
I need skin / Мне нужен этот скин!

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I watched a video of some game for a long time. Now I wanted this skin. In the video, a man played with a skin, where each digit in the combo had its own color (like a rainbow). Can you please link to this skin?


Я смотрел видео какой-то игры очень давно. Сейчас захотел этот скин. На видео человек играл со скином, где у каждой цифры комбо был свой цвет (как радуга). Можно ссылку пожалуйста на этот скин?
I don't know what will you want and I'm sorry that I can't link that skin for you. On the bright side, try looking for more unique skins. You'll never know some skins are better than the skin you really want. Go ahead and try searching something new. ???.

Update: Here's a skin that you asked for; And the hitcircles you want will be on the the folder; hitcircle4. Here you go!
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