
Maroon 5 - This Love

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on donderdag 2 april 2009 at 22:08:42

Artist: Maroon 5
Title: This Love
BPM: 95,05
Filesize: 19975kb
Play Time: 03:01
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4,77 stars, 390 notes)
  2. Normal (3,45 stars, 144 notes)
Download: Maroon 5 - This Love
Download: Maroon 5 - This Love (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
new map hope you all enjoy it :)

note: map has a video.

update 22-feb-2009: followed some of Remco's comments see reply for details.
update 23-feb-2009: followed minyeob's comments
update 25-feb-2009: followed some of O_o's comments
update 25-feb-2009: followed fufe's comments.
update 04-mar-2009: followed JarJarJacob's slider ugly comment :)
update 18-mar-2009: followed some of EEeee's comments
update 21-mar-2009: followed vyt's comments
update 02-apr-2009: followed most of flyboy87's comments :)
update 02-apr-2009: followed Larto's comments
00:55:70 (1) - Sounds awkward, maybe change it to a Whistle?
I don't really like the spinners after 01:11:33

00:29:82 (5) - It's hard to notice the slider here, since it looks like its part of 00:30:14 (6)
01:23:01 (5) - 1/4 earlier and 1/4 longer?
03:15:68 (6,7,1) - A bit too loud compared to the rest of the fade out
03:16:95 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I don't like that you can hear the sliders roll so loud, ^

Good luck with it, I love the song :D
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Thanks for modding

00:55:70 (1) - i removed the hitsound entirely, sounds best in my opinion.
I don't really like the spinners after 01:11:33 - i kept the spinners for now, i kinda liked them there :P

00:29:82 (5) - fixed :)
01:23:01 (5) - didn't change this, it's mapped to the music not the lyrics at that point (the same beats as the slider at 00:01:89)
03:15:68 (6,7,1) - fixed
03:16:95 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - fixed.
54:921(7)-> Finish.

54:921(6)-> Finish.
58:393(2)-> Clap.
59:024(4)-> Clap.
59:974(6)-> Clap on Starting point and End point (Don't add it on U-turn)

I can't find anything about the spacing on this map.
This map needs to get more attention. Star'd.
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fixed thanks :)
Hey, great song :) Here's a few things I would personally do differently..

Normal seems ok

00:12:469 (6) Rythmically this makes sense, but it just seems weird when you actually play it. I think this feels better when 6 is taken this out and replaced with 7, extending it afterwards of course.
00:15:152 (6) Moving this back a red tick would fit the rhythm better
00:26:514 (2,3,4) This part just seems weird to me, I think it sounds better moving the slider ahead a tick, putting a hitcircle where the slider used to be, then killing 4.
00:30:144 (5) This slider is very decieving, it looks like it's a part of (6)
02:43:179 - move this 1/8 forward, spinners shouldn't overlap
02:50:754 (1,2,1,2) it's pretty hard to tell which comes first with these, the slider or the hitcircle (and they're both different) I would just pick one and stick with it.
03:02:748 - overlapping spinners again

Can't wait till it's ranked :D star from me
Star this map! (does not use kudos)
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00:12:469 (6) hmm i find it harder when following your proposed change
00:15:152 (6) can't say i agree sorry.
00:26:514 (2,3,4) disagree sorry
00:30:144 (5) fixed :).
02:43:179 - fixed :)
02:50:754 (1,2,1,2) fixed
03:02:748 - fixed
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00:26:514 (2,3,4) i fixed this :). Did it 0_o's way. It's indeed better :).
00:34:882 (1) the slider is on the rhythm (tu-du-tu sound :P)
4got my star lol
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ty :)
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ok. I'll take a look at it. I haven't experienced this myself tbh. Are you sure the music and effect volume settings are at the same level?
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Only thing that I've noticed so far was that on hard, on the section that starts after the break at the two-minute mark. Between then and the 2:21 mark or so, except the slider at 2:09, I really can't get any real rhythm or figure out what the beats are matching. Noted, that could just be me, but would it be possible to adjust that to be closer to either the lyrics or the general music? To me, it sort of seems like it's just doing its own thing then.

