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Can also have the following rankings:
- Number of ranked maps
- Number of loved maps
- Replays watched
Wow, this is actually quite good stuff. Fav.
My suggests:
-Users medal overal vs
-Medal tiers Aka. Medal Rankings update. (EX: Gold tier medals - lv 10 medals - Easy tier medals, something like that)
-Filter/display users that has a certain medal
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abraker wrote:

Can also have the following rankings:
- Number of ranked maps
- Number of loved maps
- Replays watched

i'll add that to the list of ideas. all of these are possible. edit: DOABLE. added to list of ideas.

MisakiSakaki wrote:

Wow, this is actually quite good stuff. Fav.

thanks <3

MisakiSakaki wrote:

My suggests:
-Users medal overal vs

what do you mean by that?

MisakiSakaki wrote:

-Medal tiers Aka. Medal Rankings update. (EX: Gold tier medals - lv 10 medals - Easy tier medals, something like that)

this is technically possible but i'm not really in favor of it :x because
a.) what would be the breakpoints? / how would we decide this in an objective way?
b.) it would give you a wrong idea. as if the most rare are the hardest. looking at how in many cases the rarest medals include the most current beatmap packs that people are just too lazy to farm it's not really right.

MisakiSakaki wrote:

-Filter/display users that has a certain medal

this is technically not possible. we had something like this in the past where we would have a table with every medal for every user. the website has to calculate SO much that it becomes extremely slow. like 10 seconds to load per page. you have to imagine 50.000 users * 100 medals on average = 5.000.000 medals. that takes a while :x

MisakiSakaki wrote:


this is something i can do :D any questions?
This is quite cool, but I can't help but wonder where you're pulling the stats from for the percentages of people with a given medal, or for rankings in general.
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@abraker: all of your wishes are done :3 We are updating in small batches and once every few weeks / months the top 10k of each mode in order not to stress the servers too much. so it's not 100% accurate yet. But i've manually added some mappers for now and the rest of the more important ones should get in there soon as well if things work out.

@MisakiSakaki: the FAQ is done, as i said feel free to ask questions. Other than that i hope the most important things are covered :D

@Ephemeral: thanks a lot! i've heard this has been resolved by direct contact? If i got that wrong feel free to reply or shoot me a message and i'll try to explain.
Its cool but i cant find country rankings

mulraf wrote:

@abraker: all of your wishes are done :3 We are updating in small batches and once every few weeks / months the top 10k of each mode in order not to stress the servers too much. so it's not 100% accurate yet. But i've manually added some mappers for now and the rest of the more important ones should get in there soon as well if things work out.
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[-Noka_UwU-] wrote:

Its cool but i cant find country rankings

there are no special "country rankings" but every ranking on the website has a search bar on top and you can search for a country which makes it a country ranking :D just look at the top left corner of the picture in the first post to see an example.
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Osekai medals has been released in beta state!
A place, where you can find the solutions to every medal!

also with the help of the newest addition (not so new anymore) to the team, Hubz (who has also designed the osekai medals page) we have redesigned the entire osekai homepage!
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We're slowly starting to expaand more and more! osekai medals is pretty much finished and we're starting to work on our next site, so stay alert!
Hubz has also open sourced components used in our ui, so that everyone who wants to can use it. The whole initial post has been completely reworked to reflect the changes.
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