Summary: This skin is intended to be high visibility while still having good visual feedback on hits but not get overwhelming during faster parts. The goal is to avoid the things which are normally a pain while playing hidden (objects coming in under hitbursts and sliders), keep the playing field relatively clear but still give good and interesting visual feedback. The original version and update #1 were both compilations. Sources used are all cited, even for elements no longer used and for versions no longer available for download. From update #2 on the only element which isn't default or original is lighting.png by Nilsso, used with permission.
Anyways, I had been playing around with getting a skin I like for use with the hidden mod and I found a pretty simple combination of elements which resulted in a much easier time playing due to improved visibility as well as giving interesting visual feedback on hits.
The original version and update #1 used the cursor and 50/100 hitbursts from Cookiezi's skin listed in the pro player's thread
The hitbursts are the default skin's hitbursts with all but the numbers removed.
While having an invisible hitburst for 300s was nice, it resulted in little visual feedback while playing hidden which I didn't really like the feel of.
Original version used lighting.png from this beatmap It not only left the area directly under a clicked circle clear with the effect going around the circle, it also created this cool "ripple" effect all over the screen during fast/jumpy parts while playing hidden.
Updates 1 through latest use a lighting.png file by Nilsso, it's much cleaner and less visually noisy while still giving good visual feedback on hits.
Star2.png was made completely invisible as well as the image displayed when a spinner has finished. Update 2.2 added an unobstructive slider ball and reduced the size of the miss hitburst.
New: I've made a separate ranking screen download which will display 300s next to the appropriate numbers, since I had to make a 300 hitburst to do so I've included that as well. If you choose to use the visible 300 hitburst do NOT use the ranking screen as it'll end up looking funny!
Videos are both for v2.2 with the additional score screen.
Transparent skin, default cursor, no mods:
Transparent skin, red cursor/ball, hidden:
Update 2.1 and 2.2 (Transparent) Screenshots:
Download links:
The opacity for the transparent hit circles is 70% if I recall correctly. If you would like something different you can either adjust the opacity of the hitcircle.png from the basic skin, or ask in here.
Similarly, I don't mind making alternate cursor and slider ball colours, just mention which colour you'd like (RGB values are also accepted).
As update #1 was a compilation it goes without saying, I don't own any of the elements used, credit goes to the original creators. I just found the end result really helpful for playing hidden so I figured others might be interested in it. As I don't know who created the cursor in Cookiezi's skin (the 50/100 hitbursts are cut out numbers from the default hitbursts), information on who did would be appreciated, mostly for curiosity's sake now as it's no longer being used.
With updates 2 through latest, lighting.png is courtesy of Nilsso, all other elements are mine or from the default skin. Feel free to use the ones I made however you see fit.
I've been liking a red cursor and slider ball I made, so those are available as a separate download now.
Anyways, I had been playing around with getting a skin I like for use with the hidden mod and I found a pretty simple combination of elements which resulted in a much easier time playing due to improved visibility as well as giving interesting visual feedback on hits.
The original version and update #1 used the cursor and 50/100 hitbursts from Cookiezi's skin listed in the pro player's thread
The hitbursts are the default skin's hitbursts with all but the numbers removed.
While having an invisible hitburst for 300s was nice, it resulted in little visual feedback while playing hidden which I didn't really like the feel of.
Original version used lighting.png from this beatmap It not only left the area directly under a clicked circle clear with the effect going around the circle, it also created this cool "ripple" effect all over the screen during fast/jumpy parts while playing hidden.
Updates 1 through latest use a lighting.png file by Nilsso, it's much cleaner and less visually noisy while still giving good visual feedback on hits.
Star2.png was made completely invisible as well as the image displayed when a spinner has finished. Update 2.2 added an unobstructive slider ball and reduced the size of the miss hitburst.
New: I've made a separate ranking screen download which will display 300s next to the appropriate numbers, since I had to make a 300 hitburst to do so I've included that as well. If you choose to use the visible 300 hitburst do NOT use the ranking screen as it'll end up looking funny!
Videos are both for v2.2 with the additional score screen.
Transparent skin, default cursor, no mods:
Transparent skin, red cursor/ball, hidden:
Update 2.1 and 2.2 (Transparent) Screenshots:
Alternate red cursor and ball:
Optional ranking screen:
Alternate red cursor and ball:
Optional ranking screen:
Download links:
The transparent skin is highly recommended. I find that it makes spotting circles placed underneath sliders while playing hidden much easier. I also haven't had any extra trouble spotting individual circles/sliders with the transparent skin.
Update 2.2:
Size: 135kb
Red Cursor and Ball:
Ranking Screen and 300 hitbursts (Use the ranking screen or the hitbursts, not both!):
Update 2.2:
Size: 135kb
Red Cursor and Ball:
Ranking Screen and 300 hitbursts (Use the ranking screen or the hitbursts, not both!):
The opacity for the transparent hit circles is 70% if I recall correctly. If you would like something different you can either adjust the opacity of the hitcircle.png from the basic skin, or ask in here.
Similarly, I don't mind making alternate cursor and slider ball colours, just mention which colour you'd like (RGB values are also accepted).
As update #1 was a compilation it goes without saying, I don't own any of the elements used, credit goes to the original creators. I just found the end result really helpful for playing hidden so I figured others might be interested in it. As I don't know who created the cursor in Cookiezi's skin (the 50/100 hitbursts are cut out numbers from the default hitbursts), information on who did would be appreciated, mostly for curiosity's sake now as it's no longer being used.
With updates 2 through latest, lighting.png is courtesy of Nilsso, all other elements are mine or from the default skin. Feel free to use the ones I made however you see fit.
I've been liking a red cursor and slider ball I made, so those are available as a separate download now.
Update 1:
- Switched to lighting.png file made by Nilsso
- Made star2.png completely transparent, it only serves to distract during songs
- Removed combobursts, they added unnecessary size.
Update 2:
- Added new cursor and 50/100 hitburst
Update 2.1:
- Slight changes to cursor and cursor trail (now with more blur!)
- Changed default colours for skin slightly
- Both the basic and transparent skin use the same slider style now, both for consistency and so the basic skin's opacity can be edited directly with no other necessary changes
Update 2.2:
- Added unobstructive slider ball (feel free to ask for alternate colours)
- Reduced size of the miss hitburst by about half
Post 2.2:
- Added separate ranking screen and 300 hitburst download if you would like them
- Switched to lighting.png file made by Nilsso
- Made star2.png completely transparent, it only serves to distract during songs
- Removed combobursts, they added unnecessary size.
Update 2:
- Added new cursor and 50/100 hitburst
Update 2.1:
- Slight changes to cursor and cursor trail (now with more blur!)
- Changed default colours for skin slightly
- Both the basic and transparent skin use the same slider style now, both for consistency and so the basic skin's opacity can be edited directly with no other necessary changes
Update 2.2:
- Added unobstructive slider ball (feel free to ask for alternate colours)
- Reduced size of the miss hitburst by about half
Post 2.2:
- Added separate ranking screen and 300 hitburst download if you would like them