
King of Catch Mapping Contest (osu!catch) (Challenge 3 Underway)

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Do you think you have what it takes to be the 1st King (or Queen) of Catch Mapping? This is a title which requires versatility, determination, talent, and much more to hold, as you survive a multitude of challenges against other contestants.

This is an elimination style competition, where there will be continuous challenges, and one of the two lowest scoring contestants in that challenge leaves the competition, and the last one remaining after all challenges will be crowned as the King. These challenges will require different skillsets, ways of thinking, and high knowledge of mapping in different ways with set restrictions, and will test the limits of the contestants' mapping ability as the tasks get more and more difficult and require more work as you get further through the competition.

General Information
  • General Information
  1. There will be a total of 6* contestants allowed. Due to the nature of this contest, and this being the first one, I don't want the competition to be ridiculously demanding for contestants, and too many challenges (and therefore contestants) would result in this.
  2. Registration will be allowed until 20th January. The registration form is at the bottom of this post, however make sure to read all the information and rules before choosing to sign up!
  3. Every 2 weeks**, there will be a new challenge, with a set deadline, which requires mapping something under a set premise or restriction. This could be a specific song, or a song of the contestants' choice (from our selection of Featured Artists), and could have any kind of restriction from difficulty mapped, to requiring a certain gimmick to be used.
  4. Once the deadline is over for the challenge, all entries will be judged. Once this process is over, the bottom two will be required to speedmap a short section of a specific song to decide who stays. The decision for who stays depends on a combination of the quality of this map, as well as their performance in both the respective challenge, and previous challenges.
  5. Occasionally, there will be smaller mini-challenges before the main challenge. These will have no impact on either of the above mentioned points, are mostly for fun, and entry is optional, however the winner of these will have a tiny bit of influence over the challenge (As an example, they may be allowed to decide teams if that week's challenge will be team-based).
  6. Some challenges may be team-based, or require working with other mappers, however, unless stated otherwise in the challenge description, you will be judged on your performance alone.

    *If demand is ridiculously high, this number may increase slightly, however 10 is the highest number I would ever possibly allow, and this would require an unprecedented amount of interest in catch mapping.
    **Time scale subject to change.


  1. 1. This is an osu!catch mapping contest. All entrants will be judged on osu!catch mapping, and nothing else, and all main challenges will require purely osu!catch mapping. Hitsounding will be taken into account with judging, however any used backgrounds or storyboards will not be taken into account, and will be removed before the maps are given to the judges, to make sure all entries are as anonymous as possible.
  2. 2. Be kind and respectful towards all other contestants to the competition, as well as staff members. This is a contest to show your ability, not a contest to try and put off your competition.
  3. 3. If a challenge is not possible for you to meet in the given timeframe, inform a staff member before the last 3 days of the deadline. This is to make sure people don't extend deadlines purely from laziness, and to be fair to all entrants in the time required, whilst also allowing for the unexpectedness of real life incidents. This rule may only be used twice for each contestant, to avoid abuse of the ability to extend deadlines, and to make sure this is only used in emergency situations.
  4. 4. Each entrant must submit an entry for each challenge. The reasoning for this should be fairly obvious, and anyone who breaks this will be immediately removed from the competition.* If one of the top 3 breaks this rule, they will receive no cash prize, to avoid contestants giving up on the contest once they've reached this stage. In the case of this happening, 3rd place's cash prize will either be given to the 4th place instead, or split between 1st and 2nd, depending on the closeness of the competition. Please note that an exceedingly low effort entry will also remove the chance of a cash prize being received.
  5. 5. Anyone found to receive outside input before their entries are submitted will suffer immediate removal from the competition. This is to keep the entries to a showcase of the mapper's skill, rather than their ability to receive opinions.
  6. 6. Entrants of this contest won't be able to join future iterations of it. This is due to the nature of the contest's small participant size (and so allowing different people in future iterations). This rule may be broken in very extreme circumstances, however users would be informed of whether they fit these circumstances if/when they happen.
  7. 7. Accepted entrants of the contest are not decided based on skill alone! The choice of accepted entrants will be decided based on a variety of factors, including aiming for a variety of skills and experience between entrants, as well as a short interview I will give to entrants who I consider.
  8. 8. If you are denied from entry in this contest, you will still be able to enter future iterations of this contest. In fact, it's encouraged. If you feel as though you have the dedication required, but don't get accepted this time, we would love to see you try again next time!

