
The Killers - Somebody Told Me

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, January 29, 2010 at 11:52:22 AM

Artist: The Killers
Title: Somebody Told Me
BPM: 138
Filesize: 7352kb
Play Time: 03:10
Difficulties Available:
  1. eeeasy (1.69 stars, 160 notes)
  2. Insane (4.94 stars, 448 notes)
  3. Remco's Hard (4.46 stars, 337 notes)
Download: The Killers - Somebody Told Me
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
hi, here's another Killer beatmap by The Killers. . . . . . so, you know what to expect. . . . . it will Keeel YOU
Wizard Of Orz
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
newb mod GO! Take from it what you will :)

00:23:09 (4,5,6,7) - I found this part kind of confusing, it might just be me, but since it's normal, I would expect everything to be fairly straightforward. Again, might just be me though...
00:53:74 (3,4) - bad spacing here
01:50:26 (3) - Personally this doesn't feel good to me stacked, it seems feels like its kinda late in the timeline for that imo

00:27:87 (8,1) - Woahh spacing?
00:51:78 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This just feels out of place to me, nothing really happens in the song at this point.
01:37:00 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same thing, but this kinda feels better to me for some reason.. probably because there is more happening in the music now than at 00:51:78...
01:49:17 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - bleh lol, idk. I see how all of these SOUND good, but I just find them counterintuitive to play, seeing as those are the only 1/4 streams in the whole song, and they're pretty long. Personally I would save these for insane where you can use 1/4th streams more liberally throughout, making them fit in better

There is some sloppy note placment throughout, there are several beats that just need to be nudged a level-3 grid size. I would go through and clean it up a bit. I'm kinda OCD about that kind of thing lol

But yeah, nice map, nice song :D star from meee

- Offset: 21.171

- Ouch. Don't you think you overuse the claps and whistles a bit?

- 01:18:308 - I don't think the Kiai here fits.

00:47:47 (9,1) - Don't quite like this jump

02:11:60 (1) - 1 Level 3 grid to the left, 1 up
02:12:04 (2) - 3 Level 3 grids to the left, 1 down
02:13:77 (5) - 2 Level 3 grids up, 1 to the left

00:59:39 (1,2) - Those two sliders don't really sync to the music and sound stupid ;p

00:35:08 (1,2,3,4) - whistlespam
01:13:56 (4) - stack on fading 2
01:25:08 (4) - should end 1/2 earlier?
02:35:30 (2) - center this between surrounding notes
03:06:60 (2) - ^
03:07:58 (2) - move this 1/4 earlier
03:08:45 (4) - ^
03:10:19 (4) - ^

00:39:86 (1) - i was expecting a whistle
00:52:25 (10) - remove finish
00:54:64 (5) - spacing?
01:55:73 (4) - imperfect stacking
02:19:43 (1) - add a finish
02:30:51 (1,2,3,4) - random quiet doesnt fit, or at least is overemphasized
02:53:56 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - overusing whistle

only thing is, you're overusing whistle a lot i dont know who timed this but you might want to double-check? im no expert but it sounds a bit off in parts...

Edit: oops, forgot to star
Offset should be more like 21,159.

02:22:91() - Awkward break. Maybe cut the mapping at 02:19:43 (3) and end the break earlier?
03:10:51 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - These jumps feel hard for the sake of hard, and they break the flow of the map.

"Please don't overuse it."
  • -osu!, on Kiai Mode
I liked when it came in, but then it just never left. :<
Yeah, eee only did that kiai overuse on ACCIDENT. Was a bug or something :O

also bubl
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Hola! Here's my probably not nasty nazi list :)

02:32:46 (1) - This slider should be moved 1 level 3 grid space to the right to create a right angle between that and (2).
03:07:46 (2) - This little bugger should be moved 1/4 of a beat forward.
03:08:33 (4) - This guy should be moved 1/4 of a beat forward as well.

There seem to be a lot of spinners in Easy. I'm not sure if this is a problem... I'll leave that to the mods. Seeing as this has a Bubble, there seems to be no problem :D

03:09:85 (3) - This slider should be extended by 1/4 of a beat.

00:27:898(8,1): I'm not a fan of the spacing here.
01:05:07 (2) - You might want to move this baby a wee bit closer. You can keep the same spacing from the following 1 though :)
01:20:50 (1,2,3) - These three should be moved down a single level 3 grid space down. That way, they'll be level with the yellow slider before it(7).
02:00:07 (5) - This slider should be shortened by half a beat, to the red tick.
02:51:37 (3,4,5,6) - These four should be moved a single level 3 grid space up so they are level with (2).
03:09:31 (2) - Move this little guy 1/4 of a beat forward.
03:10:50 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Ok, this isn't really a "problem"... but I just wanted to say woah! This thing kind of killed me at the very end. Arrg.

