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boat wrote:

Brian OA wrote:

Boarder number one.
what's funnier than cock

quoting it

Jarby wrote:

A Limerick by Jarby (2013)

There once was a man named Malice,
who had a craving of phallus.
His love of cocks drove him into a box
delivered to Vatican Palace.
Topic Starter

Wojjan wrote:

You are on the internet. You have books readily available for you to read, for free. You are not allowed to be bored. If you are bored, you are boring.
Doesn't make sense at all. There are certain times when someone can do many things yet want to do something another and therefore get bored of the current situation. Actual point is not "something to do around" but "something you want to do" or "something new". That's why, it's boring to watch something when you want to go out or when you want to click circles but you are outside. If people can't do something they want, anything can get boring unless it's something new. Please.
Scarlet Devil_old_1
I thought we were confessing...

I'm actually a hot grill
it's internet after all

Brian OA wrote:

Because they've convinced themselves so much that they're worthless that they become worthless themselves. They never have the drive to do anything substantial because of it. They can't even say that they tried.



Kyonko Hizara
I had a random bitch tears moment today
Scared Q.Q
I have a little too much anger lately. Good thing it's not getting out of control
I got blocked off by some random asshole, on my way home, and I flipped him the bird, and yelled out the casual "F*CK YOU!". That's not the bad part. The bad part is that, as soon as I did that, I was wondering if the people in the car beside me thought it was funny or not. I care about other people's thoughts more than my own anger <.< That's sad.
I stole someones diamonds on minecraft
Someone stole my diamonds in Minecraft.
I am a strong, independent and kawaii shoujo who don't need no senpai.

Aeidxst wrote:

Wojjan wrote:

You are on the internet. You have books readily available for you to read, for free. You are not allowed to be bored. If you are bored, you are boring.
Doesn't make sense at all. There are certain times when someone can do many things yet want to do something another and therefore get bored of the current situation. Actual point is not "something to do around" but "something you want to do" or "something new". That's why, it's boring to watch something when you want to go out or when you want to click circles but you are outside. If people can't do something they want, anything can get boring unless it's something new. Please.
But they are not outside. They are on the internet, which has an almost infinite variety of things to do. And when you don't want to do anything on the internet, it's up to you to go someplace and do something. I am fine with people being bored, I'm bored too sometimes. I hate people who COMPLAIN about being bored instead of doing something to amuse themselves. Thence, if you are bored, you are boring.
everybody is bored at times, so with your logic everybody is boring.
you should atleast revise it to 'people who complain about being bored are boring.'

GladiOol wrote:

everybody is bored at times, so with your logic everybody is boring.
you should atleast revise it to 'people who complain about being bored are boring.'
I'll go as far as "If you're that bored, you're just boring." I am trying to make a manifesto here.
This discussion on boredom is getting pretty tiresome. I suppose you could say it bores me.
i dont easily cry, but this documentary about the tsunami in 2004 almost made me shed a tear
I cried like a little baby when I watched clannad after story
Kyonko Hizara

Devalix wrote:

I cried like a little baby when I watched clannad after story
I only ever state that I'm bored as an excuse to say/do inane things.
Topic Starter

boat wrote:

I am a strong, independent and kawaii shoujo who don't need no senpai.
Also living in Sweden. But you are not a futanari. Not a futanari.

Not a futanari.
I'm really enjoying the singing thread.

Devalix wrote:

I cried like a little baby when I watched clannad after story
what is so sad about clannad

i watched it and my reaction was like

dNextGen wrote:

Devalix wrote:

I cried like a little baby when I watched clannad after story
what is so sad about clannad

i watched it and my reaction was like
exactly, the ending is quite bad actually. really kills an otherwise okay-ish anime tha sometimes even has great moments.

Aeidxst wrote:

Also living in Sweden. But you are not a futanari. Not a futanari.

Not a futanari.
Not anymore, no.
I'm sick and tired of people going "what's so sad about clannad". I'm not a fan of it, nor I hate it as much as you do, but aren't you tired of criticizing the same anime over and over and over again?

If you find it bad, keep it to yourself. It's a matter of personal preference. Some find it good, some find it horrible. I don't find anything bad on liking mainstream anime. But if you just keep on being negative about it, its just better to shut it and keep it to yourself.
yu don't heff to be mad nigga,i don't recall criticizing it over and over though
Kanye West
opinions =/= criticism
repetitive negative opinions are. go figure why
Negative opinions should be allowed just like positive opinions. I hate it when you see things where the owner of some content says "If you don't like it, don't watch/comment/like rate and subscribe". It's like they actually want a massive circlejerk!

Seph wrote:

I'm sick and tired of people going "what's so sad about clannad". I'm not a fan of it, nor I hate it as much as you do, but aren't you tired of criticizing the same anime over and over and over again?

