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srsly guys, if everyone would start ignore that cancer the world would be a better place.
Sorry, I like taking the bait every once in a while

Generally it's when I think of snazzy one-liners, it'd be a waste not to post it
When you feel that urge again, tell the one liner to dkun instead.
"D'you wanna die?"

Been a while since I last heard him say that for the record
Trash Boat
i know the path i choose, Color. i don't need nobody to guide me
Witch Mercy

seasonS wrote:

gracecz wrote:

Let's just say I ignore and neglect my irl responsibilities to a very extreme degree. |:
Yep, pretty sad indeed ;_;

Shellghost wrote:

When you feel that urge again, tell the one liner to dkun instead.
you motherfucker
I suck at social life and often don't get what people want from me, so I end up ignoring them sometimes.
Reallife needs a better guide.

Chris9427 wrote:

I suck at social life and often don't get what people want from me, so I end up ignoring them sometimes.
Reallife needs a better guide.
I know how you feel. My social skills suck pretty bad as well.
Trash Boat
how to get friends in real life, part 1:
-Be honest with them(but you can allow yourself some little pity lies)
-No matter how desperate they are, don't lend them money. they won't return it
-Give them your shoulder when they need to cry
to be continued, but you can contribute with some tips if you wish

Trash Boat wrote:

how to get friends in real life, part 1:
-Be honest with them(but you can allow yourself some little pity lies)
-No matter how desperate they are, don't lend them money. they won't return it
-Give them your shoulder when they need to cry
to be continued, but you can contribute with some tips if you wish
Part of a series of trash boats useless tips.

Tuxdude143 wrote:

Trash Boat wrote:

how to get friends in real life, part 1:
-Be honest with them(but you can allow yourself some little pity lies)
-No matter how desperate they are, don't lend them money. they won't return it
-Give them your shoulder when they need to cry
to be continued, but you can contribute with some tips if you wish
Part of a series of trash boats useless tips.
Trash Boat
talk by yourself i dont see any contribution of your part. Chris asked for a guide, this is a decent start
hurray, 1,000 posts!

Trash Boat wrote:

talk by yourself i dont see any contribution of your part. Chris asked for a guide, this is a decent start
hurray, 1,000 posts!
You gave me a wrong guide though. I don't need more reallife friends, since I have enough already.
It's just hard for me to 'interact' with random people.
My trick is to stop giving a fuck

Tuxdude143 wrote:

I know how you feel. My social skills suck pretty bad as well.

Tuxdude143 wrote:

Part of a series of trash boats useless tips.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Trash Boat

Brian OA wrote:

My trick is to stop giving a fuck
excellent advice(not sarcastic)
Vuelo Eluko
im a virgin
Yes great we're all very shocked etc.
Trash Boat
Bassist you are more random than I. keep up the good work
Let's try a method everyone can understand perfectly.

Pls no responderino to the cancerino you retarderinos.
Vuelo Eluko

Shellghost wrote:

Let's try a method everyone can understand perfectly.

Pls no responderino to the cancerino you retarderinos.
are you confessing to rustled jimmies
I poop while sitting.
Trash Boat

Shellghost wrote:

Pls no responderino to the cancerino you retarderinos.
marcostudios will probably kick your ass as soon as he reads it, because that's racist dude.
I confess I just start another beatmap and it took much less time deciphering the speeds that put circles XD

xtrem3x wrote:

I confess I just start another beatmap and it took much less time deciphering the speeds that put circles XD
Vuelo Eluko

GladiOol wrote:

xtrem3x wrote:

I confess I just start another beatmap and it took much less time deciphering the speeds that put circles XD
hay we were all new to mapping once

personally i tried it once, made like 4 circles, then gave up.\


Shellghost wrote:

Let's try a method everyone can understand perfectly.

Pls no responderino to the cancerino you retarderinos.
I was working out at the gym, got a good burn in, and then this chick walks up to and tells me to put my shirt back on because it's "against the rules." What the hell, I wanna go back to Panama.

