
osu!plays - Upload your .osrs to community youtube channel

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Hey, guys I have been running a service called osuplays for the past 5 years so maybe some have heard of it. I only post about it on reddit osugame and rarely at that. Since I have created a new feature, I thought I should share it here.

I created a new discord bot so that I am able to have you guys take more control of your own replays. So in this update I added that and fixed a ton of other issues.

Before this bot was created, I would have to handle all recordings but now that is no more.

A short description of what the Discord Bot can do:

[!m] - Displays the bot menu

[!g] - Starts recording all maps

[!d] - Downloads required beatmaps

[!r] - Records specific replay files

[!i] - Displays information about an active beatmap recording

[!mp4 + username + beatmap] - All mp4 files are saved to server. You can request a download link to your osu mp4 file. If the file exists on the server, you will be given a link.

[!s] - Skips active beatmap

[!e] - Ends active recordings

[!username] - Lets you know if your replay is pending

[>username] - Lets you know if your replay is recorded but waiting to be uploaded

[!h] - Shows helpful information

So basically using the !r command, you can browse to your replay and have it start recording and then after it finishes, it will be uploaded to the community youtube channel.

You guys can get your videos up online with simple commands. As this is the first public release for the bot, there might be some issues but i've spent the last 5 days trying to find and fix everything but who knows. Either way I need people to use it.

In order to use the bot, you just join the discord server:

What is it?

osu!plays is a way to share your osu replays. It is uploaded to a public youtube channel where everyone can see your gameplay. The initial idea behind this was to allow users who can't record from their pc a way to share their gameplay with friends easily.

What do I need?

You no longer have to create an account on the website. You can simply upload your .osr file here which is the .osr file you get from pressing f2 on the replay screen ingame. Then hop into the discord: and get started.

What's the process like?

The process is no longer the same. Now, when you want your replay up, you just need to set it to be recorded within the Discord server.

What game modes are supported?

Do I need a strong pc?
You do not. You just need to upload your .osr and hop into the discord to get it recorded using the commands.

How often do the replays get uploaded?

The answer to this question is no longer the same as the old thread as well. You're replay will now start being uploaded after you finish recording it. Sometimes the videos are set to private so if you video does not appear, that is why. I am using a script to have the videos automatically upload which works 95% of the time.

Can I simply have the MP4 File after it's recorded?
Yes. Just use the command to request the file after its been recorded and it's all yours. It will be provided from the server. I have been using multiple HDD's which accumulates to over 30TB. All MP4 files have been saved that were recorded.. which is over 2000+.

Get started:

osuplays has been running over 5 years now with over 2000+ videos uploaded on youtube and constant updates. As of right now, as long as there are people who show interest, it will continue to run.

Here is a link to the youtube channel:
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