Just so happened to be rummaging through old feature request and stumbled onto this one...
It looks like a majority of people dislike this idea,
myself included, so think about this for a second: How about doing the opposite of this request instead? Instead of competing against each other, make them work together? There will be another play mode in the multiplayer lobby named "misc." or "combined play" or whatever... :/
Anyway, it'll be different from the other game modes in multiplayer because there can only be a max of 4 players in each room and matches can only begin once they have at least one player on each game mode. It'll consist of
1 osu,
1 taiko,
1 ctb, and
1 mania player. To combat the different scoring algorithms, instead of trying to make a new one
just don't do anything about it Scoring will be based on individual algorithms and be as followed:
- Other player: osu standard: His score out of MAX score obtainable
- Me: Taiko: My score out of MAX score obtainable
- Other player: Ctb: His score out of MAX score obtainable
- Other player: mania: His score out of MAX score obtainable
osu standard player score + Taiko player score + Ctb player score + mania player score = Combined player score on song
osu standard MAX + Taiko MAX + Ctb MAX + mania MAX = Combined MAX obtainable on song
Combined player score on song
out of Combined MAX obtainable on song
Bump /o/
Don't like the scoring scheme because you can see the faults I left in and the details I left out? If you feel like using proportionality to use closer MAX scores in the different modes, be my guest... find individual ratios to multiply the scores by for all songs.Bringing the osu! community closer to the "Clan" movement...