
What was the best video game you've ever played?

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Tad Fibonacci
Mine was definitely Bloodborne.

It was the video game that redefined my expectations of other video games.
It kinda ruined video games for me at first since after playing it, I can't find anything else that is similar in quality and games that I thought were excellent before now looks like a hot mess.
Still, I love that game to bits and it has a special place in my heart.
Dark Souls is a close second, and although I prefer the level design of Dark Souls, everything else in Bloodborne was just done better imo. The combat is fast paced and fun. the artstyle is gruesome and beautiful, the bosses were epic and the sound design just ties the whole thing together and makes you immersed in the game.
Before Bloodborne, I never had a favorite video game since I loved so many of them that I can't choose what was best. But now I can confidently say that Bloodborne was the best video game I have ever played.

So what was the best video game you've ever played and why?
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