote:

and mara will somehow win.
Good try, but I am not in the tournament due I have to handle map balance. </3

And I am balancing the whole tournament by kicking myself out.

Blue Dragon wrote:

* Lolicore Flandre becomes admin. HOLY CRAP LOL
Happened 2 minutes after my post.

Blue Dragon wrote:

Blue Dragon wrote:

* Lolicore Flandre becomes admin. HOLY CRAP LOL
Happened 2 minutes after my post.
Autowin, I say.
Topic Starter
Is that green or red, tho? I mean, it's not 2013 yet.

Mara wrote:

Nyquill wrote:

and mara will somehow win.
Good try, but I am not in the tournament due I have to handle map balance. </3

And I am balancing the whole tournament by kicking myself out.
doesn't matter, you will somehow win.

Mara wrote:

Is that green or red, tho? I mean, it's not 2013 yet.
Put it blue, to say "Predicted but happened in 2012". I didn't get such a case for my prediction thread so...
Just gonna add some more (pointless) predictions
1. Marry an anime character thread will reach 100 pages
2. Massive banhammer, at least 3 well-known people will get banned and result in drama
3. At least 1 finn will get banned at some time in 2013
4. ...and then they will be unbanned
Cookiezi will FC Big Money
Cookiezi will have over1000 spectators
New game mode
osu! for Windows Phone
Chile will win CWC
2.5 million players
400 BPM streamers
A forum regular will leave osu
A forum regular who disappeared a while ago will come back (just like e-hooker)

Australia will win OWC
strager will come back

Edit: whoops didn't read the op

Mara wrote:

  1. we hit the 8000 user online mark

On his blog peppy wrote:

We hit a new high with 8,415 users connected on the 11th of december!
Sinistro makes a post in Off-Topic.
Topic Starter

Yuugoh wrote:

lol how do i read threads
osu! will encounter a very big problem which will lead to a massive score wipe, but surprisingly only a few players will quit.
2013: There will be osu!stream for PC.

Frizz wrote:

3. At least 1 finn will get banned at some time in 2013
4. ...and then they will be unbanned
You're bit late, we already did that about a year ago.
A huge copyright agency finds about osu! and see how it's based on copyrighted music and a huge shitstorm emerges

Valentiino wrote:

A huge copyright agency finds about osu! and see how it's based on copyrighted music and a huge shitstorm emerges
It's ok the huge amount of miku disguises the very few copyrighted songs

Valentiino wrote:

A huge copyright agency finds about osu! and see how it's based on copyrighted music and a huge shitstorm emerges
I was wondering when this was going to be mentioned.

silmarilen wrote:

copyright wrote:

It is osu!'s policy to (1) expeditiously block access to or remove content that it believes in good faith may contain material that infringes the copyrights of third parties and (2) remove and discontinue service to repeat offenders.
I laughed at that point
someone will reach level 103 on osu standard
I'll finally get banned on this account without doing anything.
Kanye West

silmarilen wrote:

someone will reach level 103 on osu standard
I'll go off this prediction and say Uan will be the first person to reach level 103 on osu! standard.
Someone in staff dies.

Like in real life.
unfunny and uninteresting thread gets locked and wastelanded

silmarilen wrote:

unfunny and uninteresting thread gets locked and wastelanded
and a new one will be made

Kanye West wrote:

silmarilen wrote:

someone will reach level 103 on osu standard
I'll go off this prediction and say Uan will be the first person to reach level 103 on osu! standard.
Well I suppose White Wolf would probably go ahead of Uan, since recently White Wolf reached #1 on ranked score, and thus Uan became 2nd.
Kanye West

loseri wrote:

silmarilen wrote:

unfunny and uninteresting thread gets locked and wastelanded
and a new one will be made

Kanye West wrote:

Easiest. Prediction. Ever.

B-52 wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

I'll go off this prediction and say Uan will be the first person to reach level 103 on osu! standard.
Well I suppose White Wolf would probably go ahead of Uan, since recently White Wolf reached #1 on ranked score, and thus Uan became 2nd.
uan has more than 60bil score more than white wolf. he would have to quit for white wolf to take him over
I will become a chat mod...
...then get kicked off the chat mod team out of community backlash.
Big Money will rot in the graveyard.
Fake It and Blythe still won't get ranked or approved.
At least one admin will quit due to personal reasons.

