
Uploaded beatmap is deemed corrupted!

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Help! ;_;

Today, I just uploaded my first beatmap, and I accidentally delete them locally. When I redownload the beatmap from the server, osu deemed it corrupted! I think I know the problem, though. Might be because of a special character in the filenames or so (because I forgot to change one of 'em), but...

What should I do? ;w;

This one, btw...

Any help is really appreciated ;w;
if you deleted them from your osu! with the delete beatmap button it should be in your recycle bin
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Sakura wrote:

if you deleted them from your osu! with the delete beatmap button it should be in your recycle bin
I'm using a macbook, and I did search in my trash folder--but I did not find it. orz
If you can't find it anywhere in your computer and your uploaded version is corrupted then i dont think there's any way to recover it...
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At least I managed to get the osu files through manual extraction, so all the positions, bookmarks, and all are pretty much safe.

So, since that beatmap of mine is corrupted there, can it be removed? I'm going to re-upload the corrected one instead, later. And many thanks as well :D
If you manage to salvage the mp3 and .osu files i think it will resubmit to the same slot.
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I think so too, and I tried doing as such. However, when I try to upload it, osu! doesn't show any sign of packing (well, at least after 20 minutes of waiting or so). When I first upload that beatmap, it doesn't take more than 15 minutes (and that includes the uploading process).

In summary... IDK, updating doesn't seem to work. I'll try again tomorrow.
EDIT: Problem solved after manually changing both mp3 and video filenames in all osu files. Reuploading works in different computer. Now I am questioning my own home comp.

In any case, thank you for the help :D
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