
Osu Mania Score Multiplier.

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Well, I thought of something that exists in DJ MAX

When we put in the Osu and the Mod Mania 6 Buttons, lost score to finish the song. Well, a lot of people playing in 6 Buttons for cordenação not have to play with more than 6 buttons, at least to me it is so.

I thought about putting a feature DJ Max to help a thing.
Example: I put the 6 buttons, more however, I put the speed of the track in 3.0, and it will get harder, so I do not lose score.

I think many here already played DJ MAX to know what is the speed of the track, the more you almenta, faster is the track where the notes come thus bringing more difficulty.

This option would help those who can only play the 6 buttons, because the person would play normally and still win score. And it would work with any type of game. (4, 5, 6, 7, 8 buttons.)

So if you put the 6 buttons you would still lose score, leaving the track more notes faster, you would not lose score.
Track speed is a user preference. Some users could play hardcore songs in mania at 20 speed, or even higher. Some, including me, plays with speed 12, disregarding the fact that different songs produce different speeds. Even in DJMAX, a x99 note speed will not add up to your score.
Next, finishing a 7K map with 6K mod should really decrease your score. And you shouldn't be able to cancel this by making the notes drop real fast.
If you really want to top the rankings, you need to consider practicing 7K. Also, you could use mods for score multipliers. It's what I'm doing right now ^_^ (although the mods won't increase your score as of now, a bug I guess)

Yes, even though we're in the same situation, I won't support this. It's unfair imo.
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