silmarilen wrote:

uan has more than 60bil score more than white wolf. he would have to quit for white wolf to take him over
That's true... I didn't realize that... :P
  1. Andrea will have more than 200 ranked maps
  2. Most of the alumnis will come back
  3. Most of the BAT will go alumni
  4. Inactive XATs are going to get kicked
  5. Bass/Konei/-Bakari-/popner/Nichiyouki becomes MAT
  6. Leorda/Kawayi Rika/Roddie becomes BAT
  7. Blue Dragon is still going to make impossible maps and approve them
  8. _Gezo_ will, FINALLY, rank something
  9. thelewa will be #1 on the pp ranking
  10. Mara will be able to pass Stamp On The Ground with his feet
  11. DiamondCrash and NotShinta will come back on osu! and I will be able to say Hi to both for once.
I guess that's it for now
- there will be more predictions for '14 than for '13
- after Niko and White Wolf quit (see fartownik's prediction) there will be new pro players
- I will get at least 2 maps ranked
- I will be somewhat known as a good german player
- I will play for germany in the next owc
Elysion will be the best female player in osu!.
I will learn more useless French phrases by lurking on #french.

Hika wrote:

Elysion will be the best female player in osu!.
she is at the moment.

watch for LillyWonka though :P

MillhioreF wrote:

Big Money will rot in the graveyard.
Easiest prediction ever
A new mapping style will be introduced.
There will be another osu couple, then a sad break up.
ztrot will come back as a MAT/BAT.
More drama.
Peppy will make a change to someone thing and nobody will like it.
New maps will still be ranked when they suck terribly and shouldn't be.
More people will quit.

Lizzehb wrote:

More drama.
Kyonko Hizara
We hit 3 million users
and I will be best female osu! player
Alduric will get unbanned and become one of the best players.
  • Akai- will return and become the best female player again.
быг быг е!

Gabe wrote:

  1. Blue Dragon is still going to make impossible maps and approve them yes
  2. _Gezo_ will, FINALLY, rank something no

silmarilen wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

I'll go off this prediction and say Uan will be the first person to reach level 103 on osu! standard.
uan has more than 60bil score more than white wolf. he would have to quit for white wolf to take him over
thelewa is going to be the first lvl 103 on osu! standard.

Gabe wrote:

Mara will be able to pass Stamp On The Ground with his feet
Kanye West

Lizzehb wrote:

A new mapping style will be introduced.
I hope this comes true.

Lizzehb wrote:

There will be another osu couple, then a sad break up.
ztrot will come back as a MAT/BAT.
More drama.
Peppy will make a change to someone thing and nobody will like it.
New maps will still be ranked when they suck terribly and shouldn't be.
More people will quit.

Kanye West wrote:

Easiest. Predictions. Ever.
Sleep Powder
I predict another new game mode or huge changes to an existing one.

There will be an osu!con.

There will be a great new osu! meme.

A new country will be made.

Tanzklaue wrote:

she is at the moment.

watch for LillyWonka though :P
Let's make this more challenging for me then.

-People will finally recognize my playing for once then I will become more popular. ;_;
-I will hit max on a spinner.
-Agnes will return to the BAT.
-...Shortly after, she'll somehow become an Admin.
just skip the whole BAT and go to admin

Agnes wrote:

-Agnes will return to the BAT.

Kanye West wrote:

Easiest. Predictions. Ever. Because. That's. True.
Good maps getting ranked.

vipto wrote:

Good maps getting ranked.

Kanye West wrote:

Best. Joke. Ever.

Hika wrote:

-People will finally recognize my playing for once then I will become more popular. ;_;
I recognize your playing
1. Gabe become the YOUNGEST BAT. (14 now)
2. osu! will have 2,222,222 (Two million two hundred and twenty two thousand and two hundred and twenty two) users.
3. A total of 1.25 Billion ranked plays.
4. SExGon SS "BARUSA OF MIKOSU" with HR in CtB
5. Someone send me a supporter tag
6. Someone will FC The big black with hardcockrock mod in CtB
7. 0814587134 hits 5,000 pp in CtB (Now 4556)
8. Cookiezi SS The Big Black
9. ouran's Bad Apple won't the "1st most played map ever", Gangnam Style some map will replace the 1st most played.
10. 14th Touhou Project beatmaps will ranked

Total : 10

0814587134 wrote:

5. Someone send me a supporter tag
Skree skree kreeeee
Niko will reach the top 3 of performance rankings.
At least 6 players will beat Cookiezi's score on Airman, adding HD or HR.

Varetyr wrote:

At least 6 players will beat Cookiezi's score on Airman, adding HD or HR.
inb4 cheaters that don't get banned

Gatyaa wrote:

Hika wrote:

-People will finally recognize my playing for once then I will become more popular. ;_;
I recognize your playing
you tend to spectate me when i am shit playing or not playing well for some odd reason
maybe it's just the second choice ):
Clawsmash stops smoking.
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