    *If this happens during the first challenge, a denied entrant may be allowed to take the place of the contestant who didn't submit anything.

1st Place: $50 prize, as well as 50% of donated prize pool.*

2nd Place: $20, as well as 30% of donated prize pool.

3rd Place: $10, as well as 20% of donated prize pool.

All prizes are subject to slight change, however they will not go lower under any circumstances.

*Depending on how well the contest goes, the tournament team has mentioned the possibility of a badge.

Organisers: MBomb
Judges: MBomb, Lacrima (Round 1/2), wonjae, Greaper, Absolute Zero (Round 3)
Submission Handlers: Absolute Zero (Rounds 1/2)


To donate, please dm me either on site here, or on discord at MBomb#6972!

Zyzyx (5th)
JierYagtama (6th)

Challenge 1 Information
Challenge Description:

Welcome everyone to the King of Catch Mapping Contest! I'm proud to announce the competition is underway as of now, with the first challenge being...

You must map one difficulty for a song from one of three featured artists listed below, **inspired by a ranked or loved map**! You will be judged primarily on the clearness of your inspiration, as well as your creativity with the concepts, how well your map follows the music, and the impression your map has on the judges!

The three artists are as follows:

- Blue Stahli
- Cranky
- Fractal Dreamers

Good luck, have fun, and may the best mapper win!


- As with all challenges, all rules mentioned in the forum thread must be followed for this challenge.

- Maps must follow the ranking criteria, and will be penalised if they break the ranking criteria at any point.

- Song mapped must be between 1:30 to 3:30. Cutting songs is allowed, however cuts must be done in a way that fits the song's overall structure. Length mapped will have no effect on judging, except possibly in impression depending on the judges.

- Hitsounding will be judged, so make sure to hitsound your map to avoid losing unnecessary points.

- Your song choice must be kept a secret. This is to avoid judges being able to tell who mapped what based on song choice. If you map your entry whilst online, please use a placeholder artist and title (eg. ??? - ???)

- All entries must be given to Absolute Zero (0 K) when they are done. This is so no judge has any way of knowing who mapped what entry, and so that he can make sure anything that can give indication to the mapper is removed. Please include which map yours takes inspiration from in your message to him, as well as the actual name and title of the song you mapped.

- All entries must be finished by 14/02/2020, 10PM UTC (Exactly 2 weeks from this message).

Judging categories:

- Inspiration: /20
- Creativity: /15
- Structure: /15
- Judge's Impression: /7
- Hitsounding: /3

Challenge 2 Information
Challenge 2 Description:

Congratulations to all 5 of you for making it to the next round! Let's get right into the challenge, which is:

You will be given a 190BPM blank mp3, with 1:30 of space. You must map at least 1 minute of it, however, you can do anything you wish in regards to structure, patterning, rhythm choice, etc., as if the song was anything you can imagine. A clear structure will be expected however in terms of having clear strong parts of the map, and calmer parts, and hitsounds should be used in a way to emphasise this structure. Contestants will be judged on creativity primarily, with structure, judges impression, and hitsounding being the other 3 judging categories!

Good luck, and once again, may the best mapper win!


- As with all challenges, all rules mentioned in the forum thread must be followed for this challenge.

- Maps must be SSable, and must not use any 2B elements.