Should I organize a group of 40 or 50 people to walk in there, take our shirts off simultaneously, and finally work out in splendorous glory until shirtless becomes the norm?
implying it's normal to do a workout without a shirt on. lol

GladiOol wrote:

implying it's normal to do a workout without a shirt on. lol
I've lived half my life without a shirt on.

Shellghost wrote:

GladiOol wrote:

implying it's normal to do a workout without a shirt on. lol
I've lived half my life without a shirt on.
I confess i will never let the world forget about the osu god Cookiezi

astelios wrote:

I confess i will never let the world forget about the osu god Cookiezi
Even though I started playing when Cookiezi was already gone for quite a bit, he was still the first player I ever heard about and the first player that burned into my mind. It's pretty hard to forget about him when his replays are all over YT I think.

astelios wrote:

I confess i will never let the world forget about the osu god Cookiezi
why are you calling rrtyui cookiezi?

silmarilen wrote:

astelios wrote:

I confess i will never let the world forget about the osu god Cookiezi
why are you calling rrtyui cookiezi?
Trash Boat
i dont know whos worse, me or you(Not you Corin). i mean, check this out
Vuelo Eluko

silmarilen wrote:

astelios wrote:

I confess i will never let the world forget about the osu god Cookiezi
why are you calling rrtyui cookiezi?
i wish he played more, but i guess when you're that far ahead of everyone else and you end up like a vegeta without a goku, it's hard not to settle down and grow a moustache.
Witch Mercy

Trash Boat wrote:

how to get friends in real life, part 1:
-Be honest with them(but you can allow yourself some little pity lies)
-No matter how desperate they are, don't lend them money. they won't return it
-Give them your shoulder when they need to cry
to be continued, but you can contribute with some tips if you wish
LOL @ 2nd one, too true.

gracecz wrote:

Trash Boat wrote:

how to get friends in real life, part 1:
-Be honest with them(but you can allow yourself some little pity lies)
-No matter how desperate they are, don't lend them money. they won't return it
-Give them your shoulder when they need to cry
to be continued, but you can contribute with some tips if you wish
LOL @ 2nd one, too true.
Actually, I gave a friend 150€ bucks once, he returned the 150€ in 75 x 2€ coins though.
Kanye West
That's bullshit. You *can* lend your friends money, just don't expect them to pay it back. It's called being nice.
Trash Boat

Kanye West wrote:

That's bullshit. You *can* lend your friends money, just don't expect them to pay it back. It's called being nice.
lol good point

Kanye West wrote:

That's bullshit. You *can* lend your friends money, just don't expect them to pay it back. It's called being nice.
god forbid humans know the concept of being a human being.

Zeraph wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

That's bullshit. You *can* lend your friends money, just don't expect them to pay it back. It's called being nice.
god forbid humans know the concept of being a human being.
it's 2014, what in the world could you possibly expect
dkun can I lend supporter tag from you pls?
well a lot of people have a grasp on how to be a human being but there's apparently quite a few people here that don't understand that concept.

GladiOol wrote:

dkun can I lend supporter tag from you pls?
lend? mannnnn gladi you cheap sletje
Witch Mercy
Oh yes, another confession would be that I LOVE standing outside when it's raining.
I would get really sick afterwards, but I don't know what is it, but standing in the rain is just really peaceful and calming to me.
It's easy to get me angry.
It's near impossible to piss me off, unless that certain person knows how to hit my nerve.
1 person knows how to piss me off in 5 seconds, even though that person's not even doing it on purpose, I think.
Trash Boat
i don't tolerate kids, but in the deep i care a lot about them. i tend to overprotect my nephews, but only when the whole family comes in(its a big family)

Chris9427 wrote:

It's near impossible to piss me off, unless that certain person knows how to hit my nerve.
1 person knows how to piss me off in 5 seconds, even though that person's not even doing it on purpose, I think.
that's nice, kid
this thread is dumb

Alchemi wrote:

this thread is dumb
I'm starting to see a pattern here when it comes to Argentina
Trash Boat
there are people that plays more than posts in forums, dont you know?
And the quote function is dead.
Trash Boat
was talking to Sethlied

Trash Boat wrote:

there are people that plays more than posts in forums, dont you know?
Trash Boat
thats true, check whosthebox, only 24 posts and he's 1 in Taiko
>legitimate mode
Trash Boat
my point is held, there are that kind of players, but its their opposite also?
I always knew that if Cirno met herself she would argue with herself.

