
HardRock score multiplier buff! [invalid]

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Current Priority: +0
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Currently, hardrock = 1.06x, same as hidden.

On the vast majority of maps I've seen (easily 95% or more), the progression of top ranks is usually something like: DT+FL+Hidden -> DT+Hidden-> DT -> Hidden -> No mods, with the occasional hardrock somewhere in between.

Why is this? Hard rock increases the difficulty greatly for a large number of songs (Approach rate = 10 for anything above 6 without mods), as well as smaller hit circles (and timing window?). Giving this the same score multiplier as hidden, in which the only change to the latter is the approach circle is taken out removes nearly all incentive to play hard rock competitively since your accuracy will never be as good as hidden only.

Lettuce be reality, AR=10 + tiny hit circles takes way more skill than removing the approach circles. Just go to any random beatmap's top scores and see for yourself.

I propose that the score multiplier should be increased, to something between 1.06x to 1.12x.
1. Hard Rock's difficulty increases exponentially along with the difficulty of the map up to a point, with a few exceptions. It was never meant to be played on Insane difficulties, and it would be too unfair to give it such a huge multiplier on Hard difficulties and below.

2. There are tens of thousands of records saved on the server with Hard Rock, and there's no way that they can all be recalculated (in fact, at the moment it's impossible to recalculate them without running every single existing replay, which would also make replay bugs affect actual scores and is therefore undesirable)

Marking this invalid on #2 alone, because the odds that the multiplier is getting changed are astronomically low (peppy gets schizophrenia.)
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1. Wait, but 99% of people who are interested in raising their PP (eventually) play insane songs only. So you're saying HR was only ever meant to be played by noobs and people who don't care about score?
2. Would this be viable in a few years after present-day supercomputers become the norm?
no. DT and FL are generally harder than HR and HD. the hard rock multiplier is fine as it is. if you can't play maps with hard rock then you need to practice more /o/

FUN FACT: a couple of years ago. Hard Rock had a 1.12x multiplier and Double Time had a 1.06x multiplier but was changed since Doubletime is harder in general
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So... if the multipliers were changed before, they can't be changed now? Has computing power not kept up with osu! growth rate? Also, @MillhiorF, isn't it possible to just not recalculate everything, and let the new wave of HR players (assuming implementation) just set new scores? I mean, serious (and active) HR players who have set the scores before could surely do it again, albeit with a little practice if necessary?

I'm not saying I can't play HR, I'm just saying that HD is much easier in comparison, which is why there are rarely ever any HR in the high scores. When they have the same multiplier, there is no incentive for people to improve at HR skills.

CNOOxen wrote:

So... if the multipliers were changed before, they can't be changed now? Has computing power not kept up with osu! growth rate? Also, @MillhiorF, isn't it possible to just not recalculate everything, and let the new wave of HR players (assuming implementation) just set new scores? I mean, serious (and active) HR players who have set the scores before could surely do it again, albeit with a little practice if necessary?

I'm not saying I can't play HR, I'm just saying that HD is much easier in comparison, which is why there are rarely ever any HR in the high scores. When they have the same multiplier, there is no incentive for people to improve at HR skills.
There is one thing I don't like about HR, and that is the increased AR. Now I don't like the increased AR for two reasons. The first being that I'm bad at high AR's and the default for most songs is either ok or too high for me (I rarely have issues with the default AR for maps being too low for me). Leaving this reason aside, there is a second reason. The second reason is that to many people that can't read low AR's, HR actually makes the map easier for them AND it gives them a score bonus, something that frustrates me. (Yes, the circle size is smaller and timing window smaller, but depending on the map the increase in difficulty from those might dwarf the decrease in difficulty from a higher AR). So since some people use the mod for the sake of actually making the song easier for themselves, I don't see the need to give them an extra bonus on top of whatever they get right now for the HR mod.

My opinion on this might change if/when user-definable AR is implemented and HT/DT/HR/EZ get rid of their respective AR changes.
One thing HardRock has that most mods don't is that it's almost exactly the same difficulty to add Hidden to it and get the same accuracy, and in my opinion, easier. I don't think HardRock needs a score multiplier buff. HardRock+Hidden already gives more points than DoubleTime, which is broken if you ask me. Personally, I think Hidden is weighted too much. Bring it down to 1.04x or 1.03x and it'd be better balanced.

It would take very little processing power to recalculate even hundreds of thousands of scores. All you'd have to do is multiply the scores by a flat rate. There would be no reason to run all the replays of those scores.

Kyou-kun wrote:

All you'd have to do is multiply the scores by a flat rate. There would be no reason to run all the replays of those scores.
That wouldn't be accurate though. There's a whole bunch of score elements that aren't affected by difficulty multiplier (sliderticks, spinner spins, even the first 2 circles of a combo)
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