
Osu Pπ ... an AI-powered PP System!

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Hey everyone! Shutdown has endowed me with enough extra time in the past month to begin seriously working on an Osu! project I’ve been looking to start for quite a while. The project is called Osu! Pπ, and it’s an AI-powered pp ranking system.

There is already a working version of Pπ (the ranking system) in this Colab notebook: in the “Try it out!” section. It’s a long shot from being perfect, but I think it has a lot of potential.

If you are interested, the notebook also contains a full description, experimentation, and comparison to PP (currently working on adding more comparisons). Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions or would like to help out.

Anyways, that’s it for now!
that's one hell of a clever name
I think having a pp system that instead based off of combo and accuracy, is based on learning what challenges the player. Reward pp for a presented skill and reward more when a player say 100%s a long stream. Say this player is not so good in the streaming department, so they will be rewarded more pp for hitting that skill instead of only getting 10pp because they broke a slider. This could go across the board for players who struggle in jumps or sliders. Your more average player may not get a specific pp bonus for hitting a challenging skill for them but they will be rewarded for that 100% stream instead of getting only 10pp on a 5-minute song cause they slider broke, or missed a jump note by a centimeter.
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