The only other thing about Hard is that during the slower parts of the song, the life drain can exceed the recovery all 300's can bring. Just thought you'd want to know that.

Well, that's it from little ol me! I giveith it a star :P
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
First of all I love this song and I love The Killers - your Spaceman map was AWESOME!!! <33

Perfect. <3
It's absolutely awesome as is, however I (personally) felt that the circle at 1:27:028 should perhaps have been a slider (he holds the note into the break)? I dunno, maybe check with someone else. ^-^;
And maybe an extra beat in between the two existing ones on the map at 2:03:332.
Well, it's hard - so that's good. o.O Some of the jumps were very hard. But nvm it's fun. <3

EDIT: Maybe make the background a little more central vertical-wise? Anyhow, up to you. ;)

Well, I really hope this map gets ranked soon! It's both an awesome song and map, and I'm using awesome a lot today.
A well deserved star!!! :)
01:46:81 (1) - People will bitch at you for short spinners like that with hard to hit notes after them. Yeah, I can hit all that stuff, but if I see topics like that spinner regulation discussion stuff, it makes me look like I'm exceptionally good at spinners. -\0.o/-
So in short, just remove that spinner or make it lonnger.

Fuck it, if people can't handle spinners that I can perfectly handle playing on my Laptop, they should play Normal.

I'll let you keep the bubble. "Like I can pop it..."

01:10:072(2) - A little nazi thing, move slightly to the right either with no DS or DS at lvl 3.
01:13:550(4) - Same thing as above^.
01:35:50 (4) - No whistles at the start, rebound, and end hits of the slider.
01:52:028(2) - Slight nazi. move it up to the right a little with no DS.
03:01:376(2) - This obviously shouldn't touch the end of the slider beforehand.
03:10:50(1) - Shorten the spinner by 1/2 stanza(white tick), and optionally add a beat to where it originally ended beforehand with a clap.

01:27:02 (8) - add a finish?
03:12:028 - same as the spinner in eeesy's suggestion.

00:25:07 (3) - No whistles on the start, rebound hit, and the end.
00:32:02 (2) - Only a whistle on the start and not the rest?, it's not anywhere else on this map. fix?
00:49:41 (6) - No whistle at start or end.
01:58:33 (11) - same as above^.
03:12:028(1) - same as eeesy's and normal's spinner suggestion.

Nice map. Starred.
Offset -10.

03:09:85 (3) - Make this slider 1/4 longer.

00:27:89 (8,1) - This is the only 1/2 tick jump in the entire map (and it feels out of place because of that; add some more like it or remove it) until...
03:10:50 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - yaaaawn jumps in the last sequence of the song. Feels predictable and forced.
03:07:02 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Not in order, I know. But how about some 1/4 snaps here? Even Normal has them.
irc fixes

lookin' good
Hi eee~


41:811(1)-> Let's talk about this spinner.
In Normal, this spinner ends after your new timing point starts.(0:45:36)
In hard, this spinner ends before your new timing point starts.(0:45:36)

So, normal's hitsound is small but hard's hitsound is big.

Please harmonize that. I think "Small" is better :p

P.S Add a video please

Nice looking beatmap. Some things to note that I know millions of people already said (or not):
03.07.898- Add a new note
03.09.637(2)- Bump it back an eighth
03.10.506(1)- End it at 03.13.332
These things lots of people already noticed but it's mainly a "how the song feels" kind of a situation. Timing's really good. There are quite a lot of long spinners as well.

00.48.332(1)- This placement doesn't really make much sense. I know you're trying to hide #3 but well, at least put it above #2. This note could be really frustrating.
00.52.463(1)- Continue the last combo.
01.08.767(1,2)- Whistle/clap transition. Stick with one or the other.
01.58.115(6)- Feels strange. Maybe chang eit to a note on 01.58.332.
02.48.985(4)- Pretty weird timing. Try just getting rid of the turn around and starting the slider on the opposite side on 02.49.148
03.10.506(1)- Timing. Push the end of the slider to 03.10.724. It also gives them more of a challenge XD.
03.10.506(1)- End it at 03.13.332
Lots of clapping. The ending the spinner is truly my opinion.

