
Should I switch to using my tablet pen with my left hand?

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I started playing osu! about two years ago with a mouse and after a year passed I decided to switch to tablet, although I had a issue when switching. I've always used my right hand with a mouse even tho I'm left handed, I know its weird but I've never had a problem using a mouse with my right hand because I play other games competitively but after using my keyboard with my left hand for the longest time it felt weird using a pen with my left hand and keyboard with my right hand because I had been learning how to stream etc. But as of lately I feel like making the switch to using my tablet pen with my left hand instead of right because its obviously my dominate hand, It took me so long to learn how to use a pen with my right hand and now I'm worried I'll be set back really hard if I switched to my left hand. That's why I decided to make this post because I'm curious if anyone else had the same issue that I had?

I know most people wont be able to understand because majority of the people are right handed but I want to know if there's anyone else that's had or is having the same issue as me and what did they do.

Pick your poison. Either works.
Late to the party, and new to the game in general but I was in the exact same position as you.

As I started to improve (keep in mind I'm super new) I realized that my right hand would never be fast and accurate enough. Yes, practicing for months or more may have given me results like you but I felt that it would never allow me to play at my maximum potential. After switching to my left hand, I don't feel held back in that way.

That said, I also use the mouse with my right hand and have absolutely no problems. It could be a mental thing, or a muscle thing but holding a pen feels completely different to me. It is possible that after YEARS of practice everything will even out.

Either way good luck moving forward.

Hm, I'm not one to talk because I'm a left-handed person and have always used a mouse/tablet pen in my left, but I think you should try switching to your left hand if you want to. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't and it sets you back, think of it like learning for the first time
if you've been using your left hand to tap for 2 years, I would say it would be better to learn how to use a pen in your right hand. regardless, you're most likely to end up learning muscle memory from the very beginning even if you normally use a pen in your left hand; so it would probably be worth is to use the pen in your right hand. realistically though, either way whether you hold your pen in your right or left hand, it doesn't matter to much because you should adjust eventually.
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