If you find it bad, keep it to yourself. It's a matter of personal preference. Some find it good, some find it horrible. I don't find anything bad on liking mainstream anime. But if you just keep on being negative about it, its just better to shut it and keep it to yourself.
hey funny, i can say exactly the same but then about people who are going on about how sad it is.

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

Negative opinions should be allowed just like positive opinions. I hate it when you see things where the owner of some content says "If you don't like it, don't watch/comment/like rate and subscribe". It's like they actually want a massive circlejerk!
Exactly, if it is good you are free to comment but if it is negative "keep it to yourself, haters gonna hate lbebrelab edperpdeprerp"

it is stupid
Negative opinions and positive opinions alike can be a cry for attention.

And for fuck's sake, if you find an anime bad, at least CRITICIZE it instead of baselessly bashing it and saying it's mainstream shit. Also nobody likes a negative nancy
So how about that Sword Art Online being the worst anime of the decade

Mr Color wrote:

So how about that Sword Art Online being the worst anime of the decade
I love nutella! D:
I like it best straight out of the jar, no barriers, just me and the dark heavenly spread. I have several large spoonfuls a day (I'll spread it on someone toast when I have the time but usually too busy/lazy) to the point that now it's just another routine in my life.

Unfortunately, to avoid crashing, I have to take everything else I eat into account and make some sacrifices if I still want to continue eating the good stuff.

I'm dreading my appointment with my dietitian next month :?
nutella is disgusting
ive never had anybody who shared the same vision that i have on practically anything in life. quite depressing. then again; i never really share it with anyone either so i guess the blame is mostly on my behalve.n :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

boat wrote:

nutella is disgusting
Do you have a nut allergy or do you just hate rich foods in general? I can eat nutella straight, but whole milk is weird to me.
Kanye West
can't eat nutella or even drink 2% milk without feeling horrible.

Kanye West wrote:

can't eat nutella or even drink 2% milk without feeling horrible.
Really? Skim milk is sort of watery and gross. The milk I have is ~1.5% fat.
Kanye West
I guess it's what you're used to..

anything above skim or 1% tastes thick and gross to me.

Mr Color wrote:

So how about that Sword Art Online being the worst anime of the decade
at least im not alone on that one finally. o.O
Kyonko Hizara

Jarby wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

can't eat nutella or even drink 2% milk without feeling horrible.
Really? Skim milk is sort of watery and gross. The milk I have is ~1.5% fat.
Skim milk tastes like drinking straight water anyway :U
i prefer to just drink water

GladiOol wrote:

ive never had anybody who shared the same vision that i have on practically anything in life. quite depressing. then again; i never really share it with anyone either so i guess the blame is mostly on my behalve.n :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
You are too young for these kind of things, though. Think about it later.

Jarby wrote:

boat wrote:

nutella is disgusting
Do you have a nut allergy or do you just hate rich foods in general? I can eat nutella straight, but whole milk is weird to me.
It's horrible and sticky fattyfood. It baffles me how anyone over the age of twelve can enjoy anything like it.
Kyonko Hizara
Nutella and doritos taste really good for some reason
i cant remember the last time i had nutella

silmarilen wrote:

i cant remember the last time i had nutella
stay strong

silmarilen wrote:

i cant remember the last time i had nutella
yeah, quite expensive

Haneii wrote:

I love nutella! D:
I like it best straight out of the jar, no barriers, just me and the dark heavenly spread. I have several large spoonfuls a day (I'll spread it on someone toast when I have the time but usually too busy/lazy) to the point that now it's just another routine in my life.

Unfortunately, to avoid crashing, I have to take everything else I eat into account and make some sacrifices if I still want to continue eating the good stuff.

I'm dreading my appointment with my dietitian next month :?
you kinky bastard
i would like to post a picture where a girl takes her boyfriend's penis and digs it in nutella jar then sucks it, but i love wejjan
I have a fetish for legs.
(kinda obvious in some ways if you payed attention [chances are you didn't])
i hate little children

UnderminE wrote:

GladiOol wrote:

ive never had anybody who shared the same vision that i have on practically anything in life. quite depressing. then again; i never really share it with anyone either so i guess the blame is mostly on my behalve.n :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
You are too young for these kind of things, though. Think about it later.
Sadly, I do concur. But it's not something which I can put on and off by a flick of a switch. And, like I've already said, it's neither something I'll be able to discuss. So it's pretty frustrating, but I guess I have to live with it.
You probably could discuss things if you were more open/willing to share shit

Is there something stopping you?

Brian OA wrote:

You probably could discuss things if you were more open/willing to share shit

Is there something stopping you?
That doesn't stop you when you're with people you trust or are usually unreserved with. For that kind of thing you have bros, friends, and bros (the other kind). Whenever you have something to discuss just bring up the topic for any conversation; no big deal.

