
What is the difference between hit50 and hit50k

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Title is my main question.

I am trying to mod my skin so it helps me identify if I need to speed up or slow down when im offbeat during streams however when I modded my

hit50 into an "S"
hit50k into an "F"

and then tried it out in a stream dosent matter if im faster or slower both will show hit50.png (which is the S)

Can anyone help me out with this?
There is no hit50k element, which is why you are only seeing hit50 being used.

There are hit100k and hit300k elements however. These sprites are used when you get a 100 or 300 respectively on the last object in a combo. hit100k does not tell you whether you were early or late though, it's the same as a normal 100 (with the addition of the previously mentioned condition).
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