- At least 1 minute of the 1:30 mp3 must be mapped, however, mapping more is highly recommended. You may not map past the boundaries of the bookmarks (Spinners and sliders extending past the final bookmark is fine, however the start of the final object must be placed on this, or in the case of a spinner, no more than 1/2 past it).

- The mp3 given must not be altered in any way.

- All entries must be given to Absolute Zero (0 K) when they are done. This is so no judge has any way of knowing who mapped what entry, and so that he can make sure anything that can give indication to the mapper is removed.

- All entries must be finished by 13/03/2020, 10PM UTC (Exactly 2 weeks from this message).

Judging categories:

- Creativity: /35
- Structure: /12
- Judge's Impression: /8
- Hitsounding: /5

Challenge 3 Information
Challenge 3 Description:

Well done to you all for making it this far into the competition! We've tested a multitude of skills already so far here, but there's one big thing we haven't covered yet. Low difficulties!

However, just requiring a low difficulty would be a *little* underwhelming here, so for the first time in this contest, you will be required to map 2 difficulties, one that is EN or H, and one that is I or X difficulty. However, this isn't all. As an extra twist, your I/X difficulty must not have any hyperdashes whatsoever, as well as your H if you decide to do that as your low difficulty.

Unlike round one, there is no restriction on artist choice here. You may map any song, from any featured artist! The length however, must be between 1:30 and 3:30.

Good luck, and for the third time, may the best mapper win!


- As with all challenges, all rules mentioned in the forum thread must be followed for this challenge.

- Maps must follow the ranking criteria, and will be penalised if they break the ranking criteria at any point.

- Two difficulties must be mapped, one being either a Cup, Salad, or Platter, and the other being either a Rain or an Overdose.

- No hyperdashes are allowed in any difficulty.

- Song mapped must be between 1:30 to 3:30. Cutting songs is allowed, however cuts must be done in a way that fits the song's overall structure. Length mapped will have no effect on judging, except possibly in impression depending on the judges.

- Hitsounding will be judged, and both difficulties will be taken into account with this judging.

- Your song choice must be kept a secret. This is to avoid judges being able to tell who mapped what based on song choice. If you map your entry whilst online, please use a placeholder artist and title (eg. ??? - ???)

- All entries must be given to our new anonymiser when they are done. This is so no judge has any way of knowing who mapped what entry, and so that he can make sure anything that can give indication to the mapper is removed. Please make sure your difficulties are named correctly.

- All entries must be finished by 10/04/2020, 10PM UTC (Exactly 2 weeks from this message).

Judging categories:


- Structure: /18
- Judge's Impression: /7


- Structure: /20
- Judge's Impression: /10


- Hitsounding: /5

And hopefully that covers all of it! If there are any questions, feel free to ask in the thread below. If you are interested in being staff of any kind, or making donations towards the prize pool, please also either post below, or message me!
Finally a catch contest!
Some questions.


Relating to first point, what impact does the number of contestants have on the work required for contestants? Because the contest will go on too long? Won't it also be ridiculously demanding for judges also? Seems that a smaller scope in initial rounds would offset this and allow more people to participate.

When referring to a new challenge every 2 weeks in the third point, does this mean the mapping deadline will also be 2 weeks? How long will judging take, and by extension, what will the downtime be between challenges? If the judging of one challenge overlaps with the start of the next challenge, people may be creating something for a challenge they won't even be able to submit for, due to elimination, which seems unfair.

Further to this point, in point number 4, there will also be a speedmapping challenge between the bottom two entrants? What happens if the two people are in totally different time-zones and can't be coordinated to map at the same time? Will entrants be able to reschedule the speedmapping challenge if it doesn't suit their availability?

Regarding point 6, isn't the potential for team challenges extremely limited with only 6 entrants at the start? Even with 10, "the highest number you would ever possibly allow", the possibilities are still inherently limited.


What constitutes "osu!catch mapping" for the purposes of 1)? Will things like BG, hitsounds, storyboarding be taken into consideration?

