
Speed of Light Stnd 1~5000 tournament annoucement.

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First of all I want to thank all the people who have supported us in the projects we have done, unfortunately the standard tournament that was planned for the dates of June will be canceled , due to major personal problems that are out of my control and as one of the main host's i decided to be out of the reach of the internet, games and all kinds of communication.
I apologize from the deepest, in reward and leave high the name of the people who decided to support the spoken project there will be a raffle / event that will take place on April 5 at 1700 UTC + 0, it will not be necessary to play, this event is only for Standard players with the requirement already mentioned for the standard tournament
(1 < 5000), a bot has been designed for the registration process, you need to send a PM to BlackShark in game with this command, !verify an automatic msg will respond to the registration of your nickname and it will let you know if you are able to join the event.
*Registration will close April 3th
The raffle / event will be streamed and we will have some fun and give support for players.
This event is to support as well the people that are having a rough time due to the virus.

1st: 250 dollars
2nd: 150 dollars
3rd: 100 dollars

Make sure to attach a picture in this forum post of the bot confirmation.

Thanks for all the support.

ZeroRam and SOL Staff.

Channel for the event :
Discord for the event :

Stay safe and good luck with the raffle.

PD: [Toni] is gae.
me slow
Stay healthy and safe my friend best of luck in the future.
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prizes sent , proof of event #annoucements
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