
This game REALLY needs an easier way to practice specific sections of beatmaps

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As it is right now, practicing specific sections of beatmaps isn't super easy. You have to open the map up in the editor, delete everything besides the section(s) you want to practice, and then export the map. Compare this to a game like clone hero, where all you have to do is pause, select practice, and BAM, you can play any part of the song you want in seconds.

The lack of ease in practicing sections has made be not want to FC maps I would have FC'd otherwise. For me, there's nothing less fun than playing 2 & a half minutes of a map just to lose my combo on one specific part of the map I need to practice.

Am I doing this wrong? Is there an easier way to practice sections I don't know about yet? (If there is, I wouldn't be surprised; I am pretty new to the game. ) If there isn't, are there any plans to include a practice mode in Lazer or in a future update?
The easiest way I know of is this:

You click on the map you want to practice on, edit it, skip to the part you want to practice and then press F5 or go on file, start testing. The Song will automatically start from where in the music you left off. I hope that desciption is good enough. With skipping I mean simply advancing in the song at the menu where you compose or timing or so.

It definitely isn't as fast... and for me some maps for some reason had a lag spike so... had to do some stuff to make it stop which took enough time. I hope it helps you ^^
Zelzatter Zero

Marioexpert1999 wrote:

and then press 5

F5, not 5 bro.

But I suggest looking in the editor first to find out the rhythm on the specific section first, then test/practice it. It will make you familiarize faster that way.

Uraomote Error wrote:

Marioexpert1999 wrote:

and then press 5

F5, not 5 bro.

But I suggest looking in the editor first to find out the rhythm on the specific section first, then test/practice it. It will make you familiarize faster that way.

oops, I pressed the wrong key XD. Well thanks for pointing it out (pressed control + f instead of shift + f)
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