02.47.245(5)- Move it to the top of the slider.
03.10.615(2)- Put it forward a quarter beat. Move it if you want to.
Lots of sound additives. I really like how you made the tons of notes to keep them clicking. it really completes the song.

Ima star your map!!
Hi eee. (:
only suggestions:

01:15:941 - add a new circle (#2) at 01:16:158. Maybe you can put down the circle #1.
03.10.506(1)- End it at 03.13.332 [2] (As the Harris73 said :P)

In Normal and Hard difficulties, i say the same that Harris, haha

Star add. :lol:
anyway, very nice music, very nice beatmap, congratz. x)
eee, just a detail in 'eeeasy'... the slider at 00:48:550 is moved to 00:48:332, ending at 00:49:419. x) I think is better.
03:07:57 (2,3,4,5) - Too difficult for easy? Spacing between 4 and 5 should be a smidge larger.

03:13:55 (1) - Maybe a finish instead?
try offset 21135

no problems

I recommend making the circles bigger.
02:35:28 (3) - finish maybe?

fine :)

good job, fun map. starred
Just a simple suggestion, eee:

Hard: At 00:51:811 (1), add a circle 1/8 after and before if you think better. =)
Crazy Jay
nice map
Hey, eee, I was scrolling through my WIP list, and I actually had a map for this in progress since like...2007. Mind if I contribute a difficulty?
*sigh* I don't think eee heard anything past June 14th...

I want this map ranked...
01:06:366 - I think kiai will be nice here and other parts like this. Apply for all difficulty maybe.

03:10:49 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Oh man, this feels really weird.

03:10:49 (1,2,3) - Same with Hard.

That's all for me. :|

Harris73 wrote:

*sigh* I don't think eee heard anything past June 14th...

I want this map ranked...
Give me a chance to upload my difficulty this week.sometime soon. :|
00:42:01 (1) - Shorten 1/1, notes directly after spinners is tricky for easy
00:55:93 (1) - Shorten to 00:58:322 for the same reason
01:05:49 (1) - Sounds better shortening 1/1 then adding a hitcircle
01:50:71 (1,2) - Maybe shorten 1 1/2 and move 2 back 1/2? It sounds more consistent with the rest of the diff that way
01:52:45 (1) - Again I think it sounds better with the same pattern mentioned above
02:02:67 (1) - Shorten 1/1
02:42:45 (1) - Shorten to 02:44:627, then add a hitcircle where it used to end

01:11:36 (5,6,7) - Align? ^_^
02:01:14 (4) - Align with 3? Just looks neater that way

00:41:80 (1) - Move back 1/2? You could add a hitcircle 1/2 after as well but personally I hate notes directly after spinners like that :P
01:33:54 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Mind making this symmetrical?
01:36:58 (5) - Move this to the right? Looks a bit sloppy
01:46:80 (1) - If you ever want me to hate you, this is how you do it :P I think a slider would make a lot of people much happier here
01:49:19 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Make this a straight line? Flows better
02:09:40 (8) - Align with 7
02:20:496 (break) - Why is this break longer than the other difficulties'? Here's what I would do personally:
02:19:40 (3) - shorten 1/2
02:20:49 - spinner until 02:22:888
02:26:14 (or the white tick after) map something

03:04:19 (5) - Move up a level-2 grid? The combo looks nice and curved that way

I already starred this ;_;

51.409 / Neaten up, not symmetrical.
Before the chorus (thump thump, somebody told me), the first time you had a slider and afterward you had 2 stacked notes; one or the other?


Distance snap too big for normal?



Ranked! Revived!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: The Killers - Somebody Told Me (Remco32).osb
01:56:36 (4) - Spacing. Same at 9.
02:59:62 (4) - Just make these stacks of three. Same at 03:01:36 (5)
03:09:40 (3) - I'd just kill this 2x BPM section, it felt really unintuitive.

00:45:51 - Once or twice while playing there were some volume inconsistencies that sounded odd to me. This was one of them, it sounded too low. Just double check all your volume settings and make sure they're okay with you. Normal and Easy more or less have all the same timing points and volumes, so if you make any changes apply them to Normal and Easy as well.

As a note, when I mod I only go into editor if I noticed something while playing. As such I'm not looking at this map through a microscope so to speak. I thought all 4 difficulties were pretty solid, and it's a great song choice. Good luck getting it ranked.

Oh and uh. Some of your notes aren't snapped in Hard. Ex. 01:38:10 (1,2,3,4,5)
Resnap your notes and make sure it checks out. Might wanna double check Easy/Normal for this as well while you're at it.

