
[osu!STD] Summer Decision Tournament [4v4] | [7.5k - 100k] | [CLOSED REGS]

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  1. DST is a 4v4, international, osu! Standard tournament.
  2. Matches will be played with ScoreV2.
  3. The rank range will be 7.5k-100k.
  4. Teams must have at least 6 players and a maximum of 8.
  5. The format will be Qualifiers -> Group Stage -> Double elimination bracket stage.
  6. Group Stage will have 16 teams, but will be expanded to 32 if there are more than 32 signups.
  7. The group stage and double elimination bracket stage will both be formed in a special way, with high seeded teams picking their opponents (See Format).
  8. If there are below 32 teams registered only 16 teams will make it to group stage and QF will be the first stage after groups


  1. Players can sign up in teams of 6-8 HERE.
  2. Players can sign up solo HERE and be picked up by an existing team or randomly assigned to a team with other solo players if they don’t have a team by the time signups close.
  3. Players must join the discord and change their nickname to their osu name
  4. All Players must be within the rank range until signups close.
  5. Commentators, streamers and referees are the only staff roles that are allowed to play.
  6. There is NO rank buffer.
  7. Team names may contain a maximum of 19 characters.
  8. Team names must not be offensive or derogatory.

Match Rules

  1. Matches Will be played with ScoreV2.
  2. NoFail will be enabled on all maps.
  3. A referee will create the lobby 5 minutes before the match. Captains will be sent invites and must invite the rest of their team.
  4. The following shows the projected pool sizes and star ratings for each round.
  5. Qualifiers: 4 No Mod/2 Hidden/2 Hard Rock/2 Double Time Middle Star Rate: 5.7*
  6. Group Stage: 5/2/2/2/2 Freemod/1 Tiebreaker BO9 1 ban SR:5.55*
  7. RO16: 5/3/3/3/3 BO11 2 bans 5.7*
  8. QF: 5/3/3/3/3/1 BO11 2 bans 5.85*
  9. SF: 5/3/3/3/3/1 BO11 2 bans 6.0*
  10. F: 6/3/3/4/3/1 BO13 2 bans 6.15*
  11. GF: 6/3/3/4/3/1 BO13 2 bans 6.3*
  12. The star ratings may be adjusted depending on the skill of the teams as the tournament progresses.


  1. On the qualifier weekend there will be lobbies open periodically. Teams can signup for whichever lobby is most convenient for them, excepting lobbies that are already full.
  2. Qualifiers will be played on Head-to-Head and with ScoreV2.
  3. Each lobby can hold up to 4 teams.
  4. Each lobby will run through the mappool ONCE.
  5. If a team shows up to a lobby late, they can replay any missed maps AFTER the rest of the teams finish the lobby.
  6. If a player disconnects during a map, they can replay any missed maps AFTER the rest of the teams finish the lobby. If they disconnect more than once, the disconnection must be within the first 30 seconds of the map for the rule to apply.
  7. Each team’s total score will be calculated and compared to every other team in the tournament. This will be done on a map to map basis to create a golf ranking for each map.
  8. Teams’ golf scores will be summed to produce a final point score.
  9. The top 8 teams (In event of 32 signups) will each be allocated into a separate group and earn the right to choose the second member of their group.
Group Stage

  1. Groups will be formed in a unique way, with teams creating their own groups.
  2. More information can be found HERE.
  3. If a team fails to have four players present in the lobby ten minutes after the match time they lose ALL their bans.
  4. If a team fails to have four players present in the lobby 15 minutes after the match time they FORFEIT the match.
  5. When both teams have four players present in the lobby the referee will prompt team captains to roll. Roll winner gets a choice of first pick/second pick. Roll loser gets a choice of first ban/second ban. First warmup will be given to the team with the first pick.
  6. Teams will have 2 minutes for each of the three following sections: bans, picks and roster selection.
  7. Freemod maps require teams to have at least one player with Hidden and one player with HardRock/HiddenHardRock
  8. HDHR + HD + NM + NM Fine
  9. HR + HD + NM + NM Fine
  10. HDHR + HR + NM + NM Not Fine
  11. HD + HD + NM + NM Not Fine
  12. You are allowed to use mods (Hidden/HardRock/HiddenHardRock) on the Tiebreaker, but not required to.
  13. If a player disconnects during the first 30 seconds of a map, the map may be replayed. This can only happen once per team, per match.

  1. Brackets will be formed in a unique way, with teams who topped their group picking their opponents for the first week.
  2. More information about bracket formation can be found HERE.
  3. Teams in the winners’ and losers’ bracket will play the same mappool each week.
  4. There will be a new mappool every week.


  1. This tournament will use the Badge Weighting System (BWS)
  2. BWS is a system that artificially ranks up players depending on the amount of profile badges they have.
  3. Only osu!standard badges will count, mapping badges and badges from other game modes do NOT count.
  4. A player’s BWS rank will be calculated with the following formula:
  5. rank^(0.9937^(badges^2))

  1. Registrations Close: May 18th at 23:59 UTC
  2. 1-2 week buffer for screening
  3. Qualifiers: June 5th - June 7th
  4. Group Stage: June 12th - June 21st
  5. RO16: June 26th - June 28th
  6. SF and LB2&3: July 3rd - July 5th
  7. Finals and LB4&5: July 10th - July 12th
  8. Grand Finals and LB Finals: July 17th - July 19th
  9. If there are below 32 teams registered only 16 teams will make it to group stage and QF will be the first stage after groups

  1. 1st Place: 4 months of supporter per team member. Also, special banner made by Celsea!
  2. 2st Place: 1 months of supporter per team member.
  3. Donations to increase the size of the prize pool would be greatly appreciated.

Host: Zertus

Co-Hosts: Tuco, gamecube08, Galaxy

Spreadsheets:Tuco, gamecube08

Graphics: Celsea

Mappool Selector: Galaxy, gamecube08

Mappool Playtesters: loveleft, Em1ru, _Suzuha

Referees: BananaSwitch, Kahli, Kolibri, Menty, Mr Troy, Raoul, Soulskyeflare, zibi, drozdovianempe, Civil Oath, KortezR, Em1ru, Mlaw, Elcheer, Raoul, wiam103, Xpekade

Streamers: Tuco, Galaxy, Xpekade

Commentators: -spoon-, loveleft

We’re always looking for more staff members, so if you want to give reffing/streaming/commentary or any other roles a shot just chuck Zertus#0340 a DM on discord.
Big Brayn
Poggies my Doggies
Pepoggers !
update staff list
I want to join but i dont have team, can i join a team ?
Pog champion
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KanekiVirtual wrote:

I want to join but i dont have team, can i join a team ?
You can always join as a solo reg and make your team from there, and we will also make some teams out of solo regs.
dang I'm only 400k away from joining ... big sad
Леся замолчи
Ayy sign me in

KanekiVirtual wrote:

I want to join but i dont have team, can i join a team ?
need a team? were looking for a member ourselves.
Yay here we gooo~
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Last day of signups yooo
can i raise my rank above 7.5k after regs close?
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TheBlaZer wrote:

can i raise my rank above 7.5k after regs close?
yes, you can
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