
What should I get as a tattoo?

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Which tattoo idea?

Hyakkimaru from Dororo (2019)
Promare motifs
Yuri on Ice matching tattoo
My OCs (Xia Biao and Itou Hikaru)
Total votes: 8
Polling ended
Topic Starter
So, I've wanted a second tattoo for years (since I got one on my 18th birthday that I now feel meh about since I'm not into Attack on Titan anymore). This time, I want to get one on my thigh but debating what I should go with. My current interests in anime have changed a LOT since I was 18 and there are a few anime that have emotional meaning to me now that I am considering designs based off of.

Here are the options I'm considering.

1. Hyakkimaru from Dororo (2019). He's a character that holds emotional connection for me based on the attachment I have to the anime getting me through a tough time. I would get something similar to what's in the spoiler box:

2. Something Promare related. Maybe with Lio? I'm leaning towards the "flame" motifs from the anime and the triangle motifs:

3. A matching tattoo with my partner that's Yuri!!! on Ice related. It's debatable whether matching tattoos with people are cursed but I think that only applies if names are involved. The anime has a lot of significance to both of us so... yeah. Thinking either ice skates or something to represent that but don't have an example.

4. My last idea is a little bit more complicated since it would be of my OCs (refer to my current profile pic and profile banner). I might want to have a custom design made of them for myself. I don't have any ideas for poses yet but I would want both Xia Biao and Itou Hikaru in the design. I just haven't come up with something creative pose or design wise (or an example to show of other art)

I'm only posting here because I think some outside input could be helpful (whether positive or negative). Feel free to offer more suggestions as long as they're within reason. You get two votes in the poll.
Hyakkimaru looks cool
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