How will you ensure that users receive no outside input before submitting entries for the purposes of 5)? I totally understand the reasoning for this rule, but I think making "Anyone found doing ..." the main subject better represents what you can realistically achieve.

Banning participants from entering future iterations as mentioned in 6) seems weird. What if future contests offer greater prizes, present substantial differences in quality of competition (and thus difficulty in winning), etc.? Surely to claim you are the king / queen, you have to beat the best, not the "best of the rest"? If someone is the best at something multiple contests / years in a row, they deserve to be able to enter those contests, and prove it by winning again.

The selection process for competitors, including the interview process in 7) is vague and non-transparent. What are the "variety of factors" you describe? If selection is based on a "variety of skills and experience", doesn't this seriously disadvantage certain mappers with less of each, and make the contest less competitive? If the contest is intending to essentially be an invitational event, there needs to be clear selection criteria based on objective quantitative metrics to ensure fairness.


RE. prizes, usually the first edition of unofficial tournaments have to be unbadged, so you'll want to get confirmation on that from the tournaments team ASAP. The inclusion (or absence) of a badge will almost certainly impact some people's willingness to join the contest.
lets fuckin GO
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:


Relating to first point, what impact does the number of contestants have on the work required for contestants? Because the contest will go on too long? Won't it also be ridiculously demanding for judges also? Seems that a smaller scope in initial rounds would offset this and allow more people to participate.

Whilst it's also more taxing for the judges, judges don't have to be the same throughout rounds. A judge can do anything from judging 1 round to all rounds, whereas a contestant of course wouldn't have this freedom to not participate in a challenge, so the amount of work required for a contestant is a far larger concern than for a judge.

JBHyperion wrote:

When referring to a new challenge every 2 weeks in the third point, does this mean the mapping deadline will also be 2 weeks? How long will judging take, and by extension, what will the downtime be between challenges? If the judging of one challenge overlaps with the start of the next challenge, people may be creating something for a challenge they won't even be able to submit for, due to elimination, which seems unfair.

This could've been explained better (in fact time scale itself should've probably not been mentioned since depending on the challenge, deadlines may be longer if it's more complex), but the two weeks refers to a week to map, followed by 5-6 days to judge, with the speedmap being done on the day results are finished. Challenges will never overlap.

JBHyperion wrote:

Further to this point, in point number 4, there will also be a speedmapping challenge between the bottom two entrants? What happens if the two people are in totally different time-zones and can't be coordinated to map at the same time? Will entrants be able to reschedule the speedmapping challenge if it doesn't suit their availability?

The speedmapping challenge won't be required at a set time, but rather, once the bottom 2 are announced, they will be given one day to contact me, at which point they will have one hour to map a short section of a song (length will depend on how far through the competition they are, but never longer than a minute). They will not be told the song before contacting me saying they're ready.

JBHyperion wrote:

Regarding point 6, isn't the potential for team challenges extremely limited with only 6 entrants at the start? Even with 10, "the highest number you would ever possibly allow", the possibilities are still inherently limited.

You're right, with the low contestant count, team challenges between contestants will likely be very limited and not take place often, if at all, but there's a possibility of them, which is why I chose to include that.

JBHyperion wrote:


What constitutes "osu!catch mapping" for the purposes of 1)? Will things like BG, hitsounds, storyboarding be taken into consideration?

Good question, and something I'll edit into the rules later on. Hitsounds will be taken into account, however background and storyboard will not (with them probably being removed before given to any judges). This rule was really supposed to just reinforce for the final time that this is an osu!catch mapping contest, and not any other mode.

JBHyperion wrote:

How will you ensure that users receive no outside input before submitting entries for the purposes of 5)? I totally understand the reasoning for this rule, but I think making "Anyone found doing ..." the main subject better represents what you can realistically achieve.

Good point, will reword this later.