Alternatively, you can do it over a bottle of whiskey or something.

Brian OA wrote:

That doesn't stop you when you're with people you trust or are usually unreserved with. For that kind of thing you have bros, friends, and bros (the other kind). Whenever you have something to discuss just bring up the topic for any conversation; no big deal.

Alternatively, you can do it over a bottle of whiskey or something.
There's a fun little story explaining my problem with that;

There's a train with inside monkeys and one man. The train is out of control and speeding towards a ravine. The man is the only one capable of understanding this and is trying to stop this from happening. The problem is however that when he tries to stand up to pull the emergency break, the apes will break his legs. When he tries to signal, point and gesture towards the break they break his arms. When he tries to speak up and explain the situation, none of them understands a word of what he says, because they are monkeys. So he feels needed to learn the language of the apes. But when he has finally mastered it, he realises the language isn't capable of explaining the problem, so he tries to teach the apes new words to make sure they understand it. But by the time he's at that step, the train has already tumbled down the ravine. Everybody's dead *boom boom pew pfff kablam* the end.

And like I said before; conformity. Deviate from the 'standard' and you'll just be looked weird upon. Even though you might be right, might be the most rational or have the better arguments, you'll always lose. It's a pyrrhic victory at all times.
I just gotta ask before I put this down:

What's that bizarre thing in your head that's impossible to share and discuss?
Kyonko Hizara
I feel amazing after getting out my rage. Snuggling helps me release rage

Brian OA wrote:

I just gotta ask before I put this down:

What's that bizarre thing in your head that's impossible to share and discuss?
Experience and conformity. Mix of that. Because do not get me wrong, for I have tried to simply talk and discuss. Tried it when going out, on parties, out with friends, simply in school and at home, it just does not work. In the sense of them not understanding me and unfortuantly because of the misunderstanding I'm also looked 'down' upon, for trying to differ from what we have considered 'normal'.
Is it possible that your fear of acting outside of the norm may've interfered when you tried to get your point across? Like when someone tries to say something that might break a hivemind but still tries to conform by buttering it up with stupid words and mannerisms rather than saying it outright.

Also, referring back to my story. That's how it feels is.

Y-You could discuss it with me

I guess you'll have to accept life in this world of apes until you can find another human, but your already know that. Or you can have the apes rip you apart; assuming the frustration makes you do that eventually and hoping someone might understand you in your attempts.
Kanye West
biran you'd make a great shrink
Brian you make an excellent Bwian.

Also I think I have a phobia of traveling on trains.

Kanye West wrote:

biran you'd make a great shrink

LaVolpe024 wrote:

Brian you make an excellent Bwian.

Also I think I have a phobia of traveling on trains.
maybe and maybe

I think I have a thing for pale-skinned girls

GladiOol wrote:

Morale of the story: don't learn monkeynese, it's completely useless.
I gotta say though Gladi, I do enjoy our discussions every once in a while.

Brian OA wrote:

I think I have a thing for pale-skinned girls
Tanned is overrated.
fair enough
pale girls really freak me out because they look like spawn of the grudge

Brian OA wrote:

I think I have a thing for pale-skinned girls
i know the feel, probably girls as pale as Katze or something

Hika wrote:

pale girls really freak me out because they look like spawn of the grudge
das ok miney i laf u long tiem
Pale skin really is za bomb. I don't fully understand tanning
Restless Spirit
I think I've got a little alcohol problem.

UnderminE wrote:

Hika wrote:

pale girls really freak me out because they look like spawn of the grudge
don't worry I think you're the cutest pale skinned woman i've ever seen in my life
well at least you look healthy

some of these pale girls here look anorexic and sick and shit who literally burn when they walk in the sun
Kyonko Hizara
I prefer my pale. I look so much better pale than I would look tan.
I don't even know what is tan because my skin always ends up looking like a tomato then it turns back to normal in 2-3 days.
the nigger the better
Restless Spirit
I avoid sunlight actively because I want to stay pale. I look even uglier when I'm niggerious.
i dont get nigger, i just get red and it hurts like hell
Depends if I use anti sun stuff
Restless Spirit

silmarilen wrote:

i dont get nigger, i just get red and it hurts like hell
I don't even know if I get nigger or am set on fire.
I'm a perfect tanned skin person so I can't stay out too long or I'll seriously turn into a nigger.
I'm the blackest nigger.
kanye multi ban
That albino twat doesn't even come close to the depths of black I'm at.
Kanye West

boat wrote:

That albino twat doesn't even come close to the depths of black I'm at.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
You used to be funny. What happened?

Kanye West wrote:

look i'm neither funny not interesting
wrong thread
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