
Taiko don for my skin

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is there possible to Yui Hirasawa nyan cat version for my taiko-don skin?
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: :(

MLGnom wrote:

[4.] Taiko elements.
I will explain here with one element and where it's applied in gameplay.
a) Taiko character aka "pippidon" - It can be easily animated in similar way as sliderball. All character "actions" explained below.
- pippidonidle0, pippidonidle1, pippidonidle2 etc. - character in idle mode, simply waiting.
- pippidonkiai0, pippidonkiai1, pippidonkiai2 etc. - character animation in kiai time.
- pippidonfail0, pippidonfail1, pippidonfail2 etc. - character animation when player started failing.
- pippidonclear0, pippidonclear1, pippidonclear2 etc. - character animation while player pass past combo milestone (50, 100, 200, etc.) and after correctly cleared spinner.

b) Spinner-warning - Warning about spinner that appears on taiko bar.

c) Taiko-bar-left - Left part of taiko bar. Place where you see your "buttons".

d) Taiko-bar-right and Taiko-bar-right-glow - Right part of taiko bar. "Glow" bar appear in kiai time.
Taiko-bar-right :

Taiko-bar-right-glow :

e)Taiko-barline - A line that appears on right bar.

f) Taikohitcircle and Taikohitcircleoverlay - It's almost same thing like hitcircle and hitcircle-overlay with one difference, Taikohitcircleoverlay can be animated.

g) Taikobigcircle and Taikobigcircleoverlay - Same as above but it's applied to the big circles.

h) Taiko-drum-inner and Taiko-drum-outer - Red and Blue button indicators on left taiko bar.

i) Taiko-flower-group - Appears behind Taiko mascot after hitting combo milestone.

j) Taiko-hit300, Taiko-hit100 etc. - Same thing as standard hitbursts 300,100,50 etc.

k) Taiko-glow - Appears behind "hitting" area in kiai time.

l) Taiko-roll-end and Taiko-roll-middle - It's taiko slider. Please note that taiko-roll-middle is "copied" to fit length of slider. (That's why it's only 1px width).

m) Taiko-slider and Taiko-slider-fail - These are upper part of taiko bar. They aren't restricted by length, so with right idea you can make something nice.

Taiko-slider :

Taiko-slider-fail :
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