JBHyperion wrote:

Banning participants from entering future iterations as mentioned in 6) seems weird. What if future contests offer greater prizes, present substantial differences in quality of competition (and thus difficulty in winning), etc.? Surely to claim you are the king / queen, you have to beat the best, not the "best of the rest"? If someone is the best at something multiple contests / years in a row, they deserve to be able to enter those contests, and prove it by winning again.

The reason for this clause is primarily to allow new people to participate each year (given the small contestant size), however to me it also increases the, I'm not exactly sure how to word it, but pressure of the challenge I guess? Knowing you only have one chance in my eyes pushes you to do your best for that chance. As for prizes changing, I actually may consider adjusting this so that if prizes increase by a substantial amount, re-entry may be possible.

Another possibility is just not allowing people to join 2 consecutive iterations, which is an idea I like less but may consider.

JBHyperion wrote:

The selection process for competitors, including the interview process in 7) is vague and non-transparent. What are the "variety of factors" you describe? If selection is based on a "variety of skills and experience", doesn't this seriously disadvantage certain mappers with less of each, and make the contest less competitive? If the contest is intending to essentially be an invitational event, there needs to be clear selection criteria based on objective quantitative metrics to ensure fairness.

The use of "variety of skills and experience" I feel was misinterpreted here. It's referring not to a contestant's individual variety, but towards contestants in the contest as a whole having different styles and experience levels. The reason for this is because with a limited number of participants, reflecting the different ways people think of handling these challenges is more likely to be done with mappers of all different styles, and so those with similar mapping views and experience to each other will be less preferential to vastly different ones. It being vague is a problem, I do agree, however this is unfortunately very difficult to avoid, and doing a type of map to be judged for initial entry I feel would possibly lower variety as the way it is judged may be subject to things like preference of certain styles.

JBHyperion wrote:


RE. prizes, usually the first edition of unofficial tournaments have to be unbadged, so you'll want to get confirmation on that from the tournaments team ASAP. The inclusion (or absence) of a badge will almost certainly impact some people's willingness to join the contest.

I contacted the tournaments team right after making this forum post, so I'm just waiting for a response now.

Thanks for raising these concerns, I hope I answered them all in an understandable way!
Alright, thanks for the detailed responses.

I'm worried the timeframe for challenges is quite short, and still not sure how the entrant selection process is going to work fairly, but otherwise fair enough. Will be watching with interest for now.
Topic Starter
Messages have been sent to all entrants!

First challenge will be starting 31st January at around 10pm GMT.
goodluck yall
Topic Starter
With round 1 underway, I've updated the initial post! It includes information about the first challenge, as well as a list of competitors now, so look in the Challenge 1 Information box to see what the first thing our contestants will face!
Topic Starter
And round 1 is finished! With a score of 202.33/240, Jemzuu is the winner of the challenge!

The rest of the standings are as follows:

#2: Zyzyx (168.33 points)
#3: Daletto (161.5 points)
#4: WildOne94 (139.5 points)
#5: PixelJuul (114.3 points)

JierYagtama unfortunately did not submit an entry, meaning the speedmapping portion of the first round between the bottom 2 was deemed unnecessary, with him being disqualified.

Big congratulations to all of our competitors. For the full results, check here.

There will be a slight delay period between now and the next challenge, as we want to give our competitors a chance to join the olympiad competition if they want to!
Topic Starter
Double post for information related things, but Challenge 2 started, and finished, with the winner, once again, being Jemzuu, this time with a score of 199/240!

The rest of the standings are as follows:

#2: Daletto (178 points)
#3: PixelJuul (124 points)
#4: WildOne94 (97 points)

Unfortunately, Zyzyx didn't submit for this challenge, meaning again, there was a disqualification, and the speedmapping portion was deemed unnecessary.

Big congratulations to everyone. These are the full results.

Next challenge will be starting 27/03/2020, at 10pm GMT!
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