Still, that could just be me, and seeing as the rest of it seems to be very well done, starred.
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That part is done to do music :P. Personally I think it follows the rhytm pretty close.
Mapping the fade out at the end is unfair on players that keep the volume low. You should stop at around 03:12:84


00:08:52 (1) - This slider looks ugly when it is next to the other one.
02:42:54 (1,1) - Although I'm personally okay with them, the FAQ says these spinners are too short.
03:02:74 (1,1) - As above.

osu! went all trippy when I went to mod Normal difficulty.
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K i changed the spinners.

on the normal comment: I personally think double 1/4 beats are pretty hard for a normal...

mrtn wrote:

on the normal comment: I personally think double 1/4 beats are pretty hard for a normal...
Yes, they would be. I meant to remove one of the 1/4 circles and have just one, instead of a slider.
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I find it strange that this lacks a no video link. Try re-submitting to fix this?

Also starred.
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reuploaded. For some reason there's still no 'no video download' link

edit march 13th: hmm for some reason after bumping it today a link appeared :P
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00:04:10 (3,4) - it is but currently it's correct. Moving it 1 lvl3 grid to the right would move it out of the pattern. look closer ;).
00:21:62 (1) - sure can ;)
00:32:51 (1,2,3,4) - then you're wrong ;). It's currenty on precisely on the vocals
00:39:77 (1) - done
00:40:71 (1) - nah i'll just leave it without ;).
00:43:24 (3) - done
00:53:34 (4) - done
00:56:81 (3) - done
01:12:59 (1) - done
01:14:80 (1,2,3,4) - fixed it in another way. Not sure what you meant
01:17:17 (1) - done
01:21:27 (1) - can't. 1/2 beat room between a not and a spinner =/= allowed in normal
01:45:104 - prefer not to (it's normal after all)

00:04:73 (5) - no sir
00:09:15 (2) - i think it's fine, it's not confusing or anything
00:23:67 (1) - pattern follows the curve of the slider so i prefer it this way
00:29:82 (5,6) - fixed, i have no idea how that happened though :p
00:39:13 (3) - fixed
00:49:23 (4) - fixed
01:13:54 (5) - vocals not beats
01:16:06 (6) - fixed
01:27:43 (1,2,3,4,5) - they are
01:36:89 (3,4) - it's fine o_O
02:01:51 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i assume you meant this as that it's fine :p
02:17:77 (2,3,4) - are already snapped
02:37:97 (2,3,4,5) - ^
02:48:86 (5) - ^
03:08:90 (2,3) - ^

I'd prefer to keep it to 3 difficulties sorry :p. Thanks for modding though ;)

mrtn wrote:

I'd prefer to keep it to 3 difficulties sorry :p. Thanks for modding though ;)
what?, k np, I gotta stop asking for difficulties, its a disease(only see difficulties, unless ur planning to make another)
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Intro SB sucks animation-wise. At least add some tweens on the animations.

00:11:04 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - EARFUCK. Don't use cymbals on beats THAT fast.
00:29:51 (4,5) - ^
03:16:95 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - NO.

There might be a couple more parts with the same problem as the first one, so I want you to thoroughly check for it.
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00:11:04 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - fixed
00:29:51 (4,5) - fixed
03:16:95 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - uhm what's wrong with it? I left it in...

I kept the intro sb as it is because i'm not sure what you meant with it. I tried to keep it clean and simple so no specials here ;).
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thanks ^^
I got an offset of 334. Try to see it that fits this song better.

00:13:57 (1) - Align under (2) properly
00:13:88 (2) - Align under fading (1) and thus align your other notes with it

00:43:87 (4,5) - I feel that this part would be nicer if you extended slider (3) to these parts
1:24:604 - Place a note here
02:42:56 (1) - I feel that removing this spinner would sound better if replaced with a (2,3,4) finish notes on the white ticks. This is mainly a suggestion though.
03:02:76 (1) - ^

I don't like the soft notes you placed when the song is fading. =/ Sorry to be blunt, it's kinda one of my pet peeves. Feel free to ignore me if you wish.

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Offset: 330. I'm pretty sure about that.
Place a Preview Point~

Apart from that, good job. Do it and I bubble.
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done, thx for modding :)

edit: changed the ending on request of foulcoon and larto

Download: OzzyOzrock - NicoNicoDouga - 正露丸2000 [Firce777's Crazy Oni] (2011-08-02) Taiko.osr
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thx for bubble ^^
Ranking, nice finish sounds btw ;)
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thanks ^^
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