Shinde wrote:

01:56:36 (4) - Spacing. Same at 9. - is fine?

Download: The Killers - Somebody Told Me (eee) [Remco's Hard].osu
00:41:36 (6) - The slider end sounds odd to me as to where it ends.

Fun maps. You get a star.

rust45 wrote:

00:41:36 (6) - The slider end sounds odd to me as to where it ends.

Fun maps. You get a star.
I don't :)
Lovely! :D
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

01:07:023 (3) - Consider adding a new combo here.
01:30:071 (1,2,3) - This triangle looks a bit too bunched together.
03:09:051 (2,3,4) - A bit hard to read for newer players.


00:27:045 (6) - Might look better if it was moved to line up with 5,7, and 1 along that 45 degree diagonal.
01:13:097 (1,2,3) - Too close together, 1/2s don't touch before this (this is common to several spots, not really hurtin gameplay that much though)
02:30:049 (1) - Maybe line this combo up with the endpoint of 10?

[Remco's Hard]

No custom colours compared to the other difficulties, intended?

00:25:093 (4,5) - Eh, I don't really like how the start of 4 is touching the 5.
02:46:036 (1) - Line up with 4?
02:52:023 (5) - A bit farther than normal, threw me off a bit.


Very nice.

No problem !!

Or mod that later =]
Not that much problem =]
Mod Infos:

Green: Suggestions.
Orange: I think you should fix this.
Red: You must fix this.

Start Suggestions:

Offset = 21150


01:12:023 (3,4) - Spacing :S Fix the slider-end, move it 1 square up
02:16:148 (x) - Add a break


02:28:010 (6) - New combo
02:38:010 (6) - ^

[Remco's Hard]

01:02:023 (9) - New combo


It's ok

Nice map, can't see something wrong, but on all diff's offset sounds a bit off on some parts of song. Anyway, it must be my misheard.
I think every kiai section in eee's diffs should start 1/2 earlier (somebody told me) except for the ones in the first verse which should start on the nearest big white tick.

02:59:410 (2) - This note sounds a little weird to me, I would either remove it or remove the hitsounds from it (a whistle would be ok)

00:27:671 (8) - This note is weird when everything else is synced to the lyrics
00:41:367 (6) - End this 1/2 sooner
01:00:280 (1) - Remove new combo, or move it to 2
01:04:193 (x) - Add a hitcircle here?
01:27:454 (1) - Extend 1/1
01:56:584 (5) - Kinda sloppy spacing
02:59:193 - start kiai here instead
03:02:889 (4,5,6) - Move all of this ahead 1/2, then add a hitcircle to fill the gap.

00:41:802 (1) - I would start this on the next red tick and put another hitcircle where it starts now
01:13:541 (3) - Move new combo to 4
01:52:019 (7) - Clap?

Third time's a charm, right?
I'm pretty sure i talked with u about the kiai time, also i agree with the eye dude on that one, so uhh, yea
00:43:976 (7) - new combo
03:04:410 (5) - new combo
00:45:497 (2) - hope this sounds right, add a finish here
01:19:845 (1) - i know why u added it here, but i think it'll look good if u remove new combo here, and add it to next note
01:41:149 - Make this happen, also add finish, trust me >O<
02:05:389 - make the kiai time end here
02:48:106 (2) - add finish, just at the very beginning of this slider

hmmm, i never starred this, how weird, sorry ^^'
other diffs look the same from when i modded it last time, so they look good
02:02:671 (1,2,3,4) - That pattern confused me, but I might just not have payed attention.
03:07:236 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - That pattern tripped me up because I thought you'd map to the vocals. But if you changed that, it would trip the people up who don't know the song. Maybe use a repeat slider, that way no one will be tripped up :U

00:41:367 (6) - End it 1/2 earlier? Sounds ugly right now.
00:52:019 - Add a note D:
03:05:497 - Somehow, the strobes starting from here don't fit.
03:09:845 - add a note pleaaase


Somebody told me, you have DISTURBIA! that looks like a DISTURBIA! that I had in february of last year.
DJHero is awesome.
err, why did you delete Normal?
01:56:574 (5) - This spacing is somewhat broken. Fix please.

Contact me when you fix it and I'll pubble.
Me again.

01:56:584 (5) - 1 grid right
03:04:410 (3) - New combo

I'd prefer a name change to eee's Hard, or perhaps Insane
01:26:584 (1,2,3,4) - These jumps are so blech.... make them smaller?

Sorry for not pointing these out first :S

EDIT: Pubble
Maybe, baby, please.
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