This is a lot more fun to watch when you think of it that way.
Trash Boat

Yoeri wrote:

I always knew that if Cirno met herself she would argue with herself.

This is a lot more fun to watch when you think of it that way.
Vuelo Eluko
RuRuChi has many posts and is #1, checkmate

although, 95% of his posts are simply "nice beatmap" or "symbols i cant read" in a beatmaps thread.
Trash Boat
that user didnt do anything since its join date. seriously, or its another ruruchi?

edit: anyone has seen mekadon lastly? i didnt
oshit is this the start of a beautiful mekadon x trashboat yaoi

God damn.
Please don't let this happen
Trash Boat
of course i wont. i just asked what happened to mek because it says user not found, but his avatar remains
I actually don't like cats that much. I'm more of a dogs person.

fixed a typo

Chris9427 wrote:

I'm actually don't like cats that much. I'm more of a dogs person.
cats are cute but dogs are superior
cats are fab
Cats are the best. People like dogs a lot because they're so friendly, but they're also retarded, whereas cats are usually smart. Usually.
cats are dumb shit

not to add that their voice are annoying as hell

dNextGen wrote:

cats are dumb shit

not to add that their voice are annoying as hell

Yep total indeed!!!
Trash Boat
Indeed they are cute

Hoverlegs wrote:

please don't make me regret this

I had surgery on my balls

I hate it when people know less than I do.
That's actually the main reason why I help out people sometimes when they have a problem.
So uppity
I think that's actually a really nice thing. You're like an angry teacher with a heart of gold.

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

I think that's actually a really nice thing. You're like an angry teacher with a
Dad is so wise

Teachers get dem gp5

NotEvenDoomMusic wrote:

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

I think that's actually a really nice thing. You're like an angry teacher with a
Dad is so wise

Teachers get dem gp5
Plz stahp.
I just got over it's disappearance..
hey guys force of nature was an item once

Mr Color wrote:

hey guys force of nature was an item once
I got over it because of the SV buffs.
Trash Boat

NotEvenDoomMusic wrote:

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

I think that's actually a really nice thing. You're like an angry teacher with a GHOST
Confession: I always shamelessly steal politely borrow my friend's chocolates & desserts from her lunchbag. :>
Kanye West
Innervating locket was the best item. I remember going sona mid with locket and dumpstering every ashe and corki mid, fun times

Team was like wtf no adc mid gg and then I had 3 kills and a tower at 10 minutes
i didn't even play when innervating locket existed wtf kanye.
i don't even play lol.

get on ym level scrubs.
Trash Boat
i dont play LoL either
well tanz looks like you're on a nice level.
Kanye West
Having soraka xin zhao warwick/udyr and vlad on your team was instawin back then too. Maybe even a roaming or jungle eve or twitch. The sustain meta was so unbeatable and stealth was hideously broken

People built locket on udyr and that was hella broken too but I didn't like it cause it was expensive and didn't give damage.
Trash Boat
yeah, yeah and yeah, Luigihann has returned!

Mr Color wrote:

hey guys force of nature was an item once

silmarilen wrote:

Mr Color wrote:

hey guys force of nature was an item once
Oh, grasshyren brings back memories.
Used to watch his vids 3 years ago
i'm starting to try modding and the maps i like to test my modding skills on are the ones with no sp and no replies

i don't know if i should feel happy or something else
sometimes i disconnect my internet to play maps i cant beat so that my historical section isnt flooded with hundreds of plays on maps that i never completed...

these are very reasonable maps, mind you, nothing overly hard :(
I get in a really bad mood when I'm forced to listen to music I don't like.
Especially when that music gets stuck in my head..
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