
[Archived] There's something wrong with osu!Direct search technique

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Explain the issue you are having:
I type in something directly into search so it will return results, and I have no idea what it decides as criteria to display results but it's not accurate at all. I search for vocaloid, and it only returns 30 results with show maps downloaded unchecked, and caps at 100 when i check it. When I search for vocaloid on the forum search, it returns 326 results. I have no idea why only 30 are displaying.

This has to be a bug, because when I click on Newest Rank, it displays 86 results, but I never unchecked show already downloaded maps, so there shouldn't be over double the maps displaying (and they are different maps too) if initially searching only returns 30 results. also it doesn't make sense to me that searching doesn't display the newer ranked maps as well. If we want players to be playing newer maps, why aren't they showing up when we search.

I search top ranked and 76 maps display, and Most played, displays 50 results. Why is only 30 maps displaying when i initially search? There's no button that will return my search to the 30 maps, unless I research for the term.

I just tested to see if the results added up after checking all the amounts with played songs visible, and all the results are 100 except the 30 result which has no button. So 100 + 100 + 100 + 30 = 330 > 326 results returned by the forum and I already know that there is a lot of songs I don't have, especially in the Newest song list. So I can't figure out how these values add up. There's no way I have over 100 in each category if this checkbox actually accurately displays results.

Is it reproducible? If so, explain the steps to do so:

1. Search for anything in osu!Direct
2. Switch to any of the other filters.
3. Why is the results increasing? Are you actually filtering out the top rated and the newest from the list when you first search, so that only the maps that are in the middle are displayed?

Include any relevant video or screenshots, and hardware information for hard crashes or lag issues:

Edit: Umm why doesn't the show already download apply to the search term you're searching. This doesn't make any sense. you have to research every time you have this selected when you click a new button. It's like it doesn't detect you have it selected until you initiate a search, even though it will override any button click you may do while it's checked. so newest ranks will display your ranked maps regardless of the search term.

Edit: Also it doesn't seem proper to me that if you have over 100 results, it tells you you have 100 results. It's misleading and contradictory.
It fetches 100 then removes "already downloaded" maps locally. The fact the check status isn't retained may be a bug.
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peppy, that doesn't make sense to me. Why would I want 70% of my initial results to be maps I've already downloaded when there are maps that could be displaying in which I have not downloaded? That's being 70% inefficient in returning results that are important to me. Under this system there must be songs that are simply ignored unless you type in their song name/artist exactly or type in more than one tag.

Also I realized that your filter buttons aren't filters at all, and instead separate lists. Overall it's an efficient search system, but the accuracy is poor. When we're talking about wide genres such as vocaloids, how are we supposed to find all the songs through osu direct if there can be 100 ranked Miku songs alone and there is no way to find the most recent ranked songs with vocaloid tags. I might bring this discussion to the feature request board, because there are many minor annoyances in osu!direct and a few large annoyances.

Major reason why this is important

I type in vocaloid in search and only 4 out of the 100 results on my laptop (has less maps) were ranked in 2012. I search on the forum for vocaloid, and there's a whole page of vocaloid songs ranked in 2012. Okay so 4 out of all the vocaloid songs in 2012 are accessible by osuDirect searching, and if you search by the Newest map category, if you ignore the early 2012 ranked songs, the vocaloid songs wont even have vocaloid names attached to them and you can't view the tags in anyway within the osudirect window. So in 6 months from now it will be leagues harder to find newer vocaloid songs with osudirect, because you can't filter and search at the same time.

This is just screwed up IMHO. We can't recognize the songs by name anymore, we can't see the tags, and you can't even restrict by newest/most played/ anything while searching by tag and the search brings up more songs from past years than in the current year if I do search by tag.

Edit: That small rant is technically a cry for a better osuDirect!, but the fact that so many maps show up that are not from 2012 when you search for tags is considered a bug in my eyes. We just simply can't find the proper songs.

Also you don't give relevent information based on search category too. Usually when there is a search function with separate lists, the maps displayed in each category has details related to the category. Filter by ranked should show ranked on instead of last updated, most played should show play count. That is a minor annoyance that i just thought I'd tack on.
I understand the issue here, but checks must be performed client side. A possible fix will be to retrieve more than 100 results in this scenario.
Unarchiving, problem still persists for popular tags in osu!, for example vocaloid.

Basically did some testing with Tickie and:
I got 396 Vocaloid tagged maps
o!d return 9 missing maps
osu! page returns 432 maps

396 + 9 =/= 432

I guess it should be reworked somehow (add pages in o!d, or maybe if client-side o!d return 0 maps, try to download next page).

I'm not sure whether it should be confirmed though, I'll leave it for someone else, or for you peppy to respond.
The preferable (and also intended) way is:

Marcin wrote:

if client-side o!d returns 0 less than 100 maps, try to download